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a28    obituario/u.s. news
                    Diahuebs 25 Maart 2021

                                                                    Spa witness, police reports detail carnage

                                                                                                   in Georgia

                                                                                                                             authorities had a description of
                                                                                                                             the suspect from security video.
                                                                                                                             The white man wore a gray and
                   "Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,                                                                          red  jacket,  and  drove  a  black
                 maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur                                                                          Hyundai SUV. But before they
                          dia lo mi ta banda                                                                                 could  catch  him,  the  shooting
                di boso Curazon, mi por stens di loke                                                                        started again, this time in Atlan-
                            Señor ta hasi"                                                                                   ta, roughly 30 miles (50 kilome-
                               Salmo 33                                                                                      ters) away.
                                                                                                                             “Hurry,” the caller urged the op-
                                                                                                                             erator. “They have a gun.”
                     Nos ta anuncia cu a fayece:                                                                             Ten  minutes  later,  dispatchers
                                                                                                                             received  another  911  call  from
                                                                                                                             a business across the street. The
                                                              (AP)  —  When  he  heard  the  the spa more than an hour be-   caller  said  a  man  walked  into
                                                              first  two  gunshots,  Marcus  fore the shooting started. Police  Aromatherapy  Spa  and  fired  a
                                                              Lyon  dove  behind  the  bed  haven’t said what he was doing  gun, hurting at least one person.
                                                              where  moments  earlier  the  the rest of the time.            Officers  who  arrived  at  Gold
                                                              massage  therapist  had  been  Rita  Barron  told  deputies  she  Spa  found  three  women  dead
                                                              rubbing his neck.              heard screams and loud thumps  from gunshot wounds. Officers
                                                                                             coming  from  Youngs  Asian  arriving at the second spa found
                                                              He  was  hiding  when  the  third  Massage.  Coats  fell  from  the  one  woman  dead  from  a  gun-
                                                              shot rang out. The woman who  wall  inside  Barron’s  boutique  shot wound.
                                                              had  been  kneading  the  FedEx  next door.                    Police  were  aided  in  their  cap-
                                                              worker’s sore muscles suddenly  She found a small, metal object  ture  of  the  suspect  by  Long’s
                        Leon E. Quandt                        dropped to the floor. Lyon could  on  the  floor,  possibly  a  bullet.  parents,  who  called  authorities
                      Mihor conoci como “Leo”                 see her, shot in the head, lying  She and her husband called 911.  offering  to  help  after  recogniz-
                      *19-02-1953 - †10-03-2021               just a couple of feet from where  According to an incident report,  ing their son in still images from
                                                              he had taken cover.            Cherokee  Sheriff’s  Office  Cpl.  the security video that the Cher-
                                                              “I’m thinking in my head, ‘I’m  Tommy Thompkins was patrol-    okee  County  sheriff  posted  to
                   Acto di despedida lo wordo                 about  to  die.  I’m  gonna  die,’”  ling  nearby  and  rushed  to  the  social media.
                         anuncia despues                      he  recalled.  “I  started  thinking  spa after hearing over his radio  Using  cellphone  information
                                                              about my son.”                 that  there  had  been  a  shooting  provided  by  the  parents,  au-
                                                              Lyon  waited  in  the  room,  less  with multiple victims. He found  thorities  tracked  the  suspect  to
                                                              than a minute, he figures, until  Lyon,  unharmed,  holding  the  rural  Crisp  County  about  140
                                                              he heard the sound of bells sig-  door open.                   miles (225 kilometers) south of
                                                              naling someone had opened the  Other  deputies  arrived  and  Atlanta.
                                                              front door at Youngs Asian Mas-  swept  the  business,  open-  State troopers and sheriff’s dep-
                                                              sage. Hearing no more gunfire,  ing doors one at a time as they  uties spotted his SUV on Inter-
                                                              he hurried back into his clothes  crept down a long hallway. Two  state 75, and one of them forced
                                                              and ran outside, grabbed a gun  women  were  lying  partially  in  Long to spin to a stop by bump-
                                                              from  his  vehicle  and  made  the  the doorways of separate rooms  ing his vehicle.
                                                              first  911  call.  Dispatchers  took  on the left side of the hall, both  Once  stopped,  Long  surren-
                                                              the call at 4:54 p.m.          with  gunshot  wounds  to  the  dered without a fight.
                                                              “I wasn’t scared in the moment  head but still breathing. Peering  Once in custody, Long told in-
                                                              because it was kind of too late to  into  a  room  on  the  right,  offi-  vestigators that he has a sex ad-
                     Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:           be scared,” Lyon said in an inter-  cers saw a dead woman slumped  diction  and  lashed  out  at  busi-
                                                              view.  “I  couldn’t  believe  it  was  against the back wall.  nesses he viewed as a temptation.
                                                              happening.”                    In a back room, deputies found  But many people, particularly in
                                                              Lyon’s  eyewitness  account  and  a dead man who had been shot  the Asian American community,
                                                              police  reports  released  Tuesday  in the head.               believe the victims were targeted
                                                              reveal  a  closer  look  at  the  car-  Behind  another  closed  door,  because of their race. Police say
                                                              nage  of  March  16.  After  kill-  deputies  found  Mario  Gonza-  they are still trying to determine
                                                              ing  four  people  and  critically  lez sitting on a bed. He looked  a motive.
                                                              wounding  another  at  the  mas-  scared and confused, but obeyed  The  killings  tore  eight  people
                                                              sage business in suburban Cher-  as deputies with guns drawn or-  from their families.
                                                              okee County, the lone gunman  dered him outside.               Yong Ae Yue, 63, cooked home-
                                                              drove  to  neighboring  Atlanta  Detained in the back of a patrol  made  Korean  dishes  for  her
                                                              and opened fire inside two other  car,  Gonzalez  told  deputies  he  family. Suncha Kim, 69, volun-
                                                              spas, police say.              didn’t  see  the  shooter.  He  and  teered for charities. Soon Chung
                                                              Eight people died altogether —  his  wife  were  nearing  the  end  Park, a former dancer, remained
                                                              seven  of  them  women  and  six  of  hourlong  massages,  in  sepa-  youthful and fit at age 74. Xiao-
                                                              victims  of  Asian  descent.  All  rate  rooms,  when  the  shooting  jie “Emily” Tan, 49, was an en-
                                                              were slain within about an hour.  began. He said he didn’t know  trepreneur  who  owned  Youngs
                          Llie Tong NG                        Security  camera  footage  shows  what happened to her.        Asian  Massage  and  other  busi-
                      *09-10-1927 - †24-03-2021               the young man sat in the shop-  Gonzalez’s wife, Delaina Ashley  nesses.  Daoyou  Feng,  44,  was
                                                              ping  center  parking  lot  for  an  Yaun,  was  among  those  found  one of her employees.
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.     hour  before  getting  out  of  the  dead.                     Delaina  Yaun,  33,  was  a  new
                                                              SUV. His right hand in his back  After  the  shootings  at  Youngs,  mother.  Paul  Michels,  54,  in-
                                                              pocket,  he  walked  into  Youngs  the  man  police  have  identified  stalled  security  systems.  Hyun
                                                              Asian Massage through the front  as  Long  walked  briskly  to  his  Jung Grant, 51, worked at Gold
                                                              door.                          vehicle,  backed  out  of  a  park-  Spa to support two sons.
                                                              Police say the man captured on  ing space and headed south. The  “She loved me and my brother
                                                              the  security  camera  video  was  killing was just beginning.  enough to work for us, to dedi-
                                                              21-year-old Robert Aaron Long.  A half-hour after being called to  cate her whole life,” said Grant’s
                                                              The  footage  shows  he  entered  the scene in Cherokee County,  son, 22-year-old Randy Park.
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