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A28     u.s. news
                      Diahuebs 14 Juli 2022

                        Descendants of possible Tulsa massacre victims can give DNA

            (AP) - People who believe                                                                                           org, but it isn’t known when
            they  are  descendants  of                                                                                          the process of trying to match
            victims  of  the  1921  Tulsa                                                                                       the DNA will begin.
            Race  Massacre  can  now                                                                                            Hellwig said donor have the
            provide  genetic  material                                                                                          option  to  prohibit  their  in-
            to  help  scientists  when                                                                                          formation from being shared
            they begin trying to iden-                                                                                          with  other  agencies,  includ-
            tify  remains  of  possible                                                                                         ing law enforcement, and can
            victims.                                                                                                            remove  their  information  at
                                                                                                                                any time.
            Danny  Hellwig,  laboratory
            director  with  Intermountain                                                                                       The 1921 massacre occurred
            Forensics,  said  Wednesday                                                                                         when a white mob descended
            that researchers are not ready                                                                                      on  Greenwood,  a  predomi-
            to  begin  trying  to  match                                                                                        nantly  Black  neighborhood
            DNA  for  identification,  but                                                                                      in  Tulsa.  More  than  1,000
            an  outpouring  of  requests                                                                                        homes  were  burned,  hun-
            from local residents on how                                                                                         dreds  were  looted  and  the
            to  provide  genetic  material                                                                                      thriving  business  district
            led them to begin the process                                                                                       known  as  Black  Wall  Street
            of accepting donations.                                                                                             was destroyed.

            “That’s what prompted this,”                                                                                        A  search  for  the  graves  of
            Hellwig said. “We didn’t ex-                                                                                        massacre  victims  began  in
            pect  the  amount  of  support                                                                                      2020  and  resumed  last  year
            and  willingness  to  help...  lines”  of  direct  descendants,                        confirmed  as  victims  of  the  with nearly three dozen cof-
            people  have  jumped  out  of  making identifications of the  The Salt Lake City nonprofit  1921 massacre, a finding that  fins  containing  remains  of
            the woodwork” to offer their  remains possible within days,  foundation  is  examining  14  officials say could be impos-  possible victims recovered.
            DNA for testing.             Hellwig said.                sets of remains removed from  sible because of the length of
                                                                      a  local  cemetery  a  year  ago  time since they died.   Investigators  haven’t  said
            Black  people  who  had  an-  “If we’re only matched with  and  has  said  at  least  two  of                       when  they’ll  analyze  addi-
            cestors  in  Tulsa  in  1921  are  very  distant  relatives  it  can  the remains contains enough  People can provide their in-  tional  sites  where  suspected
            sought, Hellwig said.        take much longer,” with pre-  usable  DNA  for  testing  for  formation  from  genealogy  mass  graves  are  located,  but
                                         vious  efforts  to  make  such  possible identification.  sites such as or  potential  search  areas  are
            “What we need is to populate  matches taking four years or                     and  upload  planned, according to city of-
            these  databases  with  family  more, he said.            The  remains  have  not  been  that  to  www.tulsa1921dna.  ficials in Tulsa.

                          US inflation surges again in June, raising risks for economy

            (AP)  -  U.S.  inflation                                  The likelihood of larger rate  ily  on  furniture,  appliances  Wednesday — still far higher
            surged  to  a  new  four-de-  “Everything goes up, includ-  hikes this year pushed stock  and   exercise   equipment,  than a year ago.
            cade high in June because  ing  cheaper  items  like  store  indexes  lower  in  afternoon  factories  and  shipping  com-
            of  rising  prices  for  gas,  brands,”  said  Freeman,  who  trading.  The  central  bank  is  panies  struggled  to  keep  up  Shipping costs and commod-
            food  and  rent,  squeezing  visited a food bank near At-  expected to raise its key short-  and  prices  for  goods  soared.  ity prices have also begun to
            household  budgets  and  lanta this week to try and gain  term rate later this month by  Russia’s war against Ukraine  fall,  and  pay  increases  have
            pressuring the Federal Re-   control of her grocery costs.  a  hefty  three-quarters  of  a  further magnified energy and  slowed.  Surveys  show  that
            serve to raise interest rates  Grocery prices have jumped  point, as it did last month.  food prices.               Americans’  expectations  for
            aggressively -- trends that  12%  in  the  past  year,  the                                                         inflation  over  the  long  run
            raise  the  risk  of  a  reces-  steepest climb since 1979.  As  consumers’  confidence  In  recent  months,  as  Covid  have eased — a trend that of-
            sion.                                                     in  the  economy  declines,  so  fears have receded, consumer  ten points to more moderate
                                         Accelerating  inflation  is  a  have  President  Joe  Biden’s  spending has gradually shift-  price increases over time.
            The government’s consumer  vexing problem for the Fed-    approval   ratings,   posing  ed away from goods and to-
            price index soared 9.1% over  eral Reserve, too. The Fed is  a  major  political  threat  to  ward services. Yet rather than  “While  today’s  headline  in-
            the past year, the biggest year-  already engaged in the fastest  Democrats  in  the  Novem-  pulling down inflation by re-  flation  reading  is  unaccept-
            ly  increase  since  1981,  with  series of interest rate hikes in  ber  congressional  elections.  ducing goods prices, the cost  ably  high,  it  is  also  out-of-
            nearly  half  of  the  increase  three decades, which it hopes  Forty  percent  of  adults  said  of  furniture,  cars,  and  other  date,”  President  Biden  said
            due to higher energy costs.  will cool inflation by tamping  in  a  June  AP-NORC  poll  items  has  kept  rising,  while  Wednesday. “All major econ-
                                         down borrowing and spend-    that  they  thought  tackling  restaurant  costs,  rents  and  omies are battling this COV-
            Lower-income  and  Black  ing  by  consumers  and  busi-  inflation should be a top gov-  other services are also getting  ID-related challenge.”
            and Hispanic American have  nesses.                       ernment priority this year, up  more expensive.
            been hit especially hard, since                           from just 14% who said so in                              The latest disappointing data
            a  disproportionate  share  of  The U.S. economy shrank in  December.                  The  year-over-year  leap  in  on inflation came out at the
            their income goes toward es-  the first three months of the                            consumer  prices  last  month  outset  of  Biden’s  trip  to  the
            sentials  such  as  transporta-  year,  and  many  analysts  be-  After  years  of  low  prices,  a  followed  an  8.6%  annual  Middle  East,  where  he  will
            tion,  housing  and  food.  But  lieve  the  trend  continued  in  swift rebound from the 2020  jump  in  May.  From  May  to  meet  with  officials  from
            with the cost of many goods  the second quarter.          pandemic recession — com-    June,  prices  rose  1.3%,  fol-  Saudi  Arabian  to  discuss  oil
            and services rising faster than                           bined   with   supply-chain  lowing  a  1%  increase  from  prices, among other subjects.
            average  incomes,  a  vast  ma-  “The Fed’s rate hikes are do-  snags — ignited inflation.  April to May.
            jority of Americans are feel-  ing what they are supposed to                                                        Republican   members    of
            ing  the  pinch  in  their  daily  do, which is kill off demand,”  Consumers unleashed a wave  Some economists believe in-  Congress  have  blamed  the
            routines.                    said  Megan  Greene,  global  of pent-up spending, spurred  flation  might  be  reaching  a  higher  prices  on  Biden’s
                                         chief economist at the Kroll  by vast federal aid, ultra-low  short-term  peak.  Gas  prices,  economic  policies,  specifi-
            For 72-year-old Marcia Free-  Institute. “The trick is if they  borrowing  costs  and  sav-  for example, have fallen from  cally his $1.9 trillion financial
            man, who is retired and lives  kill off too much and we get a  ings they had built up while  the eye-watering $5 a gallon  support package approved in
            off of a pension, there is no  recession.”                hunkering  down.  As  home-  reached  in  mid-June  to  an  March.
            escape from rising expenses.                              bound Americans spent heav-  average  of  $4.63  nationwide
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