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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 8 December 2021

                             Trump gets wish in Georgia, sparks ‘a political civil war’

            (AP)  —  Less  than  a  year  path to power. Biden narrow-
            after  losing  the  presiden-  ly  defeated  Trump  here  last
            cy, Donald Trump has set  fall  and,  after  Trump  falsely
            out to reshape the GOP in  claimed  widespread  election
            his  image  across  the  na-  fraud, Democrats seized vic-
            tion’s top political battle-  tory  in  two  Senate  runoff
            grounds,  sparking  bitter  elections in January that gave
            primary  battles  that  will  them control of the Senate.
            force candidates and vot-
            ers to decide how much to  Ever since, the former presi-
            embrace  Trump  and  his  dent has battered the state of-
            grievances.                  ficials who certified the elec-
                                         tion  results  —  Kemp  chief
            But  nowhere  is  his  quest  among them — with an fierce
            more  consequential  than  torrent of political attacks.
                                         Trump’s    chief   problem
            Trump  has  inspired  a  slate  with  Kemp  has  little  to  do
            of loyalists to seek statewide  with  substantive policy;  he’s
            office in the Southern swing  working to oust the governor
            state, and as of Monday, that  simply  because  he  refused
            group  included  former  Re-  to  support  Trump’s  fight  to
            publican Sen. David Perdue,  overturn the 2020 election.
            who  formally  launched  a
            challenge against Republican  The  former  president  called
            Gov. Brian Kemp. The move  Kemp  “a  very  weak  gover-
            marked  a  rare,  serious  pri-  nor”  in  a  statement  endors-
            mary threat to a sitting gov-  ing Perdue on Monday night,
            ernor, bucking the wishes of  citing nothing specific in his
            GOP  leaders  in  Washington  opposition to the sitting gov-  Perdue  said  he  was  running  nasty  and  expensive  GOP  are remaining loyal to Kemp.
            and ensuring months of Re-   ernor  save  his  position  on  first  and  foremost  to  stop  primary,  which  could  ulti-
            publican infighting in a state  “election integrity.”     Abrams  and  an  “unprec-    mately  cost  tens  of  millions  Anticipating a Trump-backed
            where  the  party  is  trying  to                         edented  onslaught  from  the  of dollars and drag Kemp to  challenge  from  Perdue,  the
            restore its dominance.       “Most  importantly,”  Trump  woke  left.”  He  also  parrot-  the  right  in  a  state  that  has  Republican  Governors  As-
                                         said of Kemp, “he can’t win  ed  Trump’s  baseless  claims  moved to the center. So far,  sociation  vowed  to  support
            “It  is  going  to  be  a  political  because  the  MAGA  base  —  about the 2020 election.  Abrams has no primary chal-  the incumbent Georgia gov-
            civil  war  here  in  Georgia,”  which  is  enormous  —  will                          lengers.                     ernor  in  addition  to  other
            current Lt. Gov. Geoff Dun-  never vote for him.”         “We simply have to be unit-                               sitting Republican governors
            can,  a  Republican  and  fre-                            ed,”  said  Perdue,  who  nar-  “While  David  Perdue  and  who have drawn Trump’s ire,
            quent  Trump  critic  who  is  Trump also boosted Republi-  rowly lost his Senate seat in  Brian Kemp fight each other,  including  Idaho  Gov.  Brad
            not  running  for  reelection,  can former football star Her-  January.  “Unfortunately,  to-  Stacey Abrams will be fight-  Little. In helping Republican
            told  The  Associated  Press.  schel  Walker  in  the  GOP’s  day we are divided, and Brian  ing  for  the  people  of  Geor-  incumbents,  however,  RGA
            “It’s  all  avoidable  if  we  just  push  to  unseat  Democratic  Kemp and Brad Raffensperg-  gia,” Abrams top aide Lauren  Chairman  Doug  Ducey,  the
            act like adults and move on.  Sen.  Raphael  Warnock,  bet-  er are to blame.”         Groh-Wargo wrote on Twit-    Arizona governor, said his or-
            But  that’s  not  reality  at  this  ting on an untested and un-                       ter.                         ganization  would  not  attack
            point.”                      vetted professional athlete in  Meanwhile,  a  furious  Kemp                           Trump’s slate of challengers.
                                         a Republican primary against  promised  an  all-out  brawl.  The  governor’s  race  reflects
            It’s not just Georgia.       state  Agriculture  Commis-  Kemp spokesman Cody Hall  GOP  divisions  playing  out  “The  RGA  follows  the  11th
                                         sioner Gary Black. He is also  dubbed  Perdue  “the  man  across Republican communi-   Commandment,” Ducey said
            Tension between Trump and  backing  like-minded  candi-   who  lost  Republicans  the  ties this year.              at the group’s recent gather-
            what’s left of the Republican  dates  in  Republican  prima-  United  States  Senate”  and                          ing  in  his  state.  “We  do  not
            establishment is defining pri-  ries  for  lieutenant  governor  blamed the ousted senator for  In  Georgia,  pro-Trump  ac-  speak ill of another Republi-
            maries  for  Senate  and  gov-  and secretary of state, where  a list of complaints including  tivists  angered  by  his  defeat  can.”
            ernor across dozens of states  current  Secretary  of  State  inflation,  high  government  have  flooded  local  Republi-
            —  including  Arizona,  Mas-  Brad  Raffensperger  is  fight-  spending and cancel culture.  can  Party  meetings,  seizing  But  Republicans  on  the
            sachusetts,  North  Carolina,  ing for his political survival.                         control of the party machin-  ground  in  Georgia  are  not
            Ohio  and  Pennsylvania  —                                The Georgians First Leader-  ery  while  dumping  some  likely to play so nice.
            months  before  the  first  bal-  Nationwide,  Trump  has  en-  ship  Committee,  a  Kemp-  metro-Atlanta  county  offi-
            lots are cast next spring and  dorsed more than 60 midterm  aligned  group  that  can  raise  cials  deemed  insufficiently  Georgia  Republican  Party
            summer. With President Joe  candidates  so  far,  including  unlimited contributions, also  pro-Trump.              official  Randy  Evans,  who
            Biden’s  approval  numbers  several  running  against  Re-  attacked  Perdue  just  hours                           served  as  Trump’s  ambassa-
            sagging,  political  headwinds  publican incumbents.      after his announcement in a  David Shafer, the state party  dor  to  Luxembourg,  argued
            from  Washington  suggest                                 fundraising email, seizing on  chairman,  has  maintained  a  that Kemp may be so unpop-
            that Republicans could make  Trump’s  intervention  in  the  the  former  senator’s  busi-  pro-Trump line.         ular with the Trump base that
            major political gains in 2022  Georgia  governor’s  race  is  a  ness record and stock trades                       he will lose to Abrams even if
            — if the GOP can get out of  nightmare  scenario  of  sorts  while  in  office.  Democratic  Criticized  for  speaking  at  he survives the primary.
            its own way.                 for  some  Republican  strate-  Sen. Jon Ossoff used similar  Trump’s  September  rally
                                         gists, who were already gear-  criticism to defeat Perdue in  where Trump joined his slate  “If the party comes together,
            Trump’s  interest  in  a  third  ing  up  for  a  difficult  gen-  January’s Senate contest.  of endorsed candidates, Sha-  Perdue  will  be  the  nominee
            presidential  bid  in  2024  en-  eral  election  contest  against                     fer  on  Sunday  told  The  As-  and  then  he’ll  go  on  to  be
            sures  he  will  be  the  face  of  former  state  lawmaker  and  “This  crooked  insider  and  sociated  Press  that  the  party  governor,” Evans said. “And if
            the Republican Party for the  Democratic voting rights ac-  ‘America  Last’  loser  is  DES-  would be neutral in contested  the party comes apart, which
            foreseeable future.          tivist  Stacey  Abrams,  who  PERATE  to  claw  his  way  primaries and said he hoped  if the bitterness and divisive-
                                         narrowly  lost  to  Kemp  in  back into political relevance,”  Republican  candidates  “will  ness continues with this kind
            Look  no  further  for  a  cau-  2018.  Abrams  formally  an-  the  committee  wrote  in  a  focus on their own strengths  of  rhetoric,  then  Kemp  will
            tionary tale than Georgia, an  nounced  her  candidacy  last  fundraising email.       and how they can assemble a  be  the  nominee  and  Stacey
            evolving  swing  state  where  week.                                                   winning coalition.”          will be the governor.”
            demographic shifts of recent                              Republicans  in  Washington
            years have given Democrats a  In  his  announcement  video,  and  beyond  prepared  for  a  National  Republican  leaders
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