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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 7 July 2020
            France: Macron ousts security chief after police protests

            By SYLVIE CORBET and AN-                                                                                            been  Assange;  accom-
            GELA CHARLTON                                                                                                       plices to Mohamed Merah,
            PARIS  (AP) — French Presi-                                                                                         who  killed  Jewish  children,
            dent  Emmanuel  Macron                                                                                              a  rabbi  and  paratroopers
            ousted  his  top  security  of-                                                                                     in a 2012 rampage around
            ficial  Monday  following                                                                                           Toulouse;   and     former
            protests over police brutal-                                                                                        French  government  minis-
            ity as part of a government                                                                                         ters accused of tax fraud or
            shakeup aimed at focusing                                                                                           sexual harassment.
            on France's post-pandemic                                                                                           Two    other     important
            economic recovery for the                                                                                           changes  are  at  the  Labor
            remaining two years of Ma-                                                                                          Ministry,  whose  new  chief,
            cron's term.                                                                                                        Elisabeth Borne, will have to
            In  a  surprise  move,  Ma-                                                                                         deal with a pending surge
            cron named a provocative                                                                                            in unemployment, and the
            lawyer  who  has  defended                                                                                          Ministry for Ecological Tran-
            WikiLeaks  founder  Julian                                                                                          sition,  to  be  led  by  former
            Assange  and  suspected                                                                                             Green  Party  legislator  Bar-
            terrorists  as  head  of  the                                                                                       bara Pompili.
            Justice  Ministry.  A  former                                                                                       Macron didn't change the
            Green    Party   lawmaker                                                                                           finance or health ministers,
            was appointed to lead the                                                                                           posts  central  to  helping
            powerful  Ministry  for  Eco-  In this May 19, 2020 file photo, French government coordinator for the end of lockdown Jean   France through the virus cri-
            logical  Transition  after  Ma-  Castex leaves after a videoconference with the French President and French mayors at the Elysee   sis and recession, or the for-
            cron  came  under  criticism   Palace in Paris.                                                                     eign and defense ministers.
            for  lagging  on  promises  to                                                                     Associated Press  The  new  government  will
            cut emissions.                                                                                                      be  led  by  Prime  Minister
            The   42-year-old   centrist  First  among  the  priorities  replace  Interior  Minister  an  experiment  with  ex-  Jean Castex. who was ap-
            leader,  whose  presidency  that  Macron  listed  is  help-  Christophe  Castaner,  who  panded Taser use.          pointed  Friday.  Macron
            has been buffeted by pro-    ing  the  world's  sixth-largest  had come under fire amid  Darmanin,  a  member  of  last week ditched Edouard
            tests and now the virus cri-  economy recover from the  widespread French protests  Macron's  young  guard,  is  Philippe, who as prime min-
            sis,  promised  that  the  new  battering  delivered  by  the  against racial injustice and  a former conservative who  ister steered France through
            government would be one  coronavirus  pandemic.  His  police violence spurred by  joined  Macron's  centrist  its  coronavirus  lockdown
            of "purpose and unity." Ma-  new  lineup  includes  some  the death of George Floyd  party in 2017 and is seen as  and the first three years of
            cron tweeted that his 2017  new  faces  but  also  leans  in the United States.        outspoken but effective.     Macron's presidency.
            campaign     promises    to  heavily  on  loyalists  as  Ma-  In  response,  Castaner  ini-  The  new  government  re-  Castex is a career civil ser-
            modernize France and free  cron  seeks  to  steady  the  tially  announced  a  ban  flects  a  balance  of  figures  vant, and his low profile sug-
            up  its  businesses  remain  country.                     on  the  use  of  chokeholds  from the left and right and  gests  that  Macron  doesn't
            central to his agenda, but  One  key  change  is  at  the  in  policing,  but  he  then  from  outside  politics  alto-  want to be overshadowed
            he "must adapt to the inter-  Interior  Ministry,  which  is  in  backed  down  in  the  face  gether  --  like  Eric  Dupond-  should  he  choose  to  seek
            national upheavals and cri-  charge  of  police.  Former  of  counter-demonstrations  Moretti,  arguably  France's  reelection in 2022. Macron
            ses we are experiencing. A  budget     minister   Gerald  and  pressure  by  police  most famous lawyer.            has not yet said if he'll run
            new path must be forged."    Darmanin  was  named  to  unions.  He  also  launched  Among  his  clients  have  for a second term.q

            Iran confirms damaged nuclear site was centrifuge facility

            TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran on  center  in  2013  and  it  was  Iran  has  long  maintained
            Sunday  confirmed  that  a  inaugurated in 2018.          its  atomic  program  is  for
            damaged  building  at  the  "More  advanced  centri-      peaceful purposes.
            underground  Natanz  nu-     fuge  machines  were  in-    An  online  video  and  mes-
            clear site was a new centri-  tended  to  be  built  there,"  sages  purportedly  claim-
            fuge  assembly  center,  the  he  said,  adding  that  the  ing responsibility for the fire
            official  IRNA  news  agency  damage  would  "possibly  were  released  Friday.  The
            reported.                    cause a delay in develop-    multiple,  different  claims
            Iranian  officials  had  previ-  ment  and  production  of  by  a  self-described  group
            ously  sought  to  downplay  advanced  centrifuge  ma-    called  the  "Cheetahs  of
            the fire, which erupted ear-  chines in the medium term."  the  Homeland,"  as  well  as
            ly on Thursday, calling it only  He  said  that  the  fire  had  the  fact  that  Iran  experts
            an "incident" that affected  damaged  "precision  and  have  never  heard  of  the
            an  "industrial  shed."  How-  measuring    instruments,"  group before, raised ques-
            ever, a released photo and  and  that  the  center  had  tions  about  whether  Na-    This photo released Thursday, July 2, 2020, by the Atomic Energy
            video of the site broadcast  not  been  operating  at  full  tanz again had faced sab-  Organization of Iran shows a building after it was damaged by
            by  Iranian  state  television  capacity due to restrictions  otage by a foreign nation,   a fire at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility, some 200 miles
            showed  a  two-story  brick  imposed  by  Tehran's  2015  as it had during the Stuxnet   (322 kilometers) south of the capital Tehran, Iran.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            building  with  scorch  marks  nuclear  deal  with  world  computer  virus  outbreak
            and its roof apparently de-  powers. Iran began experi-   believed to have been en-    of Tehran that analysts be-  ated  Press  on  Friday,  rely-
            stroyed.                     menting  with  advanced  gineered  by  the  U.S.  and  lieve hides an underground  ing  on  released  pictures
            A  spokesman  for  Iran's  nu-  centrifuge  models  in  the  Israel.                   tunnel  system  and  missile  and  satellite  images,  iden-
            clear agency, Behrouz Ka-    wake of the U.S. unilaterally  The  Natanz  fire  also  came  production sites.        tified the affected building
            malvandi, said Sunday that  withdrawing from the deal  less  than  a  week  after  an  Two  U.S.-based  analysts  as  Natanz's  new  Iran  Cen-
            work  had  begun  on  the  two years ago.                 explosion  in  an  area  east  who  spoke  to  The  Associ-  trifuge Assembly Center.q
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