P. 30
Monday 3 February 2020
'1917' named best picture
at British Academy Awards
By JILL LAWLESS who work in the U.K. and in- best supporting actor for
Associated Press ternational film industry. "Once Upon a Time ... in
LONDON (AP) — Gut- The rising star award -- the America."
wrenching World War I epic one trophy decided by the He didn't attend, but sent a
"1917" was the big winner at public -- went to black Brit- jokey acceptance speech,
Sunday's British Academy ish actor Micheal Ward. read out by his co-star Mar-
Film Awards, winning seven British star Cynthia Erivo, got Robbie
awards including best pic- who is Oscar-nominated "Hey Britain - heard you just
ture and best director. for her performance as ab- became single. Welcome
Director Sam Mendes poses for photographers upon arrival at Sam Mendes' homegrown olitionist Harriet Tubman in to the club," he said -- one
the Bafta Nominees Party, in central London, Saturday, Feb. 1, drama bested hotly tipped "Harriet" but was snubbed of several references dur-
Associated Press American contenders by Britain's Academy, de- ing the ceremony to the
"Joker," "The Irishman" and clined an invitation to per- U.K.'s exit from the Europe-
"Once Upon a Time … in form at Sunday's award an Union, which became
America" at a glitzy London ceremony in protest. official on Friday.
event that was overshad- The British Academy has Pitt also referenced recent
owed by criticism of the promised to review its vot- tumult in Britain's royal fam-
nominees' lack of diversity ing procedures. ily, saying he was going
- even from some of the "We've announced a wide- to name the trophy Harry,
nominees themselves. ranging review. We're go- "because he's really excit-
Director Mendes based ing to be looking at ev- ed about bringing it back
"1917" on his grandfather's erything across the board to the States with him."
wartime experiences. Shot in terms of the awards Laura Dern was named
in sinuous long takes that process," said BAFTA chair- best supporting actress for
immerse viewers in the ac- woman Pippa Harris. playing a take-no-prisoners
tion, it follows two British "But also I think it's fair to divorce lawyer in "Marriage
soldiers on a perilous mis- say this is an industry-wide Story.She noted that her
sion across No Man's Land issue. It takes everyone to mother, Dianne Ladd, had
to try to avert a suicidal of- look at what they're do- won the exact same prize
fensive. ing," she said. "Awards are in 1975, when Dern was 6,
"1917" was also named right at the end of a whole for "Alice Doesn't Live Here
best British film and won process, and so we need Anymore."
the cinematography prize to look at the types of films Bong Joon-ho's Korean-
- Roger Deakins' fifth win in being made, the opportu- language drama "Parasite"
that category. It also took nities that people are get- was named best foreign-
the prizes for production ting, how the films are be- language film and also
design, sound and visual ing promoted. All of these took the prize for best origi-
effects. Joaquin Phoenix things play a part." nal screenplay.
was named best actor for Presenting the best-director Organizers set out to make
"Joker," and Renee Zellwe- award, Australian actress the awards ceremony
ger took the best actress Rebel Wilson quipped that carbon neutral for the first
prize for the Judy Garland she could never achieve time. The red carpet was
biopic "Judy." what the nominees did: "I made from recycled fibers.
Victory at the BAFTAs is of- just don't have the balls." Instead of the goody bags
ten a good predictor for Scarlett Johansson, a best- of past years, guests will
the work that will be recog- actress nominee for "Mar- receive a "gifting wallet"
nized at Hollywood's Acad- riage Story," said the lack made from recycled plas-
emy Awards, being held recognition for female di- tic and containing vouch-
this year on Feb. 9. Like the rectors was disappointing. ers.
Oscars, the British awards "So many women made The post-awards dinner
have struggled to become great films this year. And will feature sustainably
less male and white. I think it just goes to show sourced food, including a
No women were nominat- you that there is a systemic vegan option.
ed as best director for the problem that is very preva- Phoenix, a lifelong vegan,
seventh year running, and lent. And it's something that joined an animal welfare
all 20 nominees in the lead I think we're aware of but protest in London before
and supporting performer have to continue to fight Sunday's ceremony. He
categories were white. against and make greater was with a group of activ-
Phoenix slammed the lack strides towards." ists who unfurled a large
of diversity in his accep- Hours before the event and banner on Tower Bridge
tance speech, saying it several miles away, three declaring "Factory farm-
sent "a very clear message people were wounded ing destroys our planet. Go
to people of color that and a knifeman shot dead vegan."
'You're not welcome here.'" by police in what police Stars walking the red car-
Awards organizers called it called a terrorism-related pet were encouraged to
"disappointing" that there attack. The BBC canceled make "sustainable" fash-
were no performers of col- plans to broadcast inter- ion choices by wearing an
or among the acting nomi- views from the red carpet outfit they already owned
nees, who are chosen by on its news channel as a or renting one for the
6,500 academy members result. Brad Pitt was named occasion.q