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                                                                                                OBITUARIO Diaranson 18 Mei 2022

                                                                                                     Congress dives into UFOs, but

                                                                                                       no signs of extraterrestrials

                                                                                                     WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress held its first hear-
                                                                                                     ing in half a century Tuesday on unidentified flying
                                                                                                     objects. And no, there is still no government confir-
                                                             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta   mation of extraterrestrial life.
              Señor ta mi wardador mi’n tin falta di nada; den kunucku   di nada
              di yerbe berde e ta ponemi sosega. E ta hibami den awa   Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta   Testifying before a House Intelligence subcommittee, Pen-
              trankil, pami bolbe haya forsa.                ponemi sosega.                          tagon officials did not disclose additional information from
                                                  Salmo 23   E ta hibami na awa trankil,             their  ongoing  investigation  of  hundreds  of  unexplained
                                                             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
              Cu honda pena pero conforme cu Dios su boluntad nos                                    sightings in the sky. But they said they had picked a direc-
              ta anuncia Fayecimento di nos Tata, Welo, Bisawelo,                      Salmo: 23     tor for a new task force to coordinate data collection efforts
              Ruman y Omo                                                                            on what the government has officially labeled "unidentified
                                                             Cu hopi dolor na nos curason, nos ta    aerial phenomena."
                                                             anuncia fayecimento di:                 Ronald Moultrie, the undersecretary of defense for intel-
                                                                                                     ligence, said the Pentagon was also trying to destigmatize
                                                                                                     the issue and encourage pilots and other military personnel
                                                                                                     to report anything unusual they see.
                                                                                                     "We want to know what's out there as much as you want
                                                                                                     to know what's out there," Moultrie told lawmakers, add-
                                                                                                     ing that he was a fan of science fiction himself. "We get the
                                                                                                     questions not just from you. We get it from family and we
                                                                                                     get them night and day."
                    Alejandro Roberto Croes
                Mihor conoci como “Ruby”, “Papa Ruby”, “Opa” of                                      Lawmakers from both parties say UFOs are a national se-
                        *09 Feb 1940 - †11 May 2022                                                  curity concern. Sightings of what appear to be aircraft flying
                                                                                                     without discernible means of propulsion have been report-
              Su Mayornan:                                                                           ed near military bases and coastlines, raising the prospect
              †Jacobo y †Paulita Croes-Jansen                                                        that witnesses have spotted undiscovered or secret Chinese
              Su Estimada esposa:                                                                    or Russian technology.
              †Loreta “Reina” Croes-Kock
              Yiunan:                                                                                But the sightings are usually fleeting. Some appear for no
              Marlin & Rignald Rafaël-Croes                                                          more than an instant on camera — and then sometimes
              Shirley & Egidio Kock-Croes                                                            end up distorted by the camera lens. The U.S. government
              Vera & Ronald Ridderstaat-Croes                  Ellis Anthony Henriquez               is believed to hold additional technical information on the
              Lilian Croes & Albert Kock                          *07-07-1953 - †15-05-2022          sightings that it has not disclosed publicly.
              Mescos cu jui        Judith Croes
              Su Nietonan:                                                                           An interim report released by intelligence officials last year
              Marlisa & Edmar Rincones-Hart                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia        counted 144 sightings of aircraft or other devices apparently
              Marisol Hart & Jonathan Steward                despues.                                flying at mysterious speeds or trajectories. In all but one of
              Marigin Rafaël                                                                         the sightings investigated, there was too little information
              Marshilyne & Marvin Boekhoudt-Kock                                                     for investigators to even broadly characterize the nature of
              Mark Kock & Shanthelyene Vrolijk
              Veron Ridderstaat                                                                      the incident.
              Le-Andro Kock & Jerrsy Ras
              Su Bisanietonan:     Matthew, Alyssa, Edeline,
              Henry, Cathrine, Marvilyne
              Su Rumanan:
              †Carmen de Mei-Croes y famia
              †Mario Croes y yiu
              †Selsa Geerman-Croes y famia
              Maximo (Mache) Croes y famia
              Norma Croes-Croes y famia
              †Edwin y Victoria Croes-Flanegin               Dios a tira un bista den su Jardin y a
              Subrino, Subrinonan y nan famia: †Frank, †Joy, Dennis,   topa un espacio bashi
              Dodo, Enrica, Vivian, Haime, Edgar, Aureen, Kenny,   Despues su mirada a pasa ariba tera y a
              Sonny, Debby, Lourdes, Vito, Mary, Grace, Judith, Lucia,   mira bo cara cansa
              Ligia y Ingrid
              Swa y Cuña nan:  †Ignacio Kock                 E la pone su brasa rond di bo y a hiba
              †Virgilio Kock                                 bo pa bo por sosega
              †Maria Kock
              Subrino y subrinanan di respet y nan famia: Boy, Lidia,   Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di
              Freddy, Gladys, Johnny, Gregory, Astrid, †Mayra, Leta,
              Su bon bisiñanan:
              Elsa Croes y Loy
              Herbert Croes y Rumanan
              Ilse & Aldrick Arends- de Cuba
              Jane Oduber
              Wendy y Ronny Croes-Vrolijk
              Su ex coleganan di Compra y su Amiga Stima Leentje
              Verzorgster: Jaqueline Esser & Dialyse Afdeling

              Primo y Primanan, Cuña y Swanan, Comper y
              Comernan, ihanan, bisiñanan y demas famia: Croes,
              Jansen, Rafaël, Kock, Ridderstaat, Rincones, Hart,
              Steward, Boekhoudt, Vrolijk, Ras, de Mei, Geerman,
              Albertus, Flanegin, Loopstok, Fingal, Dammers, Wever,
              Herms, Daal, Dick, Kreeft, Vrolijk, Nadal
              Acto di condolencia y entiero lo tuma lugar na Misa Sta.
              Filomena na Paradera 18 Mei, 2022 di 9 am – 11 am di
              mainta y despues lo sali pa Santana Catolico na Paradera.
                                                               Elvia Violeta Tromp
              Nos Disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida cualkier   *15-10-1954 - †16-05-2022
              famia, amigo of conocir.
              Disculpa nos pero despues di entiero nos no ta ricibi   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia
              bishita di condolencia na cas.                 despues
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