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Diahuebs 2 Juni 2022
Harris calls water security a foreign policy priority
By SUMAN NAISHAD- be met. Those goals include
HAM and MICHAEL improving clean water access
PHILLIS without increasing green-
Associated Press house gas emissions, helping
WASHINGTON (AP) — other countries sustainably
Vice President Kamala manage resources, and get-
Harris said Wednesday the ting international organiza-
U.S. is safer if people in tions to address water secu-
other countries have suffi- rity issues.
cient water to drink, grow Harris spoke at the White
food and safely dispose of House alongside Power and
sewage, emphasizing that Kathleen Hicks, deputy sec-
water access is a foreign retary at the Department of
policy priority. Defense. Other speakers in-
cluded Alice Albright, CEO
Harris said making sure that of the Millennium Challenge
every country has enough Corporation and the daugh-
water will prevent conflicts, ter of former U.S. Secretary
improve health outcomes of State Madeleine Albright.
and boost local economies. “Many of our most funda-
Working towards those goals mental national security in-
will make the world more terests depend on water secu-
stable and secure, according rity,” Harris said.
to a newly released White The Biden administration
House plan to address issues world less stable,” she said, drive migration, and foment which can cause diarrhea and also released a one-year re-
facing global water supplies adding that it can lead to civil unrest.” other diseases. The problem port on its efforts to combat
and quality. “mass migration, which can Climate change will increase kills an estimated 485,000 drought, a significant, stub-
The Biden administration put significant pressure on temperatures and drive ex- people a year, according to born problem impacting
said it will support invest- neighboring communities.” treme weather, making water the organization. much of the western United
ments in water infrastructure Republicans have criticized access in some regions worse. U.S. Agency for Interna- States. Harris said the infra-
abroad and provide technical the Biden administration So far, the world has made tional Development admin- structure bill passed last year
expertise to help other coun- over the number of migrants modest, uneven progress to- istrator Samantha Power said directed billions toward wa-
tries manage their water re- arriving at the Southern bor- wards improving sanitation Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ter infrastructure, including
sources. der. Harris has frequently said and drinking water services, has deprived millions in that the replacement of toxic lead
More than two billion people tackling migration requires the White House said. country of clean water. pipes.
around the world live in “wa- addressing “root causes,” and Inadequate water access has “Some leaders are taking ad- Harris’ home state of Cali-
ter stressed” countries where previously proposed provid- the most effect on women, vantage of water insecurity fornia has been especially
demand for water exceeds ing short-term relief to some who need water for men- and actually wielding it as a hard hit by dry conditions.
supplies, the World Health Central American countries strual hygiene and are often weapon of war,” said Power, Less water has increased the
Organization estimates. Har- dealing with extreme weather responsible for transporting who also spoke at the event. risk of wildfires and forced
ris said that reality will have a events. water, the plan said. The White House said it water restrictions on millions
“profound impact on Amer- Wednesday’s plan states The WHO estimates that would use existing resources of Californians.
ica’s interests around the that gaps in access to basic 2 billion people worldwide to implement the plan, but “Across the West, we have
globe.” sanitation in Central Amer- drink from a water source was thin on specifics about seen the terrible cost of the
“Water insecurity makes our ica “contribute to inequality, contaminated with feces, how deadlines or goals would climate crisis,” Harris said.
U.S. agrees to update critical habitat for Florida manatees
By CURT ANDERSON posed revision by Sept. 12, ter officials successfully fed path to recovery,” said Ragan key piece of the puzzle for
Associated Press 2024. The agreement comes manatees tons of lettuce in an Whitlock, an attorney for the saving these unique and be-
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. in a long-running court case unprecedented experiment Center for Biological Diver- loved creatures. The Fish and
(AP) — U.S. wildlife offi- involving the Center for Bio- to prevent more starvation. sity. “Protecting the habitat of Wildlife Service “has delayed
cials have agreed to revise logical Diversity, Defenders Last year, more than 1,100 these magnificent creatures is revising critical habitat for a
the critical habitat desig- of Wildlife and the Save the manatees died largely from long overdue, but we’re hap- decade, and now the mana-
nation for Florida mana- Manatee Club. lack of food, a Florida re- py these safeguards will soon tee’s predicament is so dire
tees, which have been The rule would bring en- cord. This year, the Florida be in place.” that revising critical habitat
dying in record numbers hanced federal scrutiny to Fish and Wildlife Conser- The broader issue for mana- can no longer be put on the
because water pollution is projects that might affect vation Commission reports tee survival is improving wa- back burner,” said Patrick
killing a main food source. the manatee in waterways in 562 manatee deaths as of late ter quality. Their favored sea- Rose, executive director of
which the marine mammals May. Dozens more manatees grass food is disappearing due the Save the Manatee Club,
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife are known to concentrate. have been rescued and are to chronic pollution from ag- which was co-founded by
Service said in a court settle- One such area is the Indian being cared for at zoos, ma- ricultural, sewage and urban Florida troubadour Jimmy
ment made public Wednes- River Lagoon on Florida’s rine facilities and aquariums runoff, as well as other sourc- Buffet.
day that it will publish a pro- east coast, where this win- around the country. es. Efforts are ongoing to re- “We are pleased that FWS is
The manatee critical habitat store the crucial seagrass beds finally willing to take this es-
designation has not been up- but those are long-term proj- sential step to save our im-
dated since 1976; it’s some- ects.Florida wildlife officials periled manatees and hope
thing manatee advocates have were heartened this spring this signals a shift in priori-
been pushing for since 2008. to find that some seagrass is tizing manatee survival and
The state wildlife commis- growing back naturally in key recovery,” Rose added.
sion estimates there are about habitat areas. But they cau- People interested in assist-
7,500 manatees in the wild in tioned it would only take one ing the manatee program
Florida. algae bloom caused by pollu- can donate to an FWC-affil-
“Safeguarding the places tion to wipe out those gains. iated organization. Distressed
where manatees live will Once it happens, manatee manatees can be reported by
help put these incredibly advocates say the critical hab- calling a hotline at 888-404-
imperiled animals back on a itat revision will be another FWCC (888-404-3922).