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LOCAL Wednesday 9 OctOber 2019
A weekly calendar with a selection of what’s going on in Aruba
Wednesday 09 Sunday 13
The Art of Circus Show Calbas Mandala Bird Nest
• The art of circus by Ritmo Cubano • In a creative 3 hour workshop
(International Show) is an impressive you will create a beautiful bird
performance by artists that will be nest. The mentor did the prep
representing Aruba this year in one of work on the Calbas (cleaned,
the most important festivals in the art drilled holes, primed etc), so they
of circus: China Wuqiao International are ready to be enhanced. She
Circus festival. Come and see them guides participants to meditate,
live at stage. reconnect with their God-essence through which they allow
• From 7 PM (free event) and receive inspiration for the Mandala that needs to be
• Paseo Herencia, Palm Beach painted on a stone and the colors that speaks to their soul.
• Facebook Paseo Herencia • 11 AM – 2 PM
• Centro QuiVit, Oranjestad
• Facebook The Wisdom Coach
Thursday 10
48HFP Aruba Premiere Screenings &
• 48 Hour Film Project Aruba is really
quite simple. It is a test for participants
and their team’s ability to work
together and make a movie in only
48 hours. This evening shows the
results from Aruban film makers who
put their blood, sweat and tears and
completed a film! You won’t want to
miss seeing the films at the Premiere
Screenings. Monday 14
• From 7.30 PM (free event, adults only) Eat Local Aruba at Casa Nonna
• Wind Creek Crystal and Seaport • The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba invites you to savor a variety of flavored-
Casino, Oranjestad filled dining experience specially crafted by our culinary talent,
• Facebook CINEARUBA during Eat Local Aruba Restaurant week. Casa Nonna
pays tribute to authentic flavors and quality ingredients that are the
Friday 11 hallmark of true Italian cuisine.
Barefoot Beach BBQ • From 6 PM
• If you’re not barefoot, then • The Ritz-Carlton, Palm Beach
you’re overdressed. Join in • Facebook The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba
for the Barefoot Beach BBQ
on the Renaissance Ocean
Suites Beach with a special
performance by Down Town
Dixie. A delicious BBQ made to
order will be prepared for you
accompanied by a build your own salad station, your choice of
marinate, side dishes and a decadent dessert station.*
• From 6 – 10 PM
• Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino, Oranjestad
• Facebook Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino
Saturday 12
Full Moon Walk
• The foundation BOB’s goal is to
promote early detection of breast
cancer by screening healthy Tuesday 15
women between 45-75 years. This Bon Bini Festival
month is Breast Cancer Awareness • At the Bon Bini Festival the visitors will enjoy an evening filled with
month and in that light the Full history, local arts & crafts, local food & drinks, poetry, film, live
Moon Walk is organized. Walk with performance of folkloric & carnival music. The Popcorn Dancers
us in Aruba’s nature for 5 kilometer will be presenting the folkloric dance rhythms & the carnival
while at the same time supporting rhythm of Aruba.
this good cause. • From 7 PM
• From 7 – 10 PM • Museo Historico Aruba: Fort Zoutman & Willem III Toren,
• Baby Beach, San Nicolas Oranjestad
• Facebook Stichting BOB Aruba • Facebook Dream, Dare, Do - Aruba or Popcorn Club & Dancers