Page 20 - MIN TTC AUG 13
P. 20

Prime Minister Mike Eman
announces that the ‘Back to School’
event will take place this weekend

PRIME Minister Mike Eman along with Minister              It’s a chance to offer both the kids and their parents the   Prime Minister Eman thanks the Electric Festival and
                                                          opportunity to do their back to school shopping. Mer-        BoBario organization, the beach tennis and MMA or-
Benny Sevinger held a press conference in the main        chants will offer specials for the Back to School activity.  ganizers and Santa Rosa for holding their activities in
street area relating to the ‘Back to School Bazaar’ that                                                               the Main Street area.
will take place this weekend.                             Also present at the press release was some Electric          Eman said he was very impressed to see that there
Eman said he was excited about all the big changes tak-   Festival organizers, the reason for them being there         is good cooperation between the public and private
ing place in the main street of Oranjestad. Big changes   was to announce who the DJ’s that will be playing in         sector, since their cooperation makes it possible for
that stand out.                                           the Main Street area are, this will give these 2 special     important projects to be executed in our downtown.
                                                          days an added value. There will also be sports activi-
“The beauty, progress and recent activities are all       ties like the Back to Basic Street Soccer, Beach Tennis      “This provides more commercial activities in the Main
results of the ideas we had when we started the huge      and MMA. All these activities will enhance the Back to       Street, so that employees working in the main street
‘Main Street renovation project’ at the beginning of      School event and create a positive atmosphere in the         area can have a good income for them and their family
our reign in 2009.”                                       Main Street area.                                            and businessmen can yield the positive results of their
The activities taking place this weekend before schools                                                                investments. The investments made in the main street
in Aruba open their doors is possible through coopera-    Eman explained that the Main Street project still hasn’t     area will benefit the entire Aruban community.”
tion with the Business Improvement District organiza-     finished. “The infrastructure projects will continue.
tion managed by Mr. Stanley de Marchena.                  Minister Sevinger and I encourage these projects             Main Street merchants and the Back to School event
                                                          every day, to make sure that more improvement and            organizers hope that many people will visit the main
They worked with many other organizations to cre-         enhancement projects are underway.”                          street to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere and take ad-
ate a nice environment in the Main Street area while                                                                   vantage of the offers.
stimulating commercial activities.

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, August 13 2015                                                                             5LOCAL
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