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SPORTS Diahuebs 2 Juni 2022
Swiatek benefits from double bounce no-call; into French SF
By HOWARD FEN- She trailed 3-2 in the open-
DRICH ing set, and it was 3-all when
AP Tennis Writer she held a break point while
PARIS (AP) — Iga Swi- Pegula served.
atek benefited from the Pegula tried a drop shot, and
chair umpire's no-call on Swiatek ran to it, reaching
a double bounce that gave out to flip the ball over the
her a key first-set service net at an impossible angle.
break during a match-al- Pegula could not get to that
tering five-game run and response, and the point went
the French Open's No. 1 to Swiatek, giving her a 4-3
seed moved into the semi- edge.
finals with a 6-3, 6-2 vic- As Pegula went to the sideline
tory over Jessica Pegula on for the ensuing changeover,
Wednesday. she looked toward her coach,
David Witt, in the stands,
Swiatek extended her win- perhaps wondering whether
ning streak to 33 matches, the Swiatek's shot should have
longest on tour since Serena counted.
Williams won 34 in a row in A TV replay confirmed it
2013. should not have: The ball
Swiatek will face No. 20 Dar- landed a second time on her
ia Kasatkina in one women's side of the net before go-
semifinal Thursday, when combining for 75 unforced it to at least the semifinals at As usual for most of this ing off her racket, so chair
the other will be No. 18 errors, 50 by Kudermetova. each of the four major tour- season, Swiatek was good umpire Emmanuel Joseph
Coco Gauff, an 18-year-old That allowed Kasatkina to naments. He'll face No. 8 enough to end up on the right should have ruled the point
American, against unseeded win despite coming up with Casper Ruud or 19-year-old side of the scoreline. She has belonged to Pegula. But Jo-
Martina Trevisan, a 28-year- just 16 winners over the Holger Rune on Friday for a not lost a match since Febru- seph missed the extra bounce
old from Italy. course of 165 points. berth in the final. ary and claimed the title at and, unlike at some other
Only Swiatek has previously "It was a roller coaster," A day after her 21st birthday, each of her past five tourna- tournaments, officials at the
participated in the final four said Kasatkina, who hadn't Swiatek was not at her domi- ments. French Open can't consult
at a major tournament, losing reached a major quarterfi- nant best against the 11th- Swiatek rose atop the WTA video to make sure they get a
in the semifinals at the Aus- nal in four years. "Just happy seeded Pegula, a 28-year-old rankings in March after the call correct.
tralian Open in January and with the way I stayed on the from New York whose par- woman who was No. 1, Ash From there, Swiatek wouldn't
taking the title at the 2020 court and didn't put myself in ents own the NFL's Buffalo Barty, retired at age 25. Rath- drop another game until she
French Open when she was the situation where I was dis- Bills and NHL's Buffalo Sa- er than being derailed by the led by a set and 1-0 in the sec-
ranked outside the top 50. appointed and stuff. So really bres. sudden switch in status, Swi- ond. In all, she took 10 of the
"This year it's a little bit dif- happy with this mental part." "Getting old, but still fresh," atek has flourished, going last 12 games.
ferent, because I'm not an In the men's quarterfinals Swiatek wrote with a silver 16-0 since rising from No. 2. When a reporter mentioned
underdog," she said, "and ev- Wednesday, 2014 U.S. Open marker on the lens of a court- On a sunny afternoon at that double bounce, Swiatek
erything has changed, hon- champion Marin Cilic got to side TV camera. Court Philippe Chatrier, seemed to stifle a smile, as if
estly." the French Open semifinals She was more pleased with with the temperature above she had anticipated a ques-
Kasatkina beat No. 29 Ve- for the first time by hitting 33 herself than after her fourth- 70 degrees Fahrenheit (20 tion about that point.
ronika Kudermetova 6-4, aces to defeat No. 7 Andrey round win, in which she ced- Celsius), Swiatek's start was "If it was two bounces, then
7-6 (5) in a match between Rublev 5-7, 6-3, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 ed a set for the first time in so-so for the second match in I'm sorry," she said. "But at
two Russian players who will (10-2) in 4 hours, 10 min- more than a month and felt a row, although she did wind that point I was so focused to
not be allowed to compete at utes. "kind of like a cold shower." up with nearly twice as many just get to the ball and to win
Wimbledon later this month The 20th-seeded Cilic, a "It really helped me the last winners as Pegula, 30 to 16. the point that it is like I just
because of that country's in- 33-year-old from Croatia match, to kind of remind me "I feel like the ball is flying a went forward.
vasion of Ukraine. who compiled 88 total win- what I have to do to make my little bit faster," Swiatek said, These moments are pretty
Theirs was a mistake-filled ners to Rublev's 35, is one of tennis more efficient," Swi- "so I had to adjust to that, for tricky, because it's all on the
quarterfinal, with the players five active men to have made atek said. sure." umpire."
Twins’ Carlos Correa tests positive for COVID-19
By DAVE HOGG that," Baldelli said. "I think
Associated Press resting and hydrating are the
DETROIT (AP) — Carlos most important things for
Correa has tested positive him right now." Monday's
for COVID-19, the Min- game was the first in a five-
nesota Twins said after game, four-day series against
Monday's 7-5 loss to the the Tigers. "We've had some
Detroit Tigers. guys stay behind in cities, but
there are other possible op-
"We found out during the tions," Baldelli said. "We're
game," Twins manager Rocco going to be here for a while,
Baldelli said. "He's back at the so no one needs to go any-
hotel resting and we'll figure where yet." Correa is hitting
out what the coming days .279 with a .751 OPS in his
will mean for him." first season with the Twins.
Baldelli said the 27-year-old He left the Houston Astros
shortstop had not been feel- after seven seasons to sign a
ing well but doesn't have sig- $105.3 million, three-year
nificant symptoms. contract in March, a deal that
"He's under the weather, but allows him to opt out after
nothing above and beyond the 2022 and 2023 seasons.