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Thursday 12 sepTember 2024
Don’t miss out on L’Avenue’s Early Bird Special!
of bread options—if you’re going
for a light meal, but just like their
dinner selection, also includes
steak, chicken, fish, and even mus-
sels and rabbit if you’re craving a
bit more of L’Avenue’s exquisite
menu. And let’s not forget their
wide selection of Belgian beer and
European wine to complete the
tasty experience!
But that’s not all! L’Avenue is offer-
ing their guests their Early Bird Spe-
cial, available every day from 4pm, or visit their
to 7pm. Enjoy this affordable and website at q
delectable 3-course meal special
(Oranjestad)—Up to grab an ear- Lunch includes a variety of sand- at a comfortable price of $29.50
ly dinner after a day of shopping wiches—with a healthy selection per guest, which includes a selec-
or cruising? Take advantage of tion of their fine in-house wine.
L’Avenue’s Early Bird Special, and
experience their innovative twist of L’Avenue honors and takes pride
traditional Belgian cuisine! in serving the traditional Belgian
and French flavors, but does not
Located in a cozy nook at The shy away from offering a flexible
Cove Mall—a short walking dis- menu for their guests’ needs. That’s
tance from the Holiday Inn and right, L’Avenue also offers to cater
Paseo Herencia, this Belgian and for their guests’ dietary restrictions,
French bistro offers a delicious and making sure that each guest gets
rich menu available through lunch well taken care of!
and dinner from 11am to 10pm.
Enjoy your lunch and/or dinner in a More information
cool, air-conditioned interior area L’Avenue is situated at The Cove
of the restaurant, accompanied Mall in Palm Beach and is open
by the warm lights and chic design every day from 11am to 10pm for
that emphasizes the restaurant’s lunch and dinner. To book a reser-
laid-back, yet sophisticated ambi- vation or ask for more information,
ence. please contact their phone line at
+297 6996400, send an e-mail info@
Exploring the Mainstreet of San Nicolas
land charm. San Nicolas is visible in San Nicolas - more that is starting to become a be found in the main street.
Aruba’s second largest city than anywhere else on the magnet for all that is young, Stores selling shoes, clothing,
and was once a bustling island. cool and hip in Aruba. In- jewelry you name it. Arts &
company town dominated deed, San Nicolas has all of crafts by Cosecha store &
by the oil industry since the Flow of history the ingredients of an emerg- Creative Center, a design
early 1930’s. if you are looking for history, ing cultural hub — varied store in which you can im-
San Nicolas has it. Here you history, interesting architec- merse yourself in discovering
Over the course of four de- will find three amazing mu- ture, and, perhaps most im- genuine and locally made
cades, its demographics had seums, The Museum of Indus- portantly, an urban layout arts and crafts which reflect
changed immensely due to try, the Community Museum that makes it walkable. As the diversification of the Aru-
a stream of Afro-Caribbean and the Carnival Euphoria, you walk around, the streets ban craft heritage and the
and South American workers all within walking distance are silent but the walls are artistic supply of artisans.
SAN NICOLAS— At Just 11 who came to fill the jobs in from one another. loud, filled with bright, color- Don’t miss out on trying the
miles southeast from Oran- the oil refinery between the ful murals painted by a col- exquisite food offered by the
jestad you will enter the city 1920’s until the 1960’s. To this The new San Nicolas lection of artists from around cafes and restaurants or just
San Nicolas, also known as day traces of the multicul- In the shadow of the refin- the world. enjoy a peaceful walk ad-
Sunrise City or Chocolate tural influences in culinary of- ery, an art capital is quietly miring the murals, mosaic
City. A city that is rich in ferings and customs, housing beginning to grow. This is the Must See, Do, Buy & Eat benches and all the history
authentic culture and is- and population are clearly new San Nicolas, a place A little bit of everything can San Nicolas has to offer.q