Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200608
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a32    local
                        Monday 8 June 2020

            The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba prepares for the ‘new normal’

                                                                                    PALM BEACH — Let's take care of  Wednesday,  June  3rd,  more  than
                                                                                    our health and support each other  45  Ladies  and  Gentlemen  par-
                                                                                    says The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba to their  ticipated  while  practicing  social
                                                                                    employees who carry the title La-   distancing.  The  hotel  is  preparing
                                                                                    dies & Gentlemen.                   their staff not only by keeping them
                                                                                                                        healthy  but  also  to  work  with  the
                                                                                    June is the month that their Ladies  safest  protocol  which  was  taught
                                                                                    and  Gentlemen  are  participating  recently  during  a  training  for  the
                                                                                    every Wednesday for a #5K Walk/     ‘new normal’.q
                                                                                    Run at 6.30AM and/or 5.30PM. Last

              Volunteers clean up                                     The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA):

              Bubali Wetlands                                         Food safety is everyone’s business

                                                                      PORT-OF-SPAIN,  TRINIDAD  we  consume  is  safe  and
              PALM BEACH — Volunteers of Hilton Aruba Caribbean       AND  TOBAGO  —  World  does  not  cause  damage
              Resort & Casino and others have cleaned up the pro-     Food Safety Day 2020 hap-    to our health.  Food safety
              tected  nature  area  Bubali  Wetlands  past  Saturday.   pened on June 7. In the Ca-  involves all the steps taken
              More  than  200  people  gathered  in  favor  of  nature.   ribbean  region,  foodborne  from  farm  to  table  to  pre-
              Aruba  Birdlife  Conservation  is  the  initiative  taker  of   diseases  continue  to  in-  vent  contamination  and
              this  happening.  On  their  Facebook  they  wrote  the   crease and have huge im-   foodborne    illness.   Food
              following poem:                                         pacts on public health and  handlers  should  be  vigi-
                                                                      the  economy.    Thousands  lant  about  preparing  and
              A beginning and an end.                                 of people in the region ex-  cooking   food    properly,
              A pure intention.                                       perience one or more epi-    whilst consumers should be
              Here follows a story of Love in Aruba.                  sodes of foodborne illness.  aware  of  safe  food  prac-
              Of 200 and more who came together for the good                                       tices, foods which may be
              of the children.                                        Each  year,  roughly  1  in  49  unsafe  for  consumption
              Who labored in silence.                                 persons  in  the  Caribbean  and  must  practice  proper
              Blind to race or ethnicity.                             (approximately     142,000  hygiene  before  consum-
              Blind to walks of Life.                                 persons)  will  acquire  a  ing foods. It is a shared re-
              They labored as one, no judgement, no hatred.           foodborne  illness  due  to  sponsibility  between  food
              No pondering between the ears. Not guided by fears.     possible  consumption  of  handlers  and  consumers.
              Coming from Love. United in intuition.                  a  contaminated  food  or  Undoubtedly, food safety is
              They manifested their Love for Aruba's nature.          drink.    This  number  is  in-  everybody’s business.
              They reaped happiness.                                  creased to 1 in 11 persons
              They did it for the children. q                         during  the  frequent  mass  In  the  Caribbean,  food  CARPHA demonstrates the
                                                                      gathering  events  such  as  borne  diseases  (FBDs)  are  increasing  prevalence  of
                                                                      carnival,  cricket,  “limes’,  an increasing public health  diarrheal  illness  and  ongo-
                                                                      food  festivals  and  holi-  concern,  as  reflected  by  ing occurrence of FBD out-
                                                                      day  celebrations  that  the  the  increasing  number  of  breaks Data for 21 CARPHA
                                                                      multi-cultural  Caribbean  is  reported  cases  and  out-  Member  States  from  2005-
                                                                      well noted for.   Moreover,  breaks  of  gastroenteritis  2016 indicate that reported
                                                                      over  40%  of  the  cases  are  and  FBDs.  The  Caribbe-  FBD  pathogens  increased
                                                                      children aged 1-4 years of  an  Public  Health  Agency  by 31%. Salmonella was the
                                                                      age.                         (CARPHA) collates a record  most  common  infection,
                                                                                                   of reported cases of food-   followed by Ciguatera poi-
                                                                      We all have a role to play  borne diseases for the Ca-    soning,  Shigella,  Campylo-
                                                                      to  ensure  that  the  food  ribbean region.   Data from  bacter and Norovirus.q
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