P. 17
LOCAL Monday 3 February 2020
Column by: Shanella Pantophlet
ORANJESTAD — People on
vacation can get them-
selves in some of the most
interesting situations. Every
now and again you’ll have
a mundane week inter-
rupted by news of some-
thing incredulous that a
guest did. Some of it is fun-
ny like the couple so drunk
the guy was giving his girl-
friend a piggyback ride
and then missed the sliding
glass doors and bumped
into the wall, leading to
her falling on her butt. Both
laughing it off as they walk
by the desk and ensure us
they’re fine.
There’s also the people who decided to try was so drunk I don’t think they actually felt it. while all the pool furniture from that chickee
and skinny dip only to be seen by others on I’m sure the hangover and pain the next morn- was nowhere to be found. I must admit, hear-
the 2nd floor balcony and be reported by se- ing was completely unpleasant. ing about this and subsequently seeing the
curity. Hearing this story in the morning meet- perpetrators on camera had me cracking up
ing was certainly entertaining. No judgement, Some people aren’t even drunk they just like to the point of being unable to breath. Just
you’re on vacation and nobody knows you so to have a good time. There was a day we the sight of these toilet ninjas inconspicuously
why not have some fun. It perks up my day, came into work and there were all these ran- carrying a toilet they’d borrowed from mainte-
wondering what was going on in your head at dom pictures of people hung up on the office nance over to this hut, you can see how much
the moment. Of course it’s not only our young doors. Getting closer you realize there’s writing planning went into this and the timing and ef-
and free guests that get themselves into these under the pictures and one guest is obviously ficiency. I applaud the effort and execution. I
situations. playing a prank on one of their friends. To an- look forward to the next prank.
swer the question, staff can assist in setting up
Sometimes however these shenanigans can harmless fun pranks, we like to have a good All of these little surprises make the work day
go a bit too far and lead to personal injury. I time and see people laughing too. a bit more entertaining for us and as long as
remember at least one case of someone so My favorite has to be this one group, who people are safe, having fun and enjoying their
drunk they stumbled and fell into a cactus come down every year and are always plot- vacation it’s all the better. So all you good
plant, stood up and fell right back into it. The ting pool deck pranks on their friends. The best people continue to go forth and be goofy.
story alone made me wince, but the video one being the case of the mysteriously ap- Just please do it in view of the security cam-
was even worse to watch, luckily this person pearing toilet that ended up under a chickee, eras for everyone’s benefit.q
Aruban born and bred Shanella Pantophlet is passionate about tour-
ism. That is the world she studied and works in, so we might as well call
her a specialist. Luckily for Aruba Today Shanella also loves to write.
And together with the fact that the majority of our readers are tourists,
we found ourselves a perfect combination for a column: Hotel Hustle.