Page 8 - MIN TTC 29 SEPT 2015
P. 8

                                                                 Tuesday 29 September 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Village Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba         and 20-to-35 consecutive years.           weather, the beaches, the restau-
Tourism Authority had the great plea-   The honorees were Mr. Dave and            rants and casinos, and they say Aru-
sure of honoring a group of loyal and   Mrs. Nancy Uber and Mrs. Shari Col-       ba feels like paradise and the people
friendly Visitors of Aruba at the Divi  vin Daignault as Distinguished Visitors,  are like a family to them.
Village Beach Resort as Distinguished   and Mr. Lester and Mrs. Katherine         The certificates were presented by
Visitors and Goodwill Ambassadors.      Colvin as Goodwill Ambassadors.           Ms. Darline de Cuba representing the
The symbolic honorary titles are pre-   All the honorees hail from New York       Aruba Tourism Authority together with
sented in the name of the Minister of   and are loyal members of the Divi         Mrs. Gloria Defoe, Ms. Dana Arendsz
Tourism as a token of appreciation      Village. They love Aruba very much        and Ms. Nadia Dabboussi of the Divi
to guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-19  because of the friendly people, the       Village Beach Resort.q
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