P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 3 February 2020

            France's  Alexis  Pinturault,  center,  winner  of  an  alpine  ski,
            men's World Cup giant slalom, celebrates on the podium with
            second-placed  Switzerland's  Loic  Meillard,  left,  and  third-
            placed  Norway's  Leif  Kristian  Nestvold  Haugen,  in  Garmisch
            Partenkirchen, Germany, Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020.
                                                     Associated Press
            Pinturault rallies

            from 4th to win GS,                                       Italy's Federica Brignone celebrates winning an alpine ski, women's World Cup super G, in Rosa
                                                                      Khutor, Russia, Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020.
            Kristoffersen 7th                                         Brignone wins super-G in overall                                      Associated Press

            GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCH-        Badia,  and  Slovenia's  Zan
            EN, Germany (AP) — Alexis  Kranjec in Adelboden.           leader Shiffrin's absence
            Pinturault became the first  On  Sunday,  Kristoffersen
            skier this season to win two  dropped  from  second  be-
            men's World Cup giant sla-   hind  Meillard  after  the   ROSA  KHUTOR,  Russia  (AP)  G, in GS, in downhill, it's per-  Shiffrin's  teammate  Breezy
            loms,  triumphing  on  the  opening  run  to  seventh,    —  Federica  Brignone  won  fect for me."                 Johnson  crashed  halfway
            Kandahar 2 course Sunday  and  Kranjec  finished  fifth   a  women's  World  Cup  su-  It was the fourth 1-2 finish for  through  her  run  but  the
            to  end  a  series  of  disap-  to hold on to his lead in the   per-G  after  overall  leader  the  Italian  women's  team  American  got  up  and  ap-
            pointing results in his stron-  discipline standings, closely   Mikaela Shiffrin sat out the  this Word Cup season.  peared  unhurt.  Johnson
            gest discipline.             followed  by  Kristoffersen   race  on  Sunday,  strength-  "It was really a tough week  returned to the World Cup
            The  Frenchman  won  the  and Pinturault.                 ening  her  runner-up  posi-  after  Bansko  for  me,"  said  in January after a 16-month
            season-opener  in  October  The  Norwegian  remained      tion in the standings.       runner-up  Goggia,  who  injury layoff.
            but  placed  17th,  eighth  in  the  lead  of  the  overall   The  win  left  the  Italian  270  wore a cast to protect her  The  super-G  was  the  first
            and 10th respectively in the  standings  with  877  points,   points short of Shiffrin's lead-  tibia.              World Cup race here since
            next three GS events.        while  second-place  Pin-    ing tally.                   "I am happy with my result  the Sochi Olympics.
            On  Sunday,  he  was  0.18  turault  closed  the  gap  to   The  American  three-time  but  I  think  I  didn't  ski  that  A  downhill  on  Saturday
            seconds  off  the  lead  in  55 points.                   overall champion decided  well," she added.               was  canceled  after  days
            fourth  before  posting  the  Aleksander  Aamodt  Kilde   to skip the races in the 2014  Joana  Haehlen  of  Switzer-  of  heavy  snowfall  affect-
            third-fastest time in the sec-  was  two  more  points  be-  Olympic  resort  after  win-  land  finished  0.34  behind  ed the slope. The unfavor-
            ond  run  and  beat  first-run  hind in third, after the Nor-  ning  the  previous  super-G  in third for her second ca-  able weather had already
            leader Loic Meillard by 0.16.  wegian  finished  Sunday's   and  a  downhill  in  Bulgaria  reer podium, a week after  wiped out all three training
            The Swiss skier matched his  race in sixth.               a week ago.                  she  also  finished  third  in  a  days this week.
            career best result by finish-  "For me it was a very good   With  cloudy  weather  af-  downhill.                   Last  season,  when  Shiffrin
            ing second.                  day," Pinturault said. "I saw   fecting  visibility,  Brignone  Her   fourth-place   Swiss  was also skipping the event,
            The win came five days af-   Kilde was also good, Henrik   overcame  a  mistake  half-  teammate  Corinne  Suter  bad  weather  caused  the
            ter Pinturault came runner-  was maybe a bit less today   way  down  the  course  was the only other skier to  cancellation of both races.
            up in a night slalom in Schl-  but  it  is  a  strong  competi-  when she caught a bump  finish  within  a  half-second  "Today  it  is  very  important
            adming.                      tion."                       and lost half a second.      of the winner.               for  Sochi,  for  Russia,"  Brig-
            "The  last  two  races  were  Leif  Kristian  Nestvold-Hau-  She  quickly  rediscovered  Shiffrin, who won the super-  none said. "We have come
            good,"    Pinturault   said.  gen  of  Norway  was  0.24   the ideal race line and won  G world title and discipline  here  for  two  years  but
            "Since  December,  I  didn't  behind in third for his fourth   by  0.20  seconds  ahead  of  standings last year, was not  they have no luck with the
            ski well.                    career podium result, while   her  Italian  teammate  So-  the  only  top  contender  to  weather. It's good to have
            It  was  a  long  January  for  Filip  Zubcic  placed  fourth   fia  Goggia,  who  returned  sit out this weekend's races,  a race today."
            me.  But  we  worked  a  lot  after  the  Croatian  timed   after  missing  the  last  two  with Slovakia's Petra Vlhova  The  women's  World  Cup
            and  today  it  was  finally  the fastest second run.     races with a right leg injury  and  Italy's  Marta  Bassino  continues   with   another
            very good."                  Manuel Feller finished 28th   following a downhill crash.   also  refraining  from  travel-  downhill  and  super-G  in
            It  was  Pinturault's  27th  ca-  and  was  the  only  Austrian   "I  had  a  big  fault  on  the  ing to Russia.   Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
            reer  win  and  13th  in  giant  to score points as the Aus-  flats but I knew I could do  Brignone   became   the  Germany, next weekend.q
            slalom.  He  also  won  four  trian  ski  team  had  their   well on the steep," said Bri-  fourth different winner of a
            bronze medals in the disci-  worst  result  in  a  men's  GS   gnone,  adding  she  didn't  women's  super-G  this  sea-
            pline at major events - two  in the 53-year history of the   believe that the win boost-  son,  after  Germany's  Vik-
            at  the  Olympics,  two  at  World Cup.                   ed her chances in the over-  toria  Rebensburg,  Goggia
            world championships.         "It's  hard  to  find  an  expla-  all standings.         and  Shiffrin  won  the  previ-
            The three giant slaloms be-  nation  right  after  the  race   "(Shiffrin)  is  so  strong  and  ous  events.  Rebensburg
            tween  Pinturault's  triumphs  but  I  think  the  guys  are   wins so many points in the  placed eighth on Sunday.
            had three different winners,  putting  themselves  under   slalom,  she  is  unreachable  The  victory  sent  Brignone
            with American Tommy Ford  too  much  pressure,"  head     for the big globe," Brignone  top of the discipline stand-
            in  Beaver  Creek,  Norway's  coach  Andreas  Puelacher   said. "But I am very proud of  ings, 16 points clear of Suter
            Henrik  Kristoffersen  in  Alta  said.q                   myself this season. In super-  and 20 ahead of Shiffrin.
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