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WORLD NEWS Wednesday 2 november 2022
New president's bid to protect the Amazon will face hurdles
By FABIANO MAISONNAVE vanced bills to ease envi-
Associated Press ronmental legislation.
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — In At the state level, six out of
a victory speech Sunday, nine Amazon governors are
Brazil's president-elect Luiz Bolsonaro allies, most with
Inácio Lula da Silva prom- strong ties with agribusiness.
ised to reverse a surge in One of them, Marcos Ro-
deforestation in the Ama- cha, from Rondonia state,
zon rainforest. got reelected two days af-
"We will once again moni- ter he made a high profile
tor and do surveillance in bid to burnish his anti-envi-
the Amazon. We will fight ronment credentials by re-
every illegal activity," leftist moving the protection on a
da Silva said in his speech conservation land roughly
at a hotel in downtown Sao twice the size of two New
Paulo. "At the same time, York City.
we will promote sustain- Da Silva has to use his sup-
able development of com- port at the ballot box to
munities in the Amazon." promote his environmen-
To achieve this in his third tal agenda, according to
term, he will have to boost Caetano Scannavino, co-
environmental law en- ordinator of Health & Hap-
forcement, face a hostile piness, an Amazon non-
Congress and deal with Brazil's former president who was running for reelection, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, receives a profit that supports sustain-
state governors who have headdress from Assurini Indigenous people during a meeting with traditional populations from able projects in the Tapajos
the Amazon in Belem, Para state, Brazil, Sept. 2, 2022. In a victory speech Sunday, Oct. 30, Brazil’s
strong ties with the defeat- president-elect da Silva promised to reverse a surge in deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. basin. On the international
ed far-right President Jair Associated Press front, da Silva's promises to
Bolsonaro. If he is serious, preserve the world's larg-
the job will be immense. the previous year. by an Indigenous person. tected areas such as Indig- est rainforest have already
The area deforested in Bra- On the ground, the main Under Bolsonaro, these enous territories. found supporters.
zil's Amazon reached a 15- challenge will be to rebuild have been led by appoin- In 2023, the agribusiness The Norwegian govern-
year high from August 2020 environmental agencies tees close to the agribusi- sector, which backed Bol- ment indicated it will re-
to July 2021, according and Brazil's Indigenous bu- ness sector, which has long sonaro's failed reelection sume its performance-
to official figures. Satellite reau. Da Silva also prom- pushed for the legalization bid, will control about half based multi-million-dollar
monitoring shows the trend ised to create a ministry of of land robbing and op- of the Congress. In recent donations to finance anti-
in 2022 is on track to surpass Indigenous affairs headed poses the creation of pro- years, the caucus ad- deforestation policies.q
Greece: Dozens missing after boat carrying migrants sinks
By ELENA BECATOROS As- total of around 68 people in the search and rescue
sociated Press that had left from Izmir on operation.
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A the Turkish coast, and that A separate search and
major search and rescue the vessel had capsized rescue operation was also
operation was underway and sank. The rescue op- continuing Tuesday after-
Tuesday for dozens of mi- eration was hampered by noon off the coast of the
grants reported missing af- particularly rough weath- eastern Aegean island of
ter the overloaded sailing er, with gale force winds Samos, which lies near the
boat they were on cap- on Tuesday morning, the Turkish coast, for seven
sized and sank in stormy coast guard said. The area people still missing from
weather overnight off an where the boat sank, the an inflatable dinghy that
island near the Greek capi- Kafireas Strait between the capsized on Monday with
tal, authorities said. islands of Evia and Andros, 12 people reportedly on
The incident was the latest is notoriously treacherous, board. Four survivors were
in a series of recent ship- with even light winds kick- rescued Monday from that
wrecks involving migrant ing up rough seas. Wind incident. The coast guard
boats in Greek seas that strength eased in the early said a cargo ship partici- In this photo provided by the Greek Coast Guard, some of the
nine men who survived a shipwreck and were found on an
have left dozens of people afternoon, but the ongoing pating in the search and uninhabited islet are covered with a thermal blankets as they
dead or missing. search had not yet located rescue operation located sit aboard a Greek Coast guard vessel, in the Aegean Sea,
The coast guard said nine any further passengers from one body in the area on Greece, on Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022. A major search and rescue
survivors, all men, had been the sailing boat. The coast Tuesday, within Greek ter- operation was underway Tuesday for dozens of people missing
found on an uninhabited is- guard said authorities were ritorial waters. It said the after the boat they were on capsized and sank in stormy
let south of the island of Evia initially alerted by a distress body was picked up by a weather overnight off the coast of an island near the Greek
and had been picked up call in the early hours of Turkish coast guard vessel capital. The coast guard said nine survivors, all men, had been
found on an uninhabited islet south of the island of Evia and had
by a coast guard vessel in Tuesday from passengers which had not been par- been picked up by a coast guard vessel.
the early hours of Tuesday. saying the boat they were ticipating in the search and Associated Press
None had been wearing on was in trouble, but they rescue operation.q
lifejackets, the coast guard did not provide a location. The coast guard said the it, while also "display- Greece and Turkey, which
said. The survivors told au- An aircraft, a coast guard Turkish vessel harassed a ing weaponry." Tension are at odds over a series of
thorities they had been on patrol boat and two near- Greek coast guard ves- has been high between issues, including territorial
board a sailing boat with a by ships were participating sel and tried to damage neighbors and NATO allies disputes in the Aegean. q