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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 14 Juli 2022

                           UN sees progress in talks to free up Ukraine grain exports

            (AP)  —  U.N.  Secretary-
            General Antonio Guterres  Akar said the talks were held  The  war  has  trapped  about
            said  the  first  meeting  in  in a constructive atmosphere,  22  million  tons  of  grain  in-
            weeks  between  Russia  adding: “We see that the par-     side  Ukraine,  according  to
            and Ukraine took “a criti-   ties  are  willing  to  solve  this  Ukraine’s  president.  U.N.,
            cal  step  forward”  to  en-  problem.”                   Turkish  and  other  officials
            sure the export of desper-                                are scrambling for a solution
            ately  needed  grain  from  Ukrainian President Volody-   that would empty the silos in
            Ukraine’s Black Sea ports  myr Zelenskyy said his coun-   time for upcoming harvest in
            to  help  ease  the  global  try’s  delegation  at  the  talks  Ukraine. Some grain is being
            food crisis.                 had  informed  him  that  they  transported  through  Europe
                                         were making progress.        by rail, road and river, but the
            The  U.N.  chief  said  “more                             amount  is  small  compared
            technical  work  will  now  be  He said he was grateful to the  with the Black Sea routes.
            needed”  to  reach  an  agree-  United  Nations  and  Turkey
            ment, “but the momentum is  for  their  efforts  to  restore  The U.N. Food and Agricul-  Press that grain exports from  al food crisis. They are skep-
            clear … I’m encouraged, but  Ukraine’s  agricultural  ex-  ture  Organization  says  the  his  country’s  ports  would  tical  of  Putin’s  pledge  not
            it’s not yet fully done.”    ports. “If they succeed in re-  war in Ukraine is endanger-  not resume without security  to  take  advantage  of  cleared
                                         moving the Russian threat to  ing  food  supplies  for  many  guarantees  to  ship  owners,  Black Sea corridors to mount
            Guterres spoke in New York,  shipping in the Black Sea, it  developing  nations,  rais-  cargo  owners  and  to  keep  attacks  on  Ukrainian  ports,
            hours  after  military  officials  will reduce the severity of the  ing  food  prices  globally  and  Ukraine  as  an  independent  noting  that  he  insisted  re-
            from  Russia,  Ukraine  and  global food crisis,” Zelenskyy  could worsen hunger for up  nation.                    peatedly this year that he had
            Turkey  met  with  U.N.  en-  said in his nightly video ad-  to 181 million people.                                 no plans to invade Ukraine.
            voys  in  Istanbul  to  discuss  dress.                                                Any agreement needs to en-
            unblocking  millions  of  tons                            Russia  said  meanwhile,  it  sure that Russia “will respect  Ahead  of  the  talks,  a  senior
            of grain — stuck in Ukraine  The  secretary-general  has  had  presented  a  package  of  these corridors, they will not  Russian  diplomat  said  Mos-
            because of the war — to be  been  pressing  since  early  proposals for a “practical and  sneak into the harbor and at-  cow  was  willing  to  ensure
            shipped to world markets and  June  for  a  package  deal  that  quick  solution”  to  unblock  tack  ports  or  that  they  will  safe  navigation  for  ships  to
            to enable Russia to send out  will enable Ukraine to export  the export of Ukrainian grain  not attack ports from the air  carry  grain  from  Ukrainian
            grain and fertilizer.        grain  and  other  food,  not  but did not elaborate.     with their missiles,” he said.  ports but would press for its
                                         only by land but from block-                                                           right to check the vessels for
            Turkish  Defense  Minister  aded Black Sea ports, and al-  Ukraine is one of the world’s  Russian  and  Ukrainian  offi-  weapons.
            Hulusi  Akar  said  the  sides  low Russian food and fertil-  largest  exporters  of  wheat,  cials have traded accusations
            reached  agreement  concern-  izer  to  enter  world  markets  corn  and  sunflower  oil,  but  over  the  stuck  grain  ship-  Pyotr  Ilyichev,  head  of  the
            ing the “joint control” of ves-  without restrictions.    Russia’s  invasion  and  war  ments.                      Russian  Foreign  Ministry’s
            sels  as  they  leave  and  arrive                        has disrupted production and                              department for ties with in-
            at ports and the safety of the  “Today  in  Istanbul,  we  have  halted  shipments  across  the  Moscow  claims  Ukraine’s  ternational   organizations,
            transfer  routes.  A  coordina-  seen a critical step, a step for-  Black  Sea  to  the  Mediterra-  heavily  mined  ports  are  said Russia’s military had re-
            tion  center  would  be  estab-  ward to ensuring the safe and  nean.                  causing  the  delay.  Russian  peatedly declared its willing-
            lished in Istanbul and would  secure  export  of  Ukrainian                            President  Vladimir  Putin  ness  to  allow  safe  shipping
            include U.N., Turkish, Rus-  food  products  through  the  Turkey has offered to provide  has  pledged  that  Moscow  corridors in the Black Sea.
            sian  and  Ukrainian  officials,  Black Sea,” Guterres told re-  safe Black Sea corridors and  wouldn’t  use  the  corridors
            he said.                     porters at U.N. headquarters  worked with the U.N., Rus-  to launch an attack, if the sea  Seventy  vessels  from  16
                                         in New York.                 sia  and  Ukraine  to  reach  an  mines were removed.     countries  have  remained
            The parties would meet again                              agreement.                                                stuck  in  Ukrainian  ports,
            in  Turkey  next  week  where  He  called  it  “a  ray  of  hope                       But  Ukrainian  officials  have  Ilyichev  said,  alleging  that
            details  would  be  reviewed  to ease human suffering and  Before  the  talks,  Ukrainian  blamed  a  Russian  naval  Ukrainian  authorities  had
            and  agreements  would  be  alleviate  hunger  around  the  Foreign  Minister  Dmytro  blockade  for  holding  up  the  barred them from departing.
            signed, he said.             world.”                      Kuleba  told  The  Associated  exports and causing the glob-

                               Sri Lanka in crisis: President flees and ire turns to PM

            (AP) — Sri Lanka’s presi-    in leadership then trained  an air force plane bound for  inside  the  office  or  standing  and the opposition. It was not
            dent  fled  the  country  their  ire  on  the  prime  the  Maldives,  and  he  made  on  a  rooftop  terrace  waving  clear  when  that  would  hap-
            Wednesday, plunging a na-    minister  and  stormed  his  his  prime  minister  the  act-  Sri  Lanka’s  flag  —  the  lat-  pen, in part because the op-
            tion  already  reeling  from  office.                     ing president in his absence.  est  in  a  series  of  takeovers  position is deeply fractured.
            economic chaos into more                                  That appeared to only further  of  government  buildings  by
            political turmoil. Protest-  President  Gotabaya  Raja-   roil passions in the island na-  demonstrators seeking a new  Although  he  fled,  Rajapaksa
            ers  demanding  a  change  paksa and his wife left aboard  tion, which has been gripped  government.                has  yet  to  officially  resign,
                                                                      for  months  by  an  economic                             but the speaker of the parlia-
                                                                      meltdown  that  has  triggered  “We  need  both  ...  to  go  ment  said  the  president  as-
                                                                      severe shortages of food and  home,”  said  Supun  Eranga,  sured  him  he  would  do  so
                                                                      fuel.                        a 28-year-old civil servant in  later in the day.
                                                                                                   the  crowd.  “Ranil  couldn’t
                                                                      Thousands of protesters who  deliver  what  he  promised  The  political  impasse  only
                                                                      wanted Prime Minister Ranil  during his two months, so he  threatened  to  worsen  the
                                                                      Wickremesinghe  to  go  had  should quit. All Ranil did was  bankrupt  nation’s  economic
                                                                      anticipated that he would be  try to protect the Rajapaksas.”  collapse since the absence of
                                                                      put  in  charge.  They  rallied                           an  alternative  government
                                                                      outside his office compound,  But  Wickremesinghe  ap-    could  delay  a  hoped-for
                                                                      and  some  scaled  the  walls.  peared  on  television  to  reit-  bailout  from  the  Interna-
                                                                      The  crowd  roared  its  sup-  erate that he would not leave  tional Monetary Fund. In the
                                                                      port for the people charging  until a new government was  meantime, the country is re-
                                                                      in and tossed water bottles to  in place — though he urged  lying on aid from neighbor-
                                                                      them.                        the Parliament speaker to find  ing India and from China.
                                                                                                   a new prime minister agree-
                                                                      Dozens  could  later  be  seen  able to both the government
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