Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200608
P. 28

                        Monday 8 June 2020

            People  walk  on  the  forecourt  of  Notre  Dame's  Cathedral,  in
            Paris, Sunday, May 31, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press
            Workers to begin

            untangling charred metal

            web on Notre Dame                                         German  Foreign  Minister  Heiko  Maas,  wears  a  face  mask  to  protect  against  the  coronavirus

                                                                      following a meeting with his Italian counterpart Di Maio at the Foreign Office in Berlin, Germany,
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Workers  sus-  fire on April 15, 2019.    Friday, June 5, 2020.                                                 Associated Press
            pended from ropes will be  Two  teams  of  five  workers
            lowered  into  the  charred  each  will  take  turns  de-  German minister on relations
            remains of scaffolding that  scending on ropes into the
            melted  atop  Notre  Dame  heat-warped web of scaf-       with U.S.: ‘It’s complicated’
            when  the  cathedral  went  folding, made up of 40,000
            up in flames and begin the  pieces,  and  cut  with  saws
            delicate job of dismantling  through  metal  tubes  that   BERLIN  (AP)  —  Germany's  "values  the  cooperation  Maas  said  Germany  and
            the 200 tons of metal.       fused together in the infer-  top diplomat says ties with  with  U.S.  forces  that  has  the United States are "close
            An  announcement  that  no. The chunks will then be       the United States are "com-  grown  over  decades.  It  is  partners in the trans-Atlan-
            the work will start Monday  lifted out by a crane.        plicated" and he fears that  in  the  interest  of  both  our  tic alliance. But it's compli-
            and  last  through  the  sum-  The imposing tower of scaf-  America's  domestic  dis-  countries."                  cated."
            mer months came Sunday  folding was erected before        cord  could  further  fuel  in-  The  Wall  Street  Journal  re-  He  voiced  concerns  that
            from the office overseeing  the blaze for the restoration   ternational tensions.      ported Friday that President  the  U.S.  presidential  elec-
            the restoration of the cen-  of Notre Dame's spire that   Foreign Minister Heiko Maas  Donald Trump has ordered  tion  campaign  could  fur-
            turies-old  jewel  of  Gothic  was then toppled and de-   said  in  an  interview  pub-  the  Pentagon  to  reduce  ther  polarize  America  and
            architecture  ravaged  by  stroyed by the flames. q       lished  Sunday  that  if  the  the  number  of  U.S.  troops  stoke populist politics.
                                                                      U.S. goes ahead with plans  in  Germany  by  9,500.  Cur-  "Then  co-existence  within
            10-foot great white shark                                 to  withdraw  thousands  of  rently  there  are  34,500  the country doesn't just be-
                                                                      troops stationed in Germa-
                                                                                                   American service members  come  harder,  it  also  fuels
            kills surfer in Australia                                 ny  then  Berlin  would  "take  permanently  assigned  in  conflicts on the internation-
                                                                                                   Germany as part of a long-
                                                                      note of this."
                                                                                                                                al level," he was quoted as
                                                                      Maas  told  weekly  Bild  am  standing arrangement with  saying. "That's the last thing
                                                                      Sonntag    that   Germany  America's NATO ally.           we need."q
                                                                        India, China decide to continue

                                                                        efforts to defuse border row

                                                                        ASHOK SHARMA
                                                                        Associated Press
                                                                        NEW  DELHI  (AP)  —  In-
                                                                        dia  and  China  will  press
                                                                        ahead  with  military  and
            In this image made from aerial video, a jet ski passes over a   diplomatic  engagements
            shark swimming along the coast of Kingscliff, New South Whales,   in a bid to resolve a stand-
            Australia, Sunday, June 7, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press   off  along  their  disputed
            SYDNEY (AP) — A 60-year-     Life  Saving  NSW,  said  in  a   Himalayan frontier, the for-  In  this  June  17,  2016,  file  photo,  an  Indian  tourist  rides  on  a
                                                                        eign ministry in New Delhi
            old  surfer  was  attacked  statement. The victim, from     said Sunday.               horse back at the Pangong Lake high up in Ladakh region of
            and killed by a 3-meter (10-  Tugun  just  over  the  state   The External Affairs Ministry   India.
            foot)  great  white  shark  off  border  in  Queensland,  re-  said  in  statement  that  a                                   Associated Press
            the coast of northern New  ceived first aid on the shore    meeting  between  Indian  Beijing. Indian officials say  They said the Chinese sol-
            South  Wales  state  on  Sun-  but died on the beach.       and Chinese military com-  the standoff began in ear-  diers  ignored  repeated
            day, officials said.         “A shark biologist assessed    manders at a border post  ly  May  when  large  con-   verbal  warnings  to  leave,
            The  man  received  a  bite  photographs    and    con-     in  the  Himalayan  region  tingents  of  Chinese  sol-  triggering shouting match-
            to  the  back  of  his  thigh  firmed  a  white  shark  was   on Saturday took place in  diers entered deep inside  es, stone-throwing and fist-
            and  was  brought  to  the  responsible for the fatal at-   a "cordial and positive at-  Indian-controlled  territory  fights.
            shore  by  other  surfers  who  tack,”  the  state’s  Depart-  mosphere."  There  was  no  at three places in Ladakh,  India also mobilized thou-
            had  fought  off  the  shark,  ment  of  Primary  Industries   immediate  reaction  from  erecting  tents  and  posts.  sands of soldiers. q
            a  surf  rescue  group,  Surf  said. q
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