Page 12 - MIN JUS 6 OCT 2015
P. 12

                                                                                                                  Tuesday 6 October 2015

Israeli PM vows ‘strong action’ against Palestinian unrest 

IAN DEITCH                      An Israeli border policeman checks papers at the entrance to the Old City in Jerusalem on Sun-                                 paralysis, many have lost
M. DARAGHMEH                    day, Oct. 4, 2015. Israeli police barred Palestinians from Jerusalem’s Old City in response to stab-                           hope in the chance of set-
Associated Press                bing attacks that killed two Israelis and wounded three others, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin                             ting up a state in the West
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli        Netanyahu vowed a “harsh offensive” to counter rising violence.                                                                Bank, Gaza Strip and east
Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-                                                                                                                                    Jerusalem, lands Israel
tanyahu warned Monday                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)  captured in 1967.
that he will use a “strong                                                                                                                                     Palestinian leader Mah-
hand” to quell violent          later, a Palestinian stabbed   estinian assailants over the     steel pellets in the West                                      moud Abbas has not of-
Palestinian protests and        an Israeli man to death        weekend and on Mon-              Bank and Jerusalem on                                          fered an alternative to
deadly attacks, signaling       and seriously wounded his      day shot dead two teen-          Monday, the Red Crescent                                       failed negotiations, except
that the current round of       wife as they walked in Je-     age stone-throwers, one of       said.                                                          to urge the international
violence is bound to esca-      rusalem’s Old City, then at-   them a 13-year-old boy, in       The spike in attacks and                                       community to intervene, so
late at a time when a politi-   tacked and killed another      West Bank clashes.               clashes comes at a time of                                     far to little avail. President
cal solution to the conflict    Israeli man.                   In all, eight Palestinians       mounting Palestinian frus-                                     Barack Obama made no
is increasingly distant.        Israeli forces, meanwhile,     were wounded by live fire        tration.                                                       mention of the Israeli-Pales-
Netanyahu said he has           killed two suspected Pal-      and 45 by rubber-coated          After years of diplomatic                                      tinian conflict in his speech
sent thousands more sol-                                                                                                                                       to the U.N. General Assem-
diers and police to the West                                                                                                                                   bly last week, an omission
Bank and Arab neighbor-                                                                                                                                        noted by the Palestinians.
hoods of Jerusalem and                                                                                                                                         Netanyahu has repeatedly
that “we are allowing our                                                                                                                                      accused Abbas of inciting
forces to take strong action                                                                                                                                   the violence and of hav-
against those who throw                                                                                                                                        ing no interest in negotiat-
rocks and firebombs.” He                                                                                                                                       ing a peace deal. Abbas
said restrictions limiting                                                                                                                                     has countered that Netan-
what security forces can                                                                                                                                       yahu is acting in bad faith
do were being lifted, but                                                                                                                                      by promoting continued
did not elaborate. Netan-                                                                                                                                      settlement expansion on
yahu’s warnings came af-                                                                                                                                       territory Palestinians claim
ter a rash of violence that                                                                                                                                    for their future state.
began Thursday when Pal-                                                                                                                                       Tensions have also risen
estinian gunmen killed an                                                                                                                                      over a major Jerusalem
Israeli couple in their car                                                                                                                                    shrine that is sacred to Mus-
near a settlement in the                                                                                                                                       lims and Jews and is key to
West Bank as their four chil-                                                                                                                                  the rival national narratives
dren watched. Two days                                                                                                                                         of the two sides. q

Syrian insurgent groups vow to attack Russian forces 

BASSEM MROUE                    war in Syria after President   Assad’s powerbase in the         alliance that occupies Syr-                                    be Russian have targeted
SARAH EL DEEB                   Bashar Assad’s forces were     capital, Damascus, and on        ia,” the 41 factions said in a                                 the northern town of Al-Bab
Associated Press                on the verge “of a crushing    the Mediterranean coast.         statement released by Ah-                                      that is a stronghold of the Is-
BEIRUT (AP) — More than         defeat.”                       The Russian intervention         rar al-Sham.                                                   lamic State group.
40 Syrian insurgent groups      Russia launched its air cam-   was widely criticized by Syr-    It was apparently referring                                    It said the airstrike left
vowed to attack Russian         paign on Wednesday and         ian opposition groups and        to backers of the opposi-                                      “a large number” of
forces in retaliation for Mos-  claims it’s targeting the Is-  activists especially since       tion such as Turkey and                                        casualties.A Facebook
cow’s air campaign in a         lamic State group and al-      Moscow once played the           Saudi Arabia.                                                  page used by IS posted
show of unity among the         Qaida’s Syrian affiliate, the  role of a mediator hosting       A Syrian military official was                                 photos of wounded peo-
usually fragmented rebels       Nusra Front. But many of the   rounds of talks between          quoted by state media as                                       ple being treated in a clinic
against what they called        strikes appear to have hit     the Syrian government and        saying that Russian airstrikes                                 and another of what ap-
the “occupiers” of Syria.       Western-backed rebel fac-      its opponents.                   on Monday hit in the cen-                                      peared to be a burned
The 41 groups, which in-        tions. The Russian attacks     “This new reality requires the   tral province of Homs and                                      body being pulled out of a
cluded powerful factions        have largely focused on        region’s countries and the       Idlib in the northwest.                                        charred car. The Facebook
such as Ahrar al-Sham, Is-      the northwestern and cen-      allies in specific to hasten in  The Britain-based Syrian Ob-                                   page said dozens of peo-
lam Army and the Levant         tral provinces — the gate-     forming a regional alliance      servatory for Human rights                                     ple were killed or wounded
Front, said Russia joined the   ways to the heartland of       to face the Russian-Iranian      said warplanes believed to                                     in the airstrikes.q
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