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A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 9 april 2024
            New York appeals judge rejects Donald Trump’s request to delay

            his April 15 hush money trial

            By MICHAEL R. SISAK,                                                                                                of  payments  to  his  former
            JAKE OFFENHARTZ and                                                                                                 lawyer  and  fixer  Michael
            JENNIFER PELTZ                                                                                                      Cohen,  who  helped  him
            Associated Press                                                                                                    bury negative stories during
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  New                                                                                          his 2016 campaign. Cohen's
            York appeals court judge on                                                                                         activities  included  paying
            Monday  rejected  Donald                                                                                            porn  actor  Stormy  Daniels
            Trump's bid to delay his April                                                                                      $130,000  to  suppress  her
            15 hush money criminal trial                                                                                        claims  of  an  extramarital
            while he fights to move the                                                                                         sexual encounter with Trump
            case out of Manhattan —                                                                                             years earlier.
            foiling the former president's                                                                                      Trump  pleaded  not  guilty
            latest attempt to put off the                                                                                       last year to 34 felony counts
            historic trial.                                                                                                     of falsifying business records.
            Justice  Lizbeth  González                                                                                          He has denied having a sex-
            of the state's mid-level ap-                                                                                        ual encounter with Daniels.
            peals court made her ruling                                                                                         His lawyers argue the pay-
            after an emergency hear-                                                                                            ments to Cohen were legiti-
            ing  where  Trump's  lawyers                                                                                        mate legal expenses.
            asked to postpone the trial                                                                                         Trump's  move  Monday  is
            indefinitely while they seek                                                                                        the  latest  escalation  in  his
            a change of venue. Trump                                                                                            battles with Merchan.
            was  seeking  an  emergen-                                                                                          Trump  assailed  the  judge
            cy stay, a court order that   Judge Juan M. Merchan poses in his chambers in New York, Thursday, March 14, 2024.    on  social  media  after  he
            would prevent the trial from                                                                       Associated Press   imposed  a  gag  order  last
            starting on time.            nesses, and so on."          peal after Merchan ruled last  separate  court  dockets.   month  barring  Trump  from
            The hush money trial is the   In  a  separate  appellate  month  that  the  trial  would  One was styled as a lawsuit   making  public  statements
            first of Trump's his four crimi-  matter, Trump's lawyers are  begin  April  15.  His  lawyers  against  Merchan,  a  legal   about jurors, witnesses and
            nal indictments slated to go   also challenging a gag or-  had pleaded to delay the  mechanism  allowing  them      others connected the case.
            to trial and would be the first   der imposed on him in the  trial at least until summer to  to challenge his rulings.  After  Trump's  complaints,
            criminal trial ever of a former   case,  which  Merchan  re-  give them more time to re-  In  New  York,  judges  can   Merchan  expanded  the
            president.                   cently expanded to prohibit  view late-arriving evidence  be sued over some judicial   gag order to include mem-
            Trump lawyer Emil Bove ar-   Trump  from  making  com-    from a prior federal investi-  decisions under a state law   bers of his own family.
            gued that the presumptive    ments  about  the  judge's  gation into the matter.       known as Article 78. Trump   Last week, Trump renewed
            Republican nominee faces     family.  The  appeals  court  Merchan, who had already  has used the tactic before,    his request for the judge to
            "real  potential  prejudice"   signaled  it  would  take  up  moved the trial from its origi-  including against the judge   step  aside  from  the  case,
            as  a  defendant  in  heav-  that matter at a later date.  nal March 25 start date be-  in his civil fraud case in an   citing Merchan's daughter's
            ily Democratic Manhattan.    Paperwork     relating   to  cause of the evidence issue,  unsuccessful last-minute bid   work as the head of a firm
            Citing defense surveys and   Trump's    appeals    were  said no further delays were  to delay that case last fall.  whose clients have included
            a  review  of  media  cover-  placed under seal and not  warranted.                    In this case, he is accused   his rival President Joe Biden,
            age, Bove argued that jury   publicly available.          Trump's  lawyers  filed  their  of  falsifying  his  company's   Vice President Kamala Harris
            selection, scheduled to start   Trump had pledged to ap-  appeals  Monday  on  two  records to hide the nature      and other Democrats.q
            next Monday, "cannot pro-
            ceed in a fair manner."
            Trump  has  suggested  on    3 dead, including suspect, after shooting inside Las
            social  media  that  the  trial
            should be moved to Staten    Vegas law office, police say
            Island,  the  only  New  York
            City borough he won in 2016
            and 2020.                    Associated Press                                                                       after 10 a.m. at a law office
            Steven Wu, appellate chief   LAS VEGAS (AP) — A shoot-                                                              on the fifth floor of a mid-rise
            for  the  Manhattan  district   ing Monday inside a law of-                                                         office building in the master-
            attorney's office, noted that   fice in the affluent Summerlin                                                      planned community. He did
            trial  Judge  Juan  M.  Mer-  neighborhood of Las Vegas                                                             not say if the shooter knew
            chan had already rejected    left three people dead, in-                                                            the  victims  or  whether  the
            Trump's requests to move or   cluding the shooter, police                                                           victims were employees of
            delay the trial as untimely.  said.                                                                                 the law office.
            "The  question  in  this  case   Clark  County  Sheriff  Kevin                                                      The sheriff said police officers
            is  not  whether  a  random   McMahill  said  at  a  news                                                           were  still  working  to  clear
            poll  of  New  Yorkers  from   conference  that  investiga-                                                         the building and evacuate
            whatever    neighborhood     tors believe the shooter killed                                                        the people sheltered inside,
            are able to be impartial, it's   himself.                                                                           while  investigators  were
            about whether a trial court   "I  want  to  make  sure  our                                                         searching the shooter's ve-
            is able to select a jury of 12   community   understands                                                            hicle in the office building's
            impartial  jurors,"  Wu  said.   there  is  no  further  threat,"                                                   parking garage.
            He blamed Trump for stok-    he said.                                                                               Summerlin spans roughly 13
            ing  pretrial  publicity  with   McMahill  said  the  victims   Law enforcement responds to a shooting Monday, April 8, 2024   miles  (21  kilometers)  along
            "countless  media  appear-   were a man and a woman.      at a law office in Las Vegas.            Associated Press   the  city's  western  edge,
            ances  talking  about  the   The names of the dead have                                                             about  30  minutes  west  of
            facts  of  this  case,  the  wit-  not been released.     According to McMahill, the  shooting  was  reported  just  the Las Vegas Strip.q
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