Page 19 - MIN TTC AUG 13
P. 19
BID will guide and coordinate
the maintenance and activities
in the downtown area
IN the upcoming weekend the main street area is go- ment District Association (BID). maintenance and main street activities responsibilities.
“For the last few years that we’ve been working on the The BID concept is something that Minister Benny
ing to be the centre to many activities. The events will downtown renovation plan, we came up with the idea Sevinger and American institutions have been working
all relate to the ‘Back to School’ events, where main of coming up with something similar to ATA, where on for a long time.
street stores will have many fabulous offers. There the public sector and stakeholders take care of the “MAMBO has been doing this for many years and we
will be many stands on the street selling numerous tourism promotion. thank that for all their hard work. The idea is that the
merchandises and some place will even have live music We worked on a similar public private partnership BID association will contain ATA, ATIA, AHATA, Cham-
to entertain the shopping public. concept to provide promotion, maintenance, safety ber of Commerce, Main Street merchants and Banks.”
Some DJ’s that will participate in the Electric Festival and main street activities.
will be among those present to cheer on the crowd. The available person that received good recommenda- Business Improvement District (BID) will become
tion from MAMBO President Mrs. Audrey Lacle was official in a few weeks. Eman emphasized the impor-
There will also be an athlete exposition and other ac- Mr. Stanley de Marchena. tance of this new association which is something many
tivities that will turn Betico Croes Street into a lively He will be responsible for bringing all the parties to- people have been long waiting for.
centre. The stores will stay open till 9 o’clock at night. gether to form the BID, both the public sector and the “For this reason we are extremely happy to have taken
During the press conference Prime Minister Mike Eman main street businesses. AIB is also involved in this.” this step and to have found such a qualified person to
explained that this is the first event organized by the run BID. Mr. Stanley de Marchena, is the right man to
Business Improvement District Association guided by Eman mentioned that he hopes that this important as- implement what needs to be done in the main street
Mr. Stanley de Marchena. sociation will sign at the solicitor as soon as possible, area and to expand our desired activities outside the
so they can assume the management, promotion, main street area to the entire downtown area.”
Eman elaborated a little bit on the Business Improve-
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, August 13 2015 3LOCAL