Page 13 - MIN JUS 6 OCT 2015
P. 13

                                                                                                                    Tuesday 6 October 2015

Accused leader of Guatemala corruption ring turns himself in 

S. PEREZ D.                     later Monzon Rojas himself       Juan Carlos Monzon Rojas, left, the personal secretary of former Vice President Roxana Baldetti,
A. MONTENEGRO                   addressed the court.
Associated Press                He said any member of the        listens to his lawyer Francisco Garcia Gudiel during a court hearing after he turned himself in to
GUATEMALA CITY (AP) —           governing Patriot Party’s
The alleged leader of a         Cabinet “could affirm that       authorities in Guatemala City, Monday, Oct. 5, 2015.			  (AP Photo/Luis Soto)
customs corruption scan-        you didn’t do anything
dal that has rocked the         without the knowledge            stopped him. He said he safety and that the truth the court guaranteed his
Guatemalan government           and approval of either           was concerned about his would only be known if safety.q
told a judge Monday that        of the two, Otto Perez or
former President Otto Perez     Roxana Baldetti.”
Molina and former Vice-         Monzon Rojas is accused
President Roxana Baldetti       by authorities of being the
actually drove the scheme.      head of a corruption ring
One day after turning him-      known as “La Linea,” in
self in following months on     which businesses allegedly
the run, Juan Carlos Mon-       paid kickbacks to govern-
zon Rojas, Baldetti’s former    ment officials in exchange
personal secretary, told        for lower import duties. It is
judge during his initial court  believed that the scheme
appearance that he was          bilked the government out
just following orders.          of millions of dollars.
The International Com-          Monzon Rojas faces charg-
mission Against Impunity        es of customs fraud, bribery
in Guatemala confirmed          and criminal organization.
that Monzon Rojas sur-          Police raided two proper-
rendered Sunday night. A        ties in the capital’s suburbs
Guatemala judge had set         on Sept. 30, without find-
his initial hearing for early   ing Monzon Rojas. He said
Monday. The hearing be-         Monday that he had tried
gan with the playing of in-     to turn himself in earlier, but
tercepted phone calls and       an attempt on his wife’s life

Puerto Rico:
Police seize $5.4M drug shipment 

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)      Wednesday night.
— Authorities were search-      A hotel security guard
ing this weekend for three      alerted police around 10
suspects who allegedly at-      p.m. Saturday about four
tempted to smuggle $5.4         people unloading pack-
million worth of drugs into     ages from the boat in a
Puerto Rico from the Do-        suspicious manner. Police
minican Republic.               were interviewing the ar-
Police said they arrested       rested man before turning
Teofilo Tineo Gonzalez, a       him over to federal au-
36-year-old Dominican           thorities.
man, after seizing about        The superintendent said
518 pounds (235 kilograms)      police this year have
of cocaine and heroin           seized about 14,300
and a 22-foot (6.7-meter)       pounds (6,500 kilograms)
boat on the coast west of       of drugs, mostly cocaine,
San Juan, but three other       more than what was
suspects got away.              seized in 2013 and 2014
Police Superintendent           combined.
Jose Caldero said authori-      The U.S. Coast Guard is
ties were hunting for three     also having a record year.
others they believe were        Last month, it seized $41
aboard the boat that left       million worth of cocaine
the Dominican Repub-            and marijuana during Ca-
lic for the U.S. territory on   ribbean interventions.q
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