P. 16
Monday 3 February 2020
United Nations, Economic commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC):
New technologies bring governments closer to the people
PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD ing States (SIDS) and ter-
TOBAGO — The use of in- ritories can be described
novative use of informa- as multi-island jurisdictions,
tion and communication most of which encounter
technology (ICT) tools is challenges which are less
facilitating access to cen- severe in single-island Ca-
tral government resources ribbean countries. Their ar-
for people living in remote chipelagic nature means
locations across the Carib- that their populations are
bean. dispersed over more than
one island and that their
Roughly one third of Carib- already small economies
bean Small Island develop- are fragmented. In addi-
tion, they present various improve connectivity and
one-island governance access to technology.
structures and institutions, However, more than half
empowered with differing of households in the Carib-
degrees of autonomy in bean still lack access to the
decision-making. internet.
Despite these challenges, As a result, the effective-
ICT can help to support the ness of efforts to use e-gov-
efficient delivery of pub- ernment to reach popula-
lic services in multi-island tions has been mixed and
jurisdictions in the areas use of these tools incon-
of health, education and sistent. The quality of such
governance. This, accord- access is also an issue in
ing to a new study from the region, with connec-
ECLAC Caribbean entitled, tion speeds improving but
‘Strengthening ICT and not keeping pace with the
knowledge management rest of the world. Where in-
capacity in support of the ternet access exists, use of
sustainable development this technology does not
of multi-island Caribbean always follow due to lack
SIDS’. of affordability, skills or rel-
evant local content.
The study found that the
application of ICTs in gov- Thus, e-government still
ernment for delivering pub- presents many untapped
lic services, can improve opportunities for improving
efficiency in the delivery public service delivery and
of government services governance outcomes in
across islands. Moreover, it small or outlying islands of
can minimize the impact of multi-island States. To seize
distance between islands, these opportunities, the
and the constraints of dis- ECLAC Caribbean’s study
economies of scale. highlights that systems and
service delivery approach-
Governments in the region es must be tailored to local
have already started to needs and to the capac-
embrace e-government ity of existing ICT infrastruc-
and implement regional ture and include adequate
and national initiatives to training and support. q
The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
and the Caribbean, known as ECLAC, UNECLAC or in
Spanish and Portuguese CEPAL, is a United Nations regional
commission to encourage economic cooperation.