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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 8 June 2020
              Officials urge Floyd protesters to get coronavirus tests

              Continued from Front                                                                                             tional  Guard  troops  from
                                                                                                                               South  Carolina  were  seen
              He mandated that protes-                                                                                         checking out of their hotel
              ters  wear  masks,  and  he                                                                                      Sunday shortly before Pre-
              came with boxes of them.                                                                                         sident Donald Trump twee-
              He  also  asked  the  group                                                                                      ted  he  was  giving  the  or-
              to  try  to  maintain  social                                                                                    der to withdraw them from
              distancing  but  acknow-                                                                                         the nation’s capital.
              ledged “it’s kind of hard in                                                                                     The D.C. mayor had called
              a protest.”                                                                                                      on Trump last week to wit-
              Attendees also were offe-                                                                                        hdraw outside forces amid
              red  free  coronavirus  tests                                                                                    days  of  largely  peaceful
              at one church.                                                                                                   rallies  after  he  ordered
              “COVID-19  hit  the  inner                                                                                       guard  troops  to  “domina-
              city  harder  than  anybody                                                                                      te” the streets.
              else,”  Watts  said.  “And  so                                                                                   At  the  newly  renamed
              we have to be very care-                                                                                         Black  Lives  Matter  Plaza
              ful. We’re the only ones in                                                                                      near  the  White  House,
              a pandemic within a pan-                                                                                         protesters  posed  with  the
              demic.”  Brooklyn  resident                                                                                      street  sign  and  the  yellow
              Celeste Douglas attended                                                                                         block lettering painted on
              her third protest in the past                                                                                    the pavement by the city.
              week and said she’ll conti-  Protesters rally near the edge of Times Square in New York, Sunday, June 7, 2020.   As  ice  cream  truck  jingles
              nue until legislation is pas-                                                                   Associated Press  mixed  with  protest  chats,
              sed on budgets for police                                                                                        the  district’s  Metropolitan
              and education.              City  prepared  to  enter  its  protesters,  the  fewest  ar-  the  globe.  Floyd’s  body  Police  Department  patrol-
              “I want to tell my children  first  phase  of  reopening  rests,  the  fewest  problems  arrived in Texas for a third  led in place of federal law
              when  they  ask  when  this  after  virus  shutdowns.  Up  and that convinced me it  and final memorial service,  enforcement  officers  and
              stuff  started  to  change,  I  to  400,000  people  are  ex-  was time for the curfew to  said  Houston  Police  Chief  National Guard troops.
              want  to  tell  them  I  was  a  pected  to  head  back  to  go away. I have no inten-  Art  Acevedo.  A  viewing  On Saturday, a small group
              part  of  it,”  Douglas  said,  the  workplace  Monday,  tion of bringing it back.”  is  planned  for  Monday  in  of  demonstrators  toppled
              acknowledging being ner-    with many using a subway  Chicago  Mayor  Lori  Light-   Houston, followed by a ser-  a statue of a Confederate
              vous  in  a  crowd  during  a  system that most New Yor-  foot  also  lifted  the  city’s  vice and burial Tuesday in  general in Richmond, Virgi-
              pandemic  but  also  plan-  kers  have  avoided  since  curfew,  reopened  down-     suburban Pearland.          nia,  the  former  capital  of
              ning to be tested.          March to keep away from  town train stations and al-     The  46-year-old  out-of-   the  Confederacy.  Virginia
              Catherine    Corien,    a  crowds.                      lowed  full  bus  service  to  work  bouncer  died  after  Gov.  Ralph  Northam  has
              60-year-old   dental   hy-  Mayor  Bill  de  Blasio  lifted  resume  following  days  of  a  Minneapolis  police  of-  pledged to remove a sta-
              gienist  in  Brooklyn,  said  the  city’s  8  p.m.  curfew  largely calm protests.   ficer pressed his knee into  tue  of  Gen.  Robert  E.  Lee
              fear  of  catching  the  virus  imposed for the Floyd pro-  Cities  imposed  curfews  his  neck  for  several  minu-  after  days  of  Floyd  pro-
              prevented  her  from  par-  tests.  The  police  pulled  amid  last  week’s  spasms  tes even after he stopped  tests.    Protesters  in  Bristol,
              ticipating  until  Sunday.  back on enforcing the cur-  of  arson,  assaults  and  responding. His  death has  England , tore down a sta-
              She  finally  ventured  out  few Saturday as thousands  smash-and-grab  raids  on  drawn  new  attention  to  tue  of  Edward  Colston,  a
              and stood near the back,  turned out.                   businesses.  Recent  U.S.  the  treatment  of  African  17th  century  slave  trader,
              wearing a mask and kee-     “Last night was the best by  protests have been overw-   Americans  by  police  and  and pushed it into the har-
              ping  some  distance  from  far,”  de  Blasio  said.  “We  helmingly  peaceful,  as  the criminal justice system.  bor of the port city in sout-
              other protesters. New York  had the biggest number of  were  rallies  held  around  In  Washington,  D.C.,  Na-  hwestern England.q

            Democrats' legislation would overhaul police accountability

            By LISA MASCARO              CNN's "State of the Union,"  that have come under criti-
            AP  Congressional  Corre-    speaking after massive pro-  cism,  especially  as  more
            spondent                     tests set off by the death of  and  more  police  violence
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Dem-       George Floyd and other Af-   is  captured  on  cell  phone
            ocrats  are  proposing  to  rican  Americans  involving  video  and  shared  widely
            overhaul  legal  protections  the police.                 across the nation, and the
            for  police,  create  a  na-  She  said  t  he  package   world.
            tional  database  of  exces-  from  House  and  Senate  The  draft  document  said
            sive-force  episodes  and  Democrats  will  be  bolder  the  proposed  legislation
            ban  police  choke  holds  in  than any law enforcement  would  revise  the  federal
            legislation coming Monday  changes  of  the  past  de-    criminal police misconduct
            in  response  to  the  deaths  cade.  "It  is  time  for  police  statute  to  make  it  easier
            of  black  Americans  at  the  culture  in  many  depart-  to  prosecute  officers  who
            hands of law enforcement,  ments to change," she said.  are involved in misconduct
            according  to  a  draft  out-  "And  we  believe  that  the  "knowingly  or  with  reckless
            line obtained by The Asso-   legislation will make a ma-  disregard."                  With the U.S. Capitol and Washington Monument in the distance,
            ciated Press.                jor  step  forward  in  that  di-  The  legislation  would  seek   a  man stands  at  the  edge  of  the  Lincoln Memorial  Reflecting
            "We're in a real moment in  rection."                     to  provide  greater  over-  Pool at sunrise, Sunday, June 7, 2020, in Washington.
            our  country,"  Rep.  Karen  The  Justice  in  Policing  Act  sight  and  transparency  of                                      Associated Press
            Bass,  D-Ca.,  chairwoman  confronts  several  aspects  police  behavior  in  several  the  Justice  Department  potential  misconduct  and
            of the Congressional Black  of  law  enforcement  ac-     ways.  For  one,  it  would  to  conduct  "pattern  and  help  states  conduct  inde-
            Caucus,  said  Sunday  on  countability  and  practices  grant  subpoena  power  to  practice"  investigations  of  pendent investigations.q
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