Page 5 - MIN.TTC MRT 19,2015
P. 5
Thursday 19 March 2015
Aruba Celebrates National Anthem and Flag Day!
ORANJESTAD - On Wednes- played each year as Aru- Each year this official na-
day, March 18th, Aruba’s bans celebrate this most tional holiday in Aruba fea-
National Anthem and historic and special day. tures many sporting events
Flag Day was celebrat- The Flag of Aruba was and games throughout the
ed across the island, first proudly adopted and island for kids and adults.
and foremost with the made official on March As is customary,
annual Government Pro- 18th 1976, a majestic and colorful
tocol Ceremony held in along with the official an- folkloric production was
front of the Parliament them “Aruba Dushi Tera,” also held in relation to the
Building in Oranjestad. A composed by Padu del National Anthem and Flag
strong sense of pride is dis- Caribe, Hubert Booi and Day at Plaza Betico Croes
Rufo Wever. in Oranjestad.q