Page 36 - Marriott Aruba
P. 36
Monday 7 September 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Marriott Surf Club
PALM BEACH - Re- and Dr. Charles and
cently the Aruba Mrs. Susan Glaser
Tourism Authority had from Coral Spring,
the great pleasure Florida. Both families
of honoring a group are loyal members of
of very nice families the Marriott Surf Club
whom are loyal and and they love Aruba
friendly visitors of Aru- very much because
ba, at the Marriott Surf of the friendly peo-
Club as Distinguished ple, the climate, the
Visitors. The symbolic beaches, the restau-
honorary titles are pre- rants and the relax-
sented in the name of ation. They say being
the Minister of Tourism on Aruba and staying
as a token of appre- at the Surf Club is like
ciation to guests who being in paradise. The
visit Aruba for 10-to-19 certificates were pre-
consecutive years. sented by Mr. Ernest
The honorees were Giel representing the
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Aruba Tourism Author-
Lainne Ash and their ity together with Ms.
lovely daughters from Jenny Boekhoudt,
New York, New York, Mrs. Orline Palmer and
Mr. Robert and Mrs. GM Mr. Joop Bangma
Susan Wood from representing the Mar-
Warrenton, Virginia, riott Surf Club.q