P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 3 February 2020

            In this Oct. 26, 2005 file photo, author Anne Rice talks about her
            new book during an interview at her home in La Jolla, Calif.
                                                     Associated Press
            Tulane acquires

            archive of "Vampire"                                      This  1930  photo  provided  by  the  Sherborne  School  in  Sherborne,  England,  shows  members  of
                                                                      Westcott House, including Alan Turing, center, who went on to become a World War II codebreaker
            author Anne Rice                                          and computing pioneer.                                                Associated Press

            Associated Press             then in California, accord-  U.S. wants to return codebreaker's
            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  Tu-   ing to her biography.
            lane  University  has  ac-   But   New    Orleans   has   seized items to U.K. school
            quired  the  complete  ar-   played  a  central  role  in
            chives of bestselling author  much of her fiction.        By COLLEEN SLEVIN            contributions to a field, and  and did not include its min-
            Anne  Rice,  who  was  born  “Interview with a Vampire”   Associated Press             a  letter  from  King  George  iature version and the king's
            and raised in New Orleans  was  her  first  novel  when  it   DENVER  (AP)  —  A  U.S.  VI  awarding  the  honor  to  letter.  According  to  court
            and  whose  books,  includ-  was published in 1976 and    woman  who  said  she  was  Alan Turing was found in a  documents,  Julia  Turing
            ing “Interview with a Vam-   is  set  in  the  city’s  French   visiting  England  to  do  a  briefcase behind a wall in a  told  investigators  that  she
            pire,”  often  drew  inspira-  Quarter.                   study of the late World War  bathroom.                    had  bought  OBE  medals
            tion from her hometown.      The book was later turned    II  codebreaker  and  com-   Her  offer  to  donate  the  online,  and  several  were
            The  collection  was  a  gift  into  a  movie  starring  Brad   puting pioneer Alan Turing  items  to  the  University  of  found during the search of
            from  Stuart  Rose  and  the  Pitt and Tom Cruise. Anoth-  walked into the prestigious  Colorado  had  launched  her  home,  along  with  the
            Stuart  Rose  Family  Foun-  er  novel  called  “Feast  of   boys'  boarding  school  he  a  lengthy  international  in-  original discovered behind
            dation  to  the  university’s  All  Saints,”  was  about  free   attended and asked to see  vestigation  to  sort  out  the  the bathroom wall.
            Howard-Tilton  Memorial  Li-  people of color in antebel-  a  collection  of  his  memo-  rightful owner of the items,  In diaries and letters seized
            brary, the university said in  lum New Orleans.           rabilia.  She  was  given  a  according  to  a  forfeiture  by  investigators,  she  wrote
            a statement.                 The  collection  at  Tulane   wooden  box  with  items  action  filed  Jan.  17  and   of  her  "tremendous  love
            “That  Tulane  has  provided  will  consist  of  manuscripts   that once belonged to Tur-  first  reported  by  BizWest.  and devotion" to Alan Tur-
            a  home  for  my  papers  is  of  most  of  her  published   ing, who helped crack Nazi  The action is the first of two  ing  and  how  she  wished
            exciting  and  comforting,”  works,  some  unpublished    Germany's  secret  codes  legal  steps  to  return  the  she did not have to hide his
            Rice said in the statement.  short   stories,   journals,   and  whose  story  inspired  memorabilia  to  the  Sher-  things.  In  one  diary  entry,
            “All  my  novels  —  in  a  ca-  screenplays,  personal  arti-  2014's  Oscar-winning  film  borne School in England.   addressed  to  Alan  Turing,
            reer  spanning  more  than  facts and correspondence      "The  Imitation  Game."  In-  Julia Turing had letters from  she  worried  about  a  mu-
            40  years  —  have  been  from  family,  friends  and     side  the  box  was  his  Ph.D.  Sherborne's  treasurer,  Col.  seum forcing her to give up
            profoundly  influenced  by  fans of the author.           from  Princeton  University,  A.W.  Gallon,  thanking  her  the items by claiming they
            the  history  and  beauty  of  It will also include materials   his  Order  of  the  British  Em-  for   previously   returning  are  stolen,  court  docu-
            New  Orleans,  and  by  its  from her late husband Stan   pire  medal  and  other  me-  most  of  the  memorabilia  ments show.
            unique ambience in which  Rice  and  her  sister,  Alice   mentos.                     and saying she could keep  The U.S. government is ask-
            my  imagination  flourished  Borchardt, who was also a    When  she  left  that  day  in  the  diploma,  according  ing  a  judge  to  give  it  per-
            even in early childhood.”    writer.                      1984,  the  box  was  empty.  to  court  documents.  They  manent  custody  of  the
            Rice has written 30 novels.  Rose  is  an  avid  collector   The  only  thing  left  inside  suggested she could show  items  so  it  can  begin  an-
            She moved to California to  of  rare  books  and  manu-   was  a  note  asking  for  for-  the correspondence to po-  other  legal  process  to  re-
            attend  university  and  has  scripts.  He’s  also  worked   giveness  and  promising  to  lice if she was questioned.   turn them to the school.
            spent much of her life since  with  the  university  to  assist   return  the  items  someday,  But  school  officials  told  Julia Turing has until March
                                         in other acquisitions includ-  according  to  a  recent  investigators  that  giving  to  file  an  objection  to  the
                                         ing  copies  of  John  James   court filing by government  away  any  school  property  forfeiture.  Her  attorney,
                                         Audubon’s “Birds of Amer-    lawyers.                     would  require  the  permis-  Katryna  Spearman,  did
                                         ica.”                        More  than  30  years  later,  sion  of  its  board  of  gover-  not  return  messages  seek-
                                         “As a New Orleans native,    the  U.S.  Department  of  nors, which did not consid-    ing  comment.  She  has
                                         a  rare  book  collector  and   Homeland Security in Den-  er the matter, according to  not  been  charged  with  a
                                         having  a  daughter  who     ver has the items that were  Sherborne documents.         crime.
                                         graduated  from  Tulane      seized  from  the  Colorado  The school said some items  Sherborne  School  head-
                                         University,  this  was  a  per-  home of the woman, who  that  Julia  Turing  previously  master  Dominic  Luckett
                                         fect  opportunity  to  help   later changed her name to  returned were not the origi-  declined  to  comment  Fri-
                                         give  something  back  to    Julia Turing.                nal items that were taken. It  day on the items removed
                                         both  the  Tulane  and  New   The  Princeton  degree  was  noted that the Order of the  from  the  school's  archives
                                         Orleans communities,” said   found  behind  a  dresser  in  British  Empire  medal  she  because authorities are still
                                         Rose.q                       2018. The medal, given for  sent  back  was  tarnished  dealing with the matter.q
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