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U.S. NEWS Wednesday 2 november 2022
Police: Pelosi suspect wanted to break speaker’s knees
By Lisa Mascaro, Stefanie A record number of secu-
Dazio and Terry Chea rity threats are being re-
Associated Press ported against lawmakers
San Francisco (AP) — The and election officials.
man accused of attacking At a campaign event Mon-
House Speaker Nancy Pe- day in Arizona, Kari Lake,
losi’s husband with a ham- the Republican candidate
mer told police he wanted for governor, drew hearty
to hold the Democratic laughs as she joked about
leader hostage and “break security at the Pelosi home.
her kneecaps” to show oth- In addition to the state
er members of Congress charges, DePape was also
there were “consequences charged Monday in fed-
to actions,” authorities said eral court with influencing,
Monday. impeding or retaliating
In a chilling federal com- against a federal official
plaint, officials say David by threatening or injuring
DePape, 42, carrying zip a family member. He also
ties, tape and a rope in a faces one count of at-
backpack, broke into the tempted kidnapping of a
couple’s San Francisco United States official be-
home early Friday morn- cause of their official du-
ing, went upstairs where ties.
82-year-old Paul Pelosi was No attorney has been listed
sleeping, and demanded for DePape. He is sched- San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins addresses reporters at a news conference with
Police Chief William Scott standing next to her on Monday, Oct. 31, 2022, in San Francisco.
to talk to “Nancy.” uled to be arraigned Tues- Associated Press
“This house and the speak- day on the state charges,
er herself were specifically and prosecutors will ask for
targets,” San Francisco him to be held in jail with-
District Attorney Brooke out bail.
Jenkins said at a Monday Authorities said DePape
evening news conference smashed a glass door in
announcing state charges the back of the home with
against DePape, including a hammer, went to the up-
attempted murder. stairs bedroom and told
“This was politically moti- a surprised Paul Pelosi to
vated,” Jenkins said. She wake up.
implored the public to When Paul Pelosi told the
“watch the words that intruder his wife was not
we say and to turn down home, DePape said he
the volume of our political would wait — even after
rhetoric.” Investigators be- being told she would not
lieve DePape had been be home for some days.
researching in advance to The assailant then started
target Pelosi, Jenkins said in taking out twist ties to tie
an interview with The Asso- Pelosi up, the complaint
ciated Press. says.
“This was not something DePape told investigators
that he did at the spur of he wanted to talk to Speak-
the moment,” she said. er Pelosi and viewed her as
In a statement late Mon- the “leader of the pack of
day, Speaker Pelosi said lies told by the Democratic
her family was “most grate- Party,” according to the
ful” for “thousands of mes- eight-page complaint.
sages conveying concern, “If she were to tell DePape
prayers and warm wishes.” the ‘truth,’ he would let
Her husband underwent her go and if she ’lied,’
surgery for a fractured skull he was going to break her
and other injuries after the kneecaps,” the complaint
attack. She said he was alleges.q
making “steady progress
on what will be a long re-
covery process.”
The stark narrative laid out
by state and federal pros-
ecutors stands in contrast
to the mocking jokes and
conspiracy theories circu-
lated by far-right figures
and even some leading
Republicans just a week
before midterm elections.