P. 20

                  Monday 3 February 2020
            Djokovic comes back for 8th Australian Open title, 17th Slam

                                                                                                                                experienced  foe  faltered,
                                                                                                                                Djokovic broke to lead 5-3
                                                                                                                                in the fourth set, helped by
                                                                                                                                a sloppy volley into the net
                                                                                                                                tape, a double-fault and a
                                                                                                                                bad forehand by Thiem.
                                                                                                                                A  break  early  in  the  fifth
                                                                                                                                helped Djokovic clutch the
                                                                                                                                silver  Australian  Open  tro-
                                                                                                                                phy  he  also  won  in  2008,
                                                                                                                                2011-13, 2015-16 and 2019.
                                                                                                                                He  adds  that  haul  to  his
                                                                                                                                five  titles  from  Wimbledon,
                                                                                                                                three  from  the  U.S.  Open
                                                                                                                                and  one  from  the  French
                                                                                                                                Thiem,  an  Austrian  who  is
                                                                                                                                26,  was  the  runner-up  to
                                                                                                                                Nadal  at  Roland  Garros
                                                                                                                                each of the past two years
                                                                                                                                and  was  again  trying  to
                                                                                                                                become the first man born
                                                                                                                                in the 1990s to win a major
                                                                                                                                singles title.
                                                                                                                                Instead, the Big Three have
                                                                                                                                won  13  consecutive  Slams
                                                                                                                                and 56 of the last 67.
                                                                                                                                "It's  unique  in  sports  history
                                                                                                                                that the three best players
                                                                                                                                —  by  far  —  are  playing  in
                                                                                                                                the same era," Thiem said.
                                                                                                                                "That's  what  makes  it  very,
                                                                                                                                very difficult for other play-
            Serbia's  Novak  Djokovic  carries  the  Norman  Brookes  Challenge  Cup  onto  Margaret  Court  Arena  to  celebrate  with  fans  after
            defeating Austria's Dominic Thiem in the men's singles final of the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia,   ers to break through."
            early Monday, Feb. 3, 2020.                                                                                         The status quo appeared in
                                                                                                               Associated Press  peril  in  the  third  set,  when
                                                                                                                                Djokovic  merely  watched
            By HOWARD FENDRICH           us tonight."                 Addressing Thiem, Djokovic  offered  by  tournament  di-  and  shook  his  head  as  a
            AP Tennis Writer             Nonetheless,  Djokovic  im-  said: "I am sure you will defi-  rector Craig Tiley.      lob  by  Thiem  curled  over
            MELBOURNE,  Australia  (AP)  proved  his  record  in  semi-  nitely get one of the Grand  This  was  not  the  domi-  him and in. Djokovic didn't
            —  Novak  Djokovic  was  finals  and  finals  at  Mel-    Slam  trophies.  More  than  nant  Djokovic  who  made  chase  it.  Wasn't  entirely
            looking  weary  and  worn  bourne  Park  to  16-0  and  one."                          a  hard-to-believe  total  of  clear  right  then  what  the
            down.  He  felt  dizzy  and  assured himself of returning  A  little  more  than  six  nine unforced errors during  problem  was,  but  perhaps
            trailed  Dominic  Thiem  in  to No. 1 in the rankings, re-  months  after  saving  a  pair  his straight-set triumph over  he  knew  he  needed  to
            the  Australian  Open  final  placing Rafael Nadal.       of  championship  points  Nadal  in  the  final  a  year  save some strength.
            -- miscues mounting, deficit  No other man in the history  against Federer en route to  ago. Djokovic eclipsed that  Heat,  so  often  a  factor  in
            growing.                     of tennis has won this hard-  winning  a  five-set  Wimble-  total  in  the  first  set  alone  Melbourne,  was  not  an  is-
            Djokovic did what he does,  court  tournament  more  don  final,  Djokovic  again  Sunday, finishing with 57.       sue.  The  crisp,  cool  condi-
            though. He refused to lose,  than  six  times.  Only  Roger  showed that he can't ever  It was a physical test offer-  tions were pretty much ide-
            waited  for  a  chance  to  Federer, with 20, and Nad-    be  counted  out,  coming  ing  plenty  of  entertaining  al  at  the  start,  with  a  light
            pounce and found his best  al, with 19, have won more  back  from  two-sets-to-one  exchanges,  with  61  points  breeze  and  the  tempera-
            tennis   when    absolutely  men's  Grand  Slam  singles  behind  in  a  Grand  Slam  lasting  at  least  nine  shots  ture around 70 degrees (20
            necessary.  Even  threw  in  trophies than Djokovic.      title match for the first time.  apiece.                  Celsius).  That  dropped  as
            a  wrinkle,  serve-and-vol-  "Amazing     achievement.  It  didn't  come  easily  for  "Very  demanding,"  Thiem  the natural light faded, first
            leying  twice  when  facing  Unreal  what  you're  doing  the  32-year-old  from  Ser-  said.                       leaving  a  violet  ceiling  of
            break point.                 throughout all these years,"  bia.  He  lost  six  games  in  a  "Of  course,"  he  said,  "I  just  sky before nightfall arrived,
            Regaining  his  stamina  and  said the fifth-seeded Thiem,  row in one stretch to Thiem,  feel a lot of emptiness right  accompanied  by  alarm-
            strokes, and showing some  who  is  0-3  in  major  finals.  who plays a similar baseline  now."                    ingly  loud  squawks  from  a
            gutsy  creativity,  Djokovic  "You  and  also  two  other  game and eliminated Nad-    At  two  key  moments,  flock  of  seagulls  perched
            came back to edge Thiem  guys,  I  think  you  brought  al in the quarterfinals.       Djokovic  abandoned  his  on  steel  railings  atop  the
            6-4, 4-6, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4 Sunday  men's tennis to a complete  Djokovic  visited  by  a  doc-  usual grind-points-out script  arena.
            night  for  an  eighth  Austra-  new level."              tor  and  trainer  in  the  third  and  went  on  the  attack,  Not  surprisingly,  given  his
            lian Open title, second in a  Both  finalists  spoke  about  set  and,  desperate  to  hy-  rushing  to  the  net  after  a  experience  and  expertise,
            row, and 17th Grand Slam  the  devastating  wildfires  drate,  guzzled  bottles  of  serve when facing a break  Djokovic  came  out  loose,
            trophy overall.              that  have  killed  dozens  water and energy drink. He  point  —  first,  at  2-1  in  the  limber  and  locked  in.  Of
            "I  was  on  the  brink  of  los-  of  people  and  millions  of  lectured  the  chair  umpire  fourth set, then again at 2-1  the initial half-dozen points
            ing  the  match.  Dominic  ...  animals  around  Australia.  about time violations.    in the fifth.                lasting at least nine strokes,
            disrupted my rhythm in my  Djokovic  also  mentioned  "My  energy  dropped  sig-       Paid off both times.         he won all six. Within 13 min-
            game at one point. He was  the  recent  deaths  of  NBA  nificantly," Djokovic said at  "Not  characteristic  of  me,"  utes, he was ahead 3-0, as
            a  better  player,"  Djokovic  star  Kobe  Bryant  and  one  his  news  conference,  sip-  Djokovic  said.  "Kind  of  all-  a chorus of his nickname --
            said. "Probably one point —  of  his  daughters  in  a  heli-  ping  an  anti-oxidant  drink  or-nothing."          "No-le! No-le! No-le!" -- rang
            and one shot — separated  copter crash.                   instead of the Champagne  Making a charge as his less-    out.q
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