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Beach Clean
Thursday by Aruba One
April 14, 2022
Happy Island
T: 582-7800 Lions Club
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Texas keeping most truck inspections despite border gridlock
By PAUL J. WEBER mile border have occurred
Associated Press at other bridges that do
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Tex- not share a border with TRUCK
as Gov. Greg Abbott on Nuevo Leon. That includes
Wednesday defied mount- the Pharr-Reynosa Inter-
ing pressure to end truck national Bridge, which has
inspections that have grid- been effectively closed STOP
locked the U.S.-Mexico bor- since Monday by trucker
der for days, backing up protests.
cargo for miles and spoiling Abbott said he hoped oth-
produce shipments, say- er Mexican states would
ing he would not repeal his follow Nuevo Leon and
new policy at all bridges also reach agreements
until there are more assur- with Texas.
ances of security. Pressure on Abbott had
Abbott did lift inspections continued to mount, in-
at one international bridge cluding from allies of the
after announcing what he two-term governor.
said was an agreement The Texas Trucking Associa-
for more enhanced secu- tion, which has endorsed
rity with Nuevo Leon Gov. Abbott for reelection, said
Samuel García, whose that the current situation
Mexican state is across the “cannot be sustained” as
border from Laredo. the delays postponed de- A long line of trucks is seeing stalled at the Bridge of the Americas, one of two ports of entry in
But the most dramatic liveries and threatened to Ciudad Juarez going into the U.S.on April 12, 2022.
backups of commercial empty store shelves. Associated Press
trucks along Texas' 1,200- Continued on next page