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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 10 november 2021

                            NCAA rewrites constitution, sets stage for transformation

            (AP)  -  The  NCAA  is  set-  to  college  sports.  Athletes  put before the full member-
            ting  the  stage  for  a  dra-  have more financial freedom  ship for a vote in January.
            matic  restructuring  of  than  ever  before.  Confer-
            college  sports  that  will  ence  realignment  has  swept  Emmert  called  the  constitu-
            give each of its three divi-  through  the  most  powerful  tional convention in August,
            sions the power to govern  leagues  while  also  shuffling  not  long  after  the  U.S.  Su-
            itself.                      lineups deep into Division I.  preme Court hammered the
                                         Meanwhile, the expansion of  NCAA  in  a  ruling  that  left
            Approval  of  a  new,  stream-  the  College  Football  Playoff  the association vulnerable to
            lined constitution is expected  promises to bring yet another  further  legal  challenges  and
            in January with minimal con-  revenue  windfall  to  those  at  in need of deregulation.
            sternation or conflict.      the  top  of  the  NCAA  food
                                         chain.                       It quickly became apparent a
            The  next  phase  of  the                                 new constitution was merely
            NCAA’s  transformation  fig-  Changing the constitution is  the first part of transforming
            ures  to  be  more  difficult:  a  the first step in determining  the NCAA in a way that de-
            reshaping  of  Division  I  that  the NCAA’s ultimate role in  emphasizes the Indianapolis-  Intercollegiate  Athletics,  an  Perko  said.  “The  encourag-
            will  tackle  revenue  distribu-  the changing landscape.  based  association  and  gives  organization  of  former  and  ing part is that the constitu-
            tion, how rules are made and                              more  power  to  schools  and  current  college  administra-  tion  does  require  the  com-
            enforced, access to the most-  “This constitution is not for  conferences.             tors,  backs  a  restructuring  mitment to all of those core
            high  profile  and  lucrative  today and tomorrow,” Lyons                              of Division I that would in-  principles  that  define  the
            NCAA events — such as the  said.  “It’s  for  10  years  from  “Once  we  got  into  this,  we  clude  moving  major  college  educational model.”
            men’s basketball tournament  now,  20  years  from  now.  really found out that many of  football  out  from  under  the
            — and just how big the tent  What’s, potentially, the asso-  the  issues  were  at  the  Divi-  NCAA umbrella.      The  new  constitution  calls
            should  be  at  the  top  of  col-  ciation going to look like?”  sion I level,” Lyons said.                        for  shrinking  the  NCAA’s
            lege sports.                                                                           The  Bowl  Subdivision  of  highest  governing  body,  the
                                         The  rewritten  constitution  The  goal  is  to  have  changes  Division  I  is  130  schools  Board  of  Governors,  from
            “So those are the things that  focuses more on the NCAA’s  in  place  in  less  than  a  year.  that  have  access  to  the  Col-  21 members to nine and in-
            we’re really going to have to  broad goals of athlete welfare  Southeastern   Conference  lege  Football  Playoff,  which  clude for the first time a re-
            get to the granular spot, and  and athletics as part of an aca-  Commissioner  Greg  Sankey  brings in nearly $500 million  cently graduated athlete. The
            some of those are going to be  demic  experience  instead  of  and Ohio University athletic  annually that is controlled by  board’s duties would be nar-
            very  difficult  conversations  governing  procedures  and  director  Julie  Cromer  will  conferences, not the NCAA.  rowed  to  only  matters  that
            to  have,”  said  West  Virginia  operations,  both  of  which  lead the Division I Transfor-  The Knight Commission re-  impact the entire association
            athletic  director  Shane  Ly-  have  come  under  increasing  mation  Committee.  Lyons  cently  proposed  a  revenue-  at the highest levels, such as
            ons, who is the chairman of  criticism.                   also is a member.            sharing model that it believes  budgets,  strategic  planning
            the  Division  I  Council  and                                                         would curb the athletics arms  and evaluation of the NCAA
            a member of the committee  The  proposal  specifically  “There’s a huge gap in Divi-   race at the top of Division I  president.
            that  trimmed  the  bedrock  notes that athletes should be  sion I, with schools roughly  and  better  support  educa-
            constitution of the 115-year-  allowed  to  be  compensated  with  $175  million  budgets  tional goals.            The  proposed  constitution
            old organization.            for  the  use  of  their  name,  and  schools  with  $4  million                       also locks in the current rev-
                                         image and likeness — some-   budgets,”  Lyons  said.  “A  lot  Knight  Commission  CEO  enue distribution percentage
            The  NCAA  on  Monday  re-   thing in place only since July  of times we’ve tried to legis-  Amy  Perko  said  the  newly  to  Division  II  (4.37%)  and
            leased  a  draft  of  an  18  1/2-  — but stands fast on barring  late  from  an  equality  stand-  proposed  NCAA  constitu-  Division  III  (3.18%),  which
            page  constitution,  cut  down  schools from paying athletes  point. Is there possibly a new  tion  is  a  good  start  toward  should  help  it  garner  sup-
            from  43  pages  over  the  last  to play.                division? Is there a Division  reform.                    port from the majority of the
            three months at the direction                             IV?  Do  some  schools  break                             NCAA’s  member  schools.
            of President Mark Emmert.    The document still needs to  away and make a Division IV,  “There’s a lot still clearly to  The NCAA has 1,100 mem-
                                         go  to  membership  for  feed-  and what is the membership  be  defined  about  Division  ber  schools,  351  that  com-
            The  cutting  of  NCAA  red  back  after  next  week’s  con-  requirement?”            I  and  how  the  governance  pete in Division I, and some
            tape comes in a year that has  stitutional convention, and it                          will  work  and  how  the  rev-  500,000 athletes overall.
            brought a tempest of change  could be amended before it is  The Knight Commission on  enue distribution will work,”

                          Curry scores 50 points to go with 10 assists in Warriors win

            (AP)  —  Stephen  Curry’s  personal  shooting  coach  and  passing  man,  Bruce  and  seven  rebounds,  almost
                                                                      Fraser,   offered    some  single-handedly  leading  the  “When  he  gets  going  like
                                                                      pregame  thoughts  that  Golden  State  Warriors  past  that, it’s a special day,” team-
                                                                      worked wonders to get the  the  Atlanta  Hawks  127-113  mate and brother-in-law Da-
                                                                      reigning  scoring  cham-     on Monday night.             mion Lee said.
                                                                      pion right back in rhythm.
                                                                                                   Oh,  yes,  Curry  sure  wanted  Curry  dominated  for  long
                                                                      “We  kind  of  talked  about  that 50-spot. And if he wasn’t  stretches  and  danced  in  de-
                                                                      certain preparations into my  counting,   his   teammates  light,  repeatedly  raising  his
                                                                      shot,  just  certain  mechanics  were  committed  to  getting  arms in the air to encourage
                                                                      that  he  called  it  even  hav-  him there.              everyone  fortunate  enough
                                                                      ing  a  little  bit  more  convic-                        to witness another of his bril-
                                                                      tion about when it’s time to  “It’s  always  nice,”  he  said.  liant performances.
                                                                      shoot,”  Curry  said.  “Just  a  “You  never  come  out  with
                                                                      little seed he planted. I took  like  a  certain  number  in  He  scored  Golden  State’s
                                                                      that  into  warmups  and  the  mind. It’s just when you get  first  13  points,  then  10
                                                                      rest of the game. He was very  it going, you just keep going.”  straight  down  the  stretch  in
                                                                      timely  with  those  words  of                            the  third  before  dishing  off
                                                                      wisdom.”                     Only  Hall  of  Famers  Wilt  for Juan Toscano-Anderson’s
                                                                                                   Chamberlain and Rick Barry  3-pointer that made it 102-85
                                                                      Curry  scored  an  NBA  sea-  had registered a game with 50  following the Warriors’ spec-
                                                                      son-high  50  points  with  points and 10 assists in War-  tacular, 41-point quarter.
                                                                      nine  3-pointers,  10  assists  riors franchise history.
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