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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 21 Januari 2022

                             Beijing Olympics will showcase hockey’s next generation

            (AP)  -  The  disappoint-                                                              Participating  in  2018  did  said. “They led in goals and
            ment  of  the  NHL  not                                                                wonders  for  the  likes  of  assists and played a really big
            participating  in  the  2022                                                           Terry,  Greenway  and  Kapr-  role on their team, so it’s just
            Winter  Olympics  quickly                                                              izov. Terry leads the Anaheim  something  that  we  have  to
            turned to excitement for a                                                             Ducks  in  goals  and  points  work towards and maybe we
            handful of U.S. players at                                                             this  season,  while  Kaprizov  can be like that in Beijing.”
            the world junior champi-                                                               is teammates with Greenway
            onship.                                                                                on  the  Wild  and  is  tops  on  It’s  possible  because  coach
                                                                                                   Minnesota in scoring.        David Quinn is certainly not
            Matty  Beniers,  Jake  Sander-                                                                                      going to bury young players
            son and Brock Faber were to-                                                           While McDavid, MacKinnon  at  the  end  of  the  bench  or
            gether in Red Deer, Alberta,                                                           and  Matthews  point  to  Sid-  scratch them from important
            when  USA  Hockey’s  John                                                              ney  Crosby’s  golden  goal  at  games.  Beniers,  Brisson  and
            Vanbiesbrouck asked them to                                                            the 2010 Vancouver Games as  Sanderson  could  be  among
            go to Beijing.                                                                         the most memorable Olym-     the  U.S  leaders  in  ice  time
                                                                                                   pic moment from childhood,  at the Olympics before going
            “I was kind of blown out of                                                            many of the young U.S. play-  back to college and soon on
            my shoes,” Beniers said.     not  to  send  players  to  Py-  dent  of  hockey  operations  ers this time look more at T.J.  to pro careers.
                                         eongchang  in  2018,  it  gave  John  Davidson,  who  broad-  Oshie’s  shootout  in  Sochi
            All three said yes. While Con-  Russian  sniper  Kirill  Kapr-  casted five Olympics, figures  as  the  iconic  highlight.  For  “The  great  part  about  it  is
            nor  McDavid,  Auston  Mat-  izov,  Finnish  defenseman  the next step is the NHL.     20-year-old  Brendan  Bris-  these  guys  are  skilled  play-
            thews  and  Nathan  MacKin-  Miro Heiskanen and winger                                 son,  the  performances  of  ers  with  a  hardness  to  their
            non will not get the chance to  Eeli Tolvanen, and American  “You never know: They could  Terry,  Greenway  and  Do-  game  that  are  committed  to
            play  in  their  first  Olympics,  forwards  Troy  Terry,  Ryan  be here next year or the fol-  nato  in  Pyeongchang  stick  playing  in  all  three  zones,”
            the  men’s  hockey  tourna-  Donato  and  Jordan  Green-  lowing year,” Davidson said.  out in large part because they  Quinn said. “And that’s why
            ment  in  Beijing  could  be  a  way  opportunities  to  stand  “This is a stage for them.”  helped  U.S.  management  they were drafted where they
            showcase for the next genera-  out.  Kaprizov  and  Tolvanen                           learn to trust college players.  were.  That’s  why  they’re
            tion of talent, with 2021 top  were the second- and third-  It’s  also  something  of  a  do-                       going  to  be  big  parts  of  the
            pick  Owen  Power  expected  leading  scorers  in  that  tour-  over  after  the  world  juniors  “I  loved  watching  last  time,  team we have, and that’s why
            to suit up for Canada and Be-  nament,  while  Donato  led  were  canceled  midstream  the U.S., seeing those college  they’ve  got  great  futures  in
            niers,  Sanderson  and  Faber  the U.S. in goals and Terry in  because  of  virus  concerns.  guys  have  success,”  Brisson  the NHL.”
            among eight U.S. players un-  assists.                    That  tournament  was  shut
            der the age of 21.                                        down  roughly  a  week  after
                                         While  Russia,  Finland  and  the  NHL  withdrew  from
            “NHL  players  won’t  be  other European teams are go-    Beijing,  so  the  opportunity
            there, but it’s still going to be  ing with mostly older rosters  snatched away became more
            some pretty good hockey and  from  professional  leagues,  motivation for Beniers, Sand-
            it’ll be really fun,” Sanderson  the U.S. figured the kids are  erson, Faber and Commesso
            said. “There’s going to be re-  all right: 15 of the 25 players  to commit to the Olympics.
            ally good talent there. To play  named  to  the  team  are  cur-  “One door closes and anoth-
            with Matty and Brock Faber  rently  in  college,  including  er opens,” said Beniers, who
            (and goalie) Drew Commes-    13  who  have  already  been  is expected to be the young-
            so, I’m super excited.”      drafted by an NHL team.      est player in the tournament.
            The precedent is there for the  Vanbiesbrouck said the young  “Something  that  not  many
            youngest players to be among  players will have an immedi-  people get the chance to par-
            the best at the Olympics.    ate impact on the team. Co-  ticipate in.”
            When  the  NHL  decided  lumbus  Blue  Jackets  presi-

                            Rays say split-season plan with Montreal rejected by MLB

            (AP)  —  The  Tampa  Bay  became the Nationals for the
            Rays’  proposed  plan  to  2005 season.
            split  the  season  between
            Florida and Montreal has  The  Rays’  lease  at  Tropi-
            been  rejected  by  Major  cana Field in St. Petersburg,
            League Baseball.             Florida,  where  the  team  has
                                         played since its inaugural sea-
            Rays  principal  owner  Stu-  son in 1998, expires after the
            art Sternberg announced the  2027 season.
            news on Thursday.
                                         Since Sternberg took control
            “Today’s news is flat-out de-  in  October  2005,  the  once-
            flating,” Sternberg said.    struggling franchise has been
                                         a success on the field but not
            The  idea  of  playing  in  both  at the box office.
            the Tampa Bay area and Mon-
            treal has been discussed over  Despite  reaching  the  World  St.  Petersburg  mayor  Ken  council  to  put  together  the  create a new and iconic full-
            the  past  several  years  after  Series in 2008 and 2020, the  Welch feels a new stadium in  best plan possible, which will  time home for Major League
            attempts to build a new full-  Rays  have  annually  ranked  his city remains a possibility.  work  in  conjunction  with  Baseball  in  St.  Petersburg
            time ballpark locally failed.  near  the  bottom  in  atten-  Governmental  officials  have  my planned evolution of the  while also achieving historic
                                         dance.  The  Rays  averaged  been  working  on  a  redevel-  Tropicana  Field  master  de-  equitable economic growth.”
            Montreal  had  a  big  league  about 9,500 for home games  opment  plan  for  the  Tropi-  velopment proposals,” Welch
            team  from  1969,  when  the  last  season,  28th  in  the  ma-  cana Field site.      said  in  a  statement.  “With  Sternberg said the team will
            expansion  Expos  began  play,  jors and ahead of only Miami                           this collaborative approach, I  definitely  explore  options  in
            through  2004.  The  Expos  and Oakland.                  “We  are  working  with  our  am confident we can partner  the Tampa Bay area.
            moved  to  Washington  and                                county  partners  and  city  with the Tampa Bay Rays to
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