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A30     world news
                  Diabierna 21 Januari 2022

                            First aid flights arrive in Tonga after big volcano eruption

                                                                      nook  helicopters  will  depart  Zealand  is  also  expected  to  houses have apparently been
                                                                      as soon as it is ready, the De-  arrive  later  Thursday.  It  is  destroyed  on  the  island  of
                                                                      fense Ministry said.         carrying hydrographic equip-  Mango and only two houses
                                                                                                   ment and divers, and also has  remain  on  Fonoifua  island,
                                                                      Defense  Minister  Nobuo  a helicopter to assist with de-  with  extensive  damage  re-
                                                                      Kishi  told  reporters  that  his  livering supplies.     ported on Nomuka.” He said
                                                                      ministry “will do everything                              evacuations are underway for
                                                                      we  can  for  the  disaster-hit  Officials  said  the  ship’s  first  people from the islands.
                                                                      people of Tonga.”            task would be to check ship-
                                                                                                   ping channels and the struc-  According to Tongan census
                                                                      U.N.  humanitarian  officials  tural  integrity  of  the  wharf  figures, Mango is home to 36
                                                                      report  that  about  84,000  in  the  capital,  Nuku’alofa,  people, Fonoifua is home to
                                                                      people — more than 80% of  following  the  eruption  and  69  people,  and  Nomuka  to
                                                                      Tonga’s  population  —  have  tsunami.                    239. The majority of Tongans
                                                                      been impacted by the volca-                               live  on  the  main  island  of
                                                                      no’s eruption, U.N. spokes-  Another  New  Zealand  navy  Tongatapu,  where  about  50
                                                                      man Stéphane Dujarric said,  ship  carrying  250,000  liters  homes were destroyed.
                                                                      pointing to three deaths, in-  (66,000  gallons)  of  water  is
            (AP)  —  The  first  flights  any outbreaks of COVID-19  juries, loss of homes and pol-  on its way. The ship can also  Dujarric said the most press-
            carrying  fresh  water  and  and has reported just a single  luted water.              produce tens of thousands of  ing  humanitarian  needs  are
            other aid to Tonga finally  case  since  the  pandemic  be-                            liters of fresh water each day  safe  water,  food  and  non-
            arrived Thursday after the  gan.                          Communications with Tonga  using a desalination plant.    food items, and top priorities
            Pacific  nation’s  main  air-                             remain  limited  after  Satur-                            are reestablishing communi-
            port  runway  was  cleared  Rear  Adm.  James  Gilmour,  day’s  eruption  and  tsunami  Three of Tonga’s smaller is-  cation  services  including  for
            of ash left by a huge volca-  the commander of New Zea-   appeared  to  have  broken  lands  suffered  serious  dam-  international  calls  and  the
            nic eruption.                land’s Joint Forces, said there  the  single  fiber-optic  cable  age from tsunami waves, of-  internet.
                                         had  been  a  “mammoth  ef-  that  connects  Tonga  with  ficials and the Red Cross said.  Tonga has so far avoided the
            New  Zealand  and  Australia  fort”  by  Tongan  troops  “to  the  rest  of  the  world.  That                      widespread  devastation  that
            each  sent  military  transport  clear  that  runway  by  hand.  means  most  people  haven’t  The U.N.’s Dujarric said “all  many initially feared.
            planes that were carrying wa-  And  they’ve  achieved  that  been able to use the internet
            ter  containers,  kits  for  tem-  this afternoon.”       or make phone calls abroad,
            porary  shelters,  generators,                            although  some  local  phone
            hygiene  supplies  and  com-  Australia  said  the  assistance  networks are still working.
            munications equipment. The  would  help  Tonga’s  govern-
            Australian  plane  also  had  a  ment meet the community’s  One  phone  company,  Digi-
            special sweeper to help keep  needs and support the imme-  cel,  said  Thursday  it  had
            the runway clear.            diate cleanup efforts.       managed to restore the abil-
                                                                      ity to make international calls
            The deliveries were dropped  Japan  also  said  it  is  sending  from some places by using a
            off without the military per-  emergency  relief,  including  satellite link, but that people
            sonnel  coming  in  contact  drinking  water  and  equip-  would need to be patient due
            with people at the airport in  ment for cleaning away vol-  to  high  demand.  It  said  it
            Tonga. That’s because Tonga  canic  ash.  Two  C-130  Her-  hoped to enhance its service
            is  desperate  to  make  sure  cules  aircraft  left  Thursday  over the coming days.
            foreigners don’t bring in the  evening, and a transport ves-
            coronavirus.  It  has  not  had  sel carrying two CH-47 Chi-  A navy patrol ship from New

                                                                       Report on sexual abuse in German diocese

                                                                                              faults retired pope

                                                                      ly.  The  law  firm  examined  the  then-archbishop,  Cardi-  When the church abuse scan-
                                                                      church files and spoke to wit-  nal Ratzinger, can be accused  dal  first  flared  in  Germany
                                                                      nesses.                      of  misconduct,”  said  one  of  in  2010,  attention  swirled
                                                                                                   the  report’s  authors,  Martin  around another case: that of a
                                                                      Church  officials  weren’t  in-  Pusch.                  pedophile priest whose trans-
                                                                      formed  of  the  results  ahead                          fer  to  Munich  to  undergo
                                                                      of  publication.  The  current  Two  of  those  cases,  he  said,  therapy was approved under
                                                                      archbishop  —  Cardinal  Re-  involved  perpetrators  who  Ratzinger in 1980.
                                                                      inhard  Marx,  a  prominent  offended while he was in of-
                                                                      reformist ally of Pope Francis  fice  and  were  punished  by  The priest was allowed to re-
                                                                      — was faulted in two cases.  the judicial system but were  sume  pastoral  work,  a  deci-
            (AP)  —  A  long-awaited  ignite criticism of Benedict’s                               kept  in  pastoral  work  with-  sion that the church has said
            report on sexual abuse in  record more than a decade af-  Marx’s  predecessors  include  out  express  limits  on  what  was made by a lower-ranking
            Germany’s  Munich  dio-      ter the first, and until Thurs-  the  former  Cardinal  Joseph  they were allowed to do. No  official  without  consulting
            cese  on  Thursday  faulted  day only, known case involv-  Ratzinger,  who  served  in  action  was  ordered  under  the archbishop. In 1986, the
            retired  Pope  Benedict  ing him was made public.         Munich  from  1977  to  1982  canon law.                 priest  received  a  suspended
            XVI’s  handling  of  four                                 before  becoming  head  of                               sentence for molesting a boy.
            cases  when  he  was  arch-  The  archdiocese  commis-    the  Vatican’s  Congregation  In a third case, a cleric who
            bishop  in  the  1970s  and  sioned  the  report  from  law  for the Doctrine of the Faith  had been convicted by a court  Another  of  the  report’s  au-
            1980s.  The  law  firm  that  firm Westpfahl Spilker Wastl  and later being elected pope.  outside  Germany  was  put  thors,  Ulrich  Wastl,  said
            drew  up  the  report  said  nearly two years ago, with a  Benedict gave extensive writ-  into  service  in  the  Munich  Benedict’s claim not to have
            Benedict  strongly  denies  mandate  to  look  into  abuse  ten testimony for the report.  archdiocese and the circum-  attended a meeting in 1980 in
            any wrongdoing.              between  1945  and 2019  and                              stances  speak  for  Ratzinger  which the priest’s transfer to
                                         whether   church   officials  “In  a  total  of  four  cases,  we  having known of the priest’s  Munich  was  discussed  lacks
            The findings were sure to re-  handled  allegations  correct-  came  to  the  conclusion  that  previous history, Pusch said.  credibility.
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