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A26    U.S. NEWS
                        Monday 8 June 2020
            Criminals stealing unemployment benefits as claims surge

            By SARAH SKIDMORE SELL                                                                                              the issue and getting prop-
            AP Personal Finance Writer                                                                                          er  payment  means  going
            Criminals  are  seizing  on  a                                                                                      through  the  state  agency
            surge  in  job  losses  to  steal                                                                                   that  processes  unemploy-
            unemployment       benefits                                                                                         ment benefit claims, which
            from  Americans  nation-                                                                                            is  potentially  already  over-
            wide.  This  complicates  an                                                                                        whelmed.
            already   tough    situation                                                                                        The  U.S.  Secret  Service  is-
            for  millions  of  financially                                                                                      sued  a  memo  last  month
            strapped  Americans  and                                                                                            that  suggested  a  well-
            overwhelmed  state  unem-                                                                                           organized  Nigerian  fraud
            ployment offices.                                                                                                   ring  was  targeting  state
            While there's no exact mea-                                                                                         unemployment      systems,
            sure  of  how  many  fraudu-                                                                                        according to the New York
            lent  claims  have  been                                                                                            Times, which got a copy of
            made,  states  from  Wash-                                                                                          the  document.  But  agents
            ington to Maine say they've                                                                                         were still working to pinpoint
            seen  an  increase  and  nu-                                                                                        who was involved and from
            merous  federal  agencies                                                                                           where.  The  memo  said
            are working to fight it.                                                                                            that  Washington  was  the
            "About  10%  of  (unemploy-                                                                                         hardest-hit  state  but  there
            ment insurance) payments                                                                                            was evidence of attacks in
            are  improper  under  the                                                                                           North  Carolina,  Massachu-
            best  of  times,  and  we  are   In this Wednesday, May 13, 2020 file photo, a sign announces a store closing in Niles, Ill.   setts, Rhode Island, Oklaho-
            in the worst of times," Scott                                                                      Associated Press  ma, Wyoming and  Florida.
            Dahl, the inspector general  Velasquez,  president  and  Additionally,  state  unem-   nals  using  stolen  data  to  The  California  cybersecu-
            for  the  U.S.  Labor  Depart-  CEO of the nonprofit Iden-  ployment  agencies  have  make  claims  using  some-    rity firm Agari estimated last
            ment,  told  the  House  Sub-  tity  Theft  Resource  Center,  been   overwhelmed   by  one  else's  identity.  The  in-  week that at least 11 states
            committee on Government  which  has  seen  a  sharp  claims  and  are  working  to  formation  has  often  been  have been targeted.
            Operations. Dahl estimated  jump  in  calls  for  help  with  get  payments  to  those  in  gleaned  from  prior  data  On  Thursday,  officials  in
            that  at  least  $26  billion  in  unemployment fraud.    need  as  fast  as  possible.  breaches or direct attacks  Washington  said  the  state
            benefits  could  be  wasted,  Since  mid-March,  42.7  mil-  In  some  cases,  security  on state systems.          has recovered $333 million
            with the bulk of that going  lion  people  have  applied  experts  say  the  new  pro-  In  many  cases,  victims  out an estimated $550 mil-
            to fraudsters.               for  unemployment  ben-      cesses,  added  workload  don't know they have been  lion to $650 million paid out
            This  forces  unemployed  efits,  though  some  have  and outdated systems may  affected  until  they  apply  fraudulently.
            workers,  already  reeling  been  rehired  as  states  al-  have  made  it  easier  for  for  benefits  and  find  out  Those with jobs are also tar-
            from  the  loss  of  a  job,  to  low  businesses  to  reopen.  criminals to act.      someone has beat them to  gets of the fraudsters. Blake
            fight  for  the  benefits  they  On  Thursday,  the  federal  "This  is  El  Dorado  for  them  the punch. Some even find  Victor  Kent  said  that  last
            need and are entitled to.    government  said  21.5  mil-  and it's pure hell for victims,"  their benefit payments halt-  week  he  got  a  letter  from
            "We are deeply concerned  lion  people  are  receiving  said  Adam  Levin,  founder  ed  when  a  criminal  usurps  the Massachusetts  Depart-
            about  the  well-being  of  jobless  aid.  That  creates  of data security firm Cyber-  their benefits.             ment  of  Unemployment
            these  people  and  when  added        opportunity   for  Scout.                       Victims should report a sus-  Assistance  informing  him
            they  will  get  this  resolved  criminals.  An  extra  $600  a  Security  experts  say  the  pected fraud to the state,  that they had commenced
            and  get  the  money  they  week  in  benefits  makes  it  bulk  of  the  fraud  appears  their  employer  and  file  a  payments for his unemploy-
            need  to  live  on,"  said  Eva  more lucrative.          to be committed by crimi-    police report. But resolving  ment claim.q

            Deputy killed in California ambush by Air Force sergeant

                                                                      By MARTHA MENDOZA            fornia  Highway  Patrol  was  60th Security Forces Squad-
                                                                      SANTA  CRUZ,  Calif.  (AP)  —  shot in his hand, Hart said.  ron.  Carrillo’s  wife  Monika
                                                                      A  Northern  California  sher-  Gutzwiller  “was  a  beloved  Leigh  Scott  Carrillo,  who
                                                                      iff’s  deputy  was  killed  and  figure  here  at  the  sheriff’s  was  also  in  the  Air  Force,
                                                                      two  law  enforcement  of-   office,” the sheriff said.   was found dead in an off-
                                                                      ficers  wounded  Saturday  “Damon showed up today  base  hotel  in  May  2018
                                                                      when they were ambushed  to  do  his  job,  to  keep  this  while  she  was  stationed  in
                                                                      with gunfire and explosives  community  safe,  and  his  South Carolina. She was 30.
                                                                      while  pursuing  a  suspect,  life  was  taken  needlessly,”  Her death was investigated
                                                                      authorities said.            a visibly shaken Hart said.  by the Sumter County Sher-
                                                                      The  U.S.  Air  Force  con-  The  suspect,  Steven  Car-  iff’s  Office,  in  coordination
                                                                      firmed Sunday that the sus-  rillo,  32,  was  shot  during  with the Air Force Office of
                                                                      pect  was  an  active  duty  his  arrest  and  was  being  Special  Investigations,  and
                                                                      sergeant stationed at Travis  treated  at  the  hospital  for  ruled  a  suicide,  according
                                                                      Air Force Base.              non-life-threatening   inju-  to the Air Force.
                                                                      Sgt.  Damon  Gutzwiller,  38,  ries,  Hart  said.  The  Sheriff’s  On Saturday in Santa Cruz
                                                                      was  shot  and  killed  in  Ben  Department  and  the  FBI  County,  deputies  respond-
                                                                      Lomond,  an  unincorporat-   are  investigating.  A  Travis  ed to a 911 call around 1:30
                                                                      ed  area  near  Santa  Cruz,  Air  Force  Base  spokesman  p.m.  about  a  suspicious
                                                                      Santa  Cruz  County  Sher-   confirmed   Sunday    that  van.  The  caller  said  there
            This  photo  provided  by  the  Santa  Cruz  County  Sheriff’s  Office   iff  Jim  Hart  said.  A  second  Carrillo had arrived at Travis  were  guns  and  bomb-
            shows Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller.                              deputy was injured, and a  Air Force Base in June 2018  making devices inside, Hart
                                                     Associated Press  third  officer  from  the  Cali-  and was a member of the  said.q
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