Page 14 - HOH
P. 14

a8    local
             Wednesday 13 december 2023

               Prepaid High-Speed Internet anywhere on the island

               Are  you  in  Aruba  for  "Workation"  and  need  load  and  download  speeds.  SETAR  Prepaid  Internet anywhere for a fixed fee without wor-
               high-speed  Internet  anywhere  at  any  time?  Wireless Broadband offers you a lower latency  rying about additional charges, and it is easy
               SETAR, Aruba's biggest telecom provider, of-  rate, meaning websites loads faster, YouTube  to  use  and  access.  Choose  the  bundle  that
               fers you the fastest wireless Internet plans on  does not pause every five seconds, and apps  suits your budget and needs.
               an LTE network.                               download at a higher speed, all using your Mi-
                                                             Fi device.                                     Visit SETAR Teleshop with locations around the
               Work remotely on the beach via your tablet,                                                  island or at the airport to check your Mi-Fi SIM
               laptop,  or  smartphone  and  enjoy  faster  up-  SETAR Wireless Broadband Prepaid offers you  or device.q

                                                Aruba to me

                                                where you are from) to: news@aru-   visiting  us  from  Middleburgh,  New  you.  Haven’t gone to a bad res-
                                        and  we  will  publish  York.                              taurant yet.  A few of our favorites
                                                your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t  that                                    are Fishes & More, Las Rambles, Tri-
                                                a  special  way  to  keep  your  best  He  wrote  to  us  saying:  “Aruba  to  azza Italiana,  Chalet Suisse—food
                                                moments alive? Please do note: By  us  when  we  arrive  is  like  we    left  is fantastic.
                                                submitting photos, text or any oth-  all your troubles at home. Start off  These last few years we have been
                                                er materials, you give permission to  fresh like we were just here yester-  celebrating our anniversary here in
                                                The Aruba Today Newspaper, Ca-      day.                                Aruba.  December 13th.  Tomorrow
                                                ribbean Speed Printers and any of                                       we  will  be  back  at  Chalet  Suisse
                                                its affiliated companies to use said  We discovered Aruba about 12 to  celebrating  our  54th  anniversary
                                                materials,  as  well  as  names,  like-  13 years ago.  The only place we  with a few of our friends here in Aru-
                                                ness, etc. for promotional purposes  want to spend our vacations since.  ba. Grateful that we are blessed to

            ORANJESTAD — You are back and  without compensation.                    Started  off  with  one  week.    Next  be  still here on earth celebrating
            we  would  like  to  portrait  you!  By  Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our  year  two.    Following  three.    Now  our  anniversaries  especially  here

            inviting you to send us your favor-  website, Instagram and Facebook  its 4 weeks for the last three years.  in Aruba. Awesome to be able to
            ite vacation picture while enjoying  page! Thank you for supporting our  We  love  it  because  we  also  get  celebrate in this wonderful country
            our Happy Island.                   free newspaper, we strive to make  to meet up with the same people  while it is snowing back in ours.”
                                                you  a  happy  reader  every  day  every year.  We have all become  Thank you for sending us this won-
            Complete the sentence: Aruba to  again.                                 family. We own at Paradise Beach  derful  message  sharing  what  Aru-
            me is ……. Send your picture with  For  today  we  received  a  lovely  Villas. Each employee is nicer than  ba means to you with us and our
            that text (including your name and  message from Mark Harmon who’s  the  other.    Can’t  do  enough  for  readers!q
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