Page 6 - MIN.TTC MRT 19,2015
P. 6


LOCALThursday 19 March 2015

Loyal Guests Joseph and Theresa Hudson Honored by ATA

EAGLE BEACH - Recently          orary title is presented in  Pennsylvania. Joseph and      cate was presented by Mr.     and Carol Lavelle and Mrs.
the Aruba Tourism Author-       the name of the Minister of  Theresa are loyal members     Ernest Giel representing the  Charine Charles represent-
ity had the great pleasure      Tourism as a token of ap-    of La Cabana, and they        Aruba Tourism Authority to-   ing the La Cabana Beach
of honoring a very nice         preciation to guests who     love Aruba for the friendly   gether with friends Joseph    Resort. q
couple  who are loyal and       visit Aruba for 20-or-more   people,
friendly visitors of Aruba, as  consecutive years.           the weather, beaches, res-
Ambassadors of Goodwill,        The honorees were Mr.        taurants and they always
at the La Cabana Beach          Joseph and Mrs. Theresa      say that Aruba is truly ‘One
Resort. The symbolic hon-       Hudson from Allentown,       Happy Island.’ The certifi-
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