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The Radisson Blu Aruba Wins Prestigious “Best of Choice” 2024 Award

 The  Radisson  Blu  Aruba  is  thrilled  to  announce  that   For  more  information  or  to  make  a  reservation  at
 it  has  been  awarded  with  a  prestigious  2024  “Best   this award-winning hotel, visit or
 of  Choice”  Award  by  Choice  Hotels  International,
 Inc. (NYSE: CHH), one of the world's leading lodging   hotels.q
 franchisors. This esteemed recognition highlights the
 exceptional dedication to guest satisfaction and su-  About Radisson Blu Aruba
 perior service that the hotel has consistently demon-  Located in Palm Beach, Radisson Blu Aruba embod-
 strated since its opening three years ago.  ies the essence of Caribbean luxury with a boutique
 hotel  feel.  With  its  prime  location  overlooking  the
 Among  more  than  6,500  hotel  owners  and  execu-  Caribbean Sea, the 156-room hotel offers guests an
 tives, General Manager of the resort, Luigi Wix and   unparalleled  tropical  experience.  The  resort  offers
 Commercial  Director,  Shareska  Gutierrez,  jetted   one-, two- and three-bedroom suites with separate
 off to Las Vegas to receive the award, where they   living  areas,  world-class  dining  options  and  a  host
 enjoyed  an  unforgettable  ceremony.  The  “Best  of   of  upscale  amenities  including  an  on-site  spa,  fully
 Choice” Award is the highest form of award within  ba, expressed his gratitude for the award, saying, "We  equipped  gym  and  two  pristine  pools.  As  the  only
 Choice Hotels, granted to the top hotels within the  are truly honored to receive the 2024 'Best of Choice'  LEED Certified resort in Aruba, Radisson Blu Aruba’s
 company’s domestic and international portfolio, rep-  Award, especially as we celebrate our third anniver-  accommodations prioritize the environment, featur-
 resenting a tremendous accomplishment. As one of  sary. This recognition is a testament to the hard work  ing  energy-efficient  lighting,  low-flow  water  fixtures
 the top-tier properties operating under the Radisson  and dedication of our entire team, who consistently  and eco-friendly amenities. For more information, visit
 Blu flag, the hotel has demonstrated an exceptional  strive to provide our guests with unforgettable experi-
 focus on guest satisfaction and dedication to supe-  ences at our One Happy Island."
 rior service. Award criteria are evaluated by Choice  As Radisson Blu Aruba continues to write its story of   About Choice Hotels®
 Hotels through its official property ranking reports.   success, this international accolade serves as a tes-  Choice Hotels International, Inc. (NYSE: CHH) is one
 tament  to  its  dedication  to  providing  exceptional  of  the  largest  lodging  franchisors  in  the  world.  The
 Since opening its doors three years ago, Radisson Blu  experiences that leave a lasting impression on every  challenger in upscale and a leader in midscale and
 Aruba  has  quickly  become  a  beloved  destination  guest.  extended stay, Choice® has over 7,500 hotels, repre-
 for travelers seeking modern luxury, relaxation, and   senting more than 630,000 rooms, in 46 countries and
 authentic service. Led by a dedicated all-local lead-  The Radisson Blu Aruba is proud to be part of Choice  territories. A diverse portfolio of 22 brands that range
 ership team, the resort has earned a reputation for  Privileges,  the  award-winning  rewards  program  from  full-service  upper  upscale  properties  to  mid-
 delivering unforgettable experiences that showcase  where members earn points on eligible charges dur-  scale, extended stay and economy enables Choice®
 the  beauty  and  charm  of  Aruba.  From  its  stunning  ing  their  stay,  which  can  be  redeemed  for  reward  to meet travelers’ needs in more places and for more
 accommodations  and  amenities  to  its  breathtak-  nights at nearly 7,500 hotels across 22 brands locat-  occasions while driving more value for franchise own-
 ing  surroundings  and  commitment  to  sustainability,  ed in 47 countries and territories worldwide. With the  ers and shareholders. The award-winning Choice Priv-
 guests are treated to a tranquil and rejuvenating stay  Choice Privileges Mastercard and Choice Privileges  ileges® rewards program and co-brand credit card
 in Palm Beach.   Select Mastercard, members can earn more points  options provide members with a fast and easy way to
 faster, including on everyday purchases.   earn reward nights and personalized perks. For more
 Luigi Wix, General Manager of the Radisson Blu Aru-  information, visit
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