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6      LOCAL                                                  AWEMainta                                         Diaranson, 4 September 2024

                                                   ‘Realitycheck’ pa graduadonan:

       E dificultadnan di bida na Aruba

       DESPUES cu studiantenan na Aruba termina nan aña escolar y                 cionnan di nivel di entrada of rolnan no relaciona cu nan campo
       ta cla pa embarca riba e siguiente capitulo di nan bida, e tran-           di estudio, cual por ta desalentador y financieramente dificil.

       sicion for di academia p’e mundo real hopi biaha ta trece un
       ‘realitycheck’ cu ta haci bo realisa con cos ta. E idealismo y             E costo di bida di Aruba ta presenta un otro reto significante
       soñonan cultiva durante dianan di scol por clash cu e comple-              pa graduadonan nobo. Mientras e isla ta gaba di un calidad di

       hidad di bida adulto, particularmente den un economia di isla              bida halto, esaki ta bin cu un prijs. Vivienda, utilidad y gastonan
       chikito manera esun  di Aruba. Compronde e retonan aki ta                  diario por consumi un gran porcion di un salario inicial, lagando
       crucial pa graduadonan nobo mientras nan ta sigui padilanti.               poco espacio pa spaar of pa gastonan discrecional. Pa hopi
                                                                                  adulto hoben, maneha e gastonan aki riba un entrada limita ta
       Un di e prome obstaculonan cu graduadonan ta enfrenta ta                   bira un acto di balansa cu ta rekeri presupuesto cuidadoso y

       drenta un mercado laboral competitivo. A pesar di un back-                 planificacion financiero.
       ground educativo solido, hopi adulto hoben ta haya cu opor-
       tunidadnan di trabou na Aruba por ta limita, specialmente                  Construi un red profesional ta crucial pa avansa den carera,

       den areanan specialisa. E economia di e isla, fuertemente                  pero hopi graduado ta haya nan mes ta cuminsa for di cero.
       dependiente di turismo y hospitalidad, no semper por ofrece                Den un comunidad chikito manera Aruba, oportunidadnan pa
       e opcionnan  di carera diverso  cu  graduadonan por spera.                 networking por ta menos, y kibra den circulonan ya estableci
       Consecuentemente, hopi hoben  ta haya nan mes  den posi-                   por ta un reto. Esaki por impacta perspectivanan di trabou y
                                                                                  crecemento di carera, como cu tin conexionnan hopi biaha ta

                                                                                  hunga un rol crucial den haya oportunidadnan y avansa profe-

                                                                                  E presion di adapta na responsabilidad adulto por tin un efecto
                                                                                  negativo riba salud mental. E stress di sigura empleo stabiel,
                                                                                  maneha finansa, y trata cu e expectativanan di famia y sociedad

         Air Navigation Services Aruba N.V. (ANSA) is responsible for providing safe, efficient and reliable   por ta abrumador. Graduadonan por enfrenta sentimentonan
                   air navigation services to the aviation industry. ANSA is looking for:
                                                                                  di ansiedad, incertidumbre, y isolacion mientras nan ta nabe-
                        Aeronautical Information Officer                          gando e retonan nobo aki. Ta esencial pa reconoce y adresa e

         The Aeronautical Information Officer (AIO) is responsible for the provision of services associated   preocupacionnan di salud mental aki, buscando apoyo ora ta
         with the submission of flight plans, the distribution and reception of messages of air traffic services   necesario y practicando cuido propio.
          (ATS) and for ensuring the timely flow of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety,
                               regularity and efficiency of ATS.
        Aeronautical Information Officer Responsibilities                         Na Aruba, expectativanan cultural y familiar por agrega un
        • Receive, validate, and process flight plans submitted by pilots or airline operators.   otro  capa di complehidad. Por tin  presion  pa conforma  na
        • Provide aeronautical information to pilots, air traffic control and other relevant units (flight plans,
        alerting messages and pre-flight information, including NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen)).  rolnan  tradicional  of  pa cumpli  cu  cierto  puntonan  di refer-
        • Request NOTAMs to AIS (Aeronautical Information Service) for publication.
                                                                                  encia di exito, manera cuminsa un famia of sigura un trabou di
        Requirement/Profile:                                                      status halto. E expectativanan aki por crea stress adicional y
        • HAVO or EPI diploma with Mathematics and English;
        • Relevant work experience is a plus;                                     por no semper alinea cu aspiracionnan personal of e realidad
        • Good oral and written communication skills in English, Papiamento, Dutch, and Spanish;   di e mercado laboral.
        • Possesses analytical skills;
        • Knowledge of Microsoft Office and related software;
        • Able to work under pressure;
        • Highly motivated and with a positive attitude;                          E transicion for di bida studiante p’e mundo real na Aruba ta
        • Change-oriented;                                                        presenta un set unico di retonan. Graduadonan mester nabega
        • Diligent, accurate and able to work independently;
        • Integrity and with a professional attitude;                             un mercado laboral competitivo, costo di bida halto y e presion
        • Result and customer oriented;                                           di expectativanan cultural mientras ta mantene nan bienestar
        • Social skills and team player;
        • Self-reflective and improvement oriented;                               mental. Door di prepara p’e realidad aki y adopta strategianan
        • Flexible and able to work shifts, weekends, and holidays.
                                                                                  proactivo, graduadonan nobo por maneha e complehidad di
        If this position appeals to you and you meet the job requirements and profile, please send your   bida adulto miho y habri caminda pa un futuro exitoso y satis-
        application letter and CV with copy of diplomas, recommendation letters, list of references and
        certificate of good conduct not later than September 18, 2024, to our HR officer e-mail: oliver.  factorio na Aruba. Comprende e retonan aki di antemano por A security screening (“veiligheidsonderzoek”) by the VDA as well as a capability,   yuda haci e transicion mas suave y establece e base pa exito
        psychological and medical assessment will form part of the hiring process. For more information
        about ANSA, visit our website                                 a largo plaso.
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