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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 9 OctOber 2019

            Constitutional collision: WH vows no cooperation in probe

            By  ZEKE  MILLER  and  JILL                                                                                         the administration will have
            COLVIN                                                                                                              "a full halt" because "this is
            Associated Press                                                                                                    not  a  valid  procedure"  for
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            an  impeachment  inquiry.
            White    House    declared                                                                                          The  official  spoke  on  the
            Tuesday  it  will  not  cooper-                                                                                     condition  of  anonymity  to
            ate with what it termed the                                                                                         discuss  the  administration's
            "illegitimate" impeachment                                                                                          position.
            probe  by  House  Demo-                                                                                             The letter mounts a sweep-
            crats,  sharpening  the  con-                                                                                       ing  and  aggressive  attack
            stitutional  clash  between                                                                                         on the House proceedings
            President  Donald  Trump                                                                                            and signals a battle ahead
            and Congress.                                                                                                       over whether the president
            Trump attorneys sent a let-                                                                                         is  receiving  the  legal  pro-
            ter to House leaders bluntly                                                                                        tections he and his lawyers
            stating  their  refusal  to  par-                                                                                   believe he deserves.
            ticipate in the quickly mov-                                                                                        The White House is claiming
            ing  impeachment  investi-                                                                                          that  Trump's  constitutional
            gation.                                                                                                             rights   to   cross-examine
            "Given  that  your  inquiry                                                                                         witnesses  and  review  all
            lacks  any  legitimate  con-                                                                                        evidence in impeachment
            stitutional  foundation,  any                                                                                       proceedings  extend  even
            pretense of fairness, or even                                                                                       to House investigations, not
            the  most  elementary  due                                                                                          just a potential Senate trial.
            process protections, the Ex-                                                                                        It  also  is  calling  on  Demo-
            ecutive Branch cannot be                                                                                            crats  to  grant  Republicans
            expected  to  participate                                                                                           in  the  House  subpoena
            in it," White House Counsel                                                                                         power to seek evidence in
            Pat Cipollone wrote.         President Donald Trump pauses before speaking during a ceremony to present the Presidential   the president's defense.
            The White House is currently   Medal of Freedom to former Attorney General Edwin Meese, in the Oval Office of the White House,   The  White  House  letter
            objecting  that  the  House   Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2019, in Washington.                                                 came  as  a  federal  judge
            did  not  formally  vote  to                                                                       Associated Press  heard   arguments   Tues-
            begin  the  impeachment                                                                                             day in a separate case on
            inquiry  into  Trump.  It  also  be removed from office for  ert Luskin, said his client was  said  Monday  at  the  White  whether  the  House  had
            claims  that  Trump's  due  "treason,  bribery,  or  other  "profoundly  disappointed"  House. "You can't impeach  undertaken  a  formal  im-
            process  rights  are  being  high  crimes  and  misde-    that he wouldn't be able to  a  president  for  doing  a  peachment inquiry despite
            violated  and  is  attacking  meanors," if supported by a  testify. And Schiff said Sond-  great job. This is a scam."  not  having  taken  an  offi-
            the conduct of House intel-  two-thirds Senate vote. But  land's no-show was "yet ad-  A   whistleblower's   com-   cial  vote  and  whether the
            ligence  committee  Chair-   it offers little guidance be-  ditional  strong  evidence"  plaint  and  text  messages  inquiry  can  be  character-
            man Adam Schiff.             yond that on proceedings.    of  obstruction  of  Congress  released by another envoy  ized,  under  the  law,  as  a
            House  Speaker  Nancy  Pe-   The  White  House  letter  by Trump and Secretary of  portray Sondland as a po-        "judicial proceeding."
            losi  has  insisted  the  House  marks  the  beginning  of  a  State  Mike  Pompeo  that  tentially  important  witness  That distinction matters be-
            is well within its rules to con-  new  strategy  to  counter  will  only  strengthen  a  pos-  in  allegations  that  the  Re-  cause while grand jury tes-
            duct  oversight  of  the  ex-  the impeachment threat to  sible impeachment case.      publican  president  sought  timony  is  ordinarily  secret,
            ecutive  branch  under  the  Trump: Stall. Obfuscate. At-  The  House  followed  up  to  dig  up  dirt  on  a  Demo-  one exception authorizes a
            Constitution  regardless  of  tack.  Repeat.  Trump  aides  Tuesday  afternoon  with  cratic  rival  in  Ukraine  and  judge to disclose it in con-
            a  formal  impeachment  in-  have been honing their ap-   subpoenas  for  Sondland's  other countries in the name  nection with a judicial pro-
            quiry vote.                  proach after two weeks of  testimony and records.         of foreign policy.           ceeding. House Democrats
            Schiff,  commenting  be-     what allies have described  As  lawmakers  seek  to  Pelosi  said  thwarting  the  are seeking grand jury tes-
            fore the White House letter  as a listless and unfocused  amass  ammunition  to  be  witness  testimony  on  Tues-  timony  from  special  coun-
            was released, said, "For this  response  to  the  impeach-  used  in  an  impeachment  day was an "abuse of pow-    sel  Robert  Mueller's  Russia
            impeachment  inquiry  we  ment probe.                     trial,  the  White  House  in-  er" in itself by the president.  investigation  as  they  con-
            are determined to find an-   Earlier  Tuesday,  Trump  in-  creasingly  believes  all-out  A  senior  administration  of-  duct  their  impeachment
            swers."                      tensified his fight with Con-  warfare is its best course of  ficial told reporters that no  inquiry.
            The  Constitution  states  the  gress  by  blocking  Gordon  action.                   additional  witnesses  under  "The House under the Con-
            House  has  the  sole  pow-  Sondland, the U.S. Europe-   "What they did to this coun-  its  purview  will  be  permit-  stitution  sets  its  own  rules,
            er  of  impeachment,  and  an Union ambassador, from  try  is  unthinkable.  It's  lucky  ted  to  appear  in  front  of  and  the  House  has  sole
            that  the  Senate  has  the  testifying  behind  closed  that  I'm  the  president.  A  Congress  or  comply  with  power over impeachment,"
            sole power to conduct im-    doors about the president's  lot of people said very few  document requests, saying  Douglas Letter, a lawyer for
            peachment  trials.  It  speci-  dealings with Ukraine.    people  could  handle  it.  I  the  policy  under  the  cur-  the  House  Judiciary  Com-
            fies  that  a  president  can  Sondland's  attorney,  Rob-  sort  of  thrive  on  it,"  Trump  rent  circumstances  is  that  mittee, told the court.q
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