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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 11 OctOber 2022

                          As suicides rise, US military seeks to address mental health

            WASHINGTON            (AP)                                                                                          ing  Tournament  in  Seward,
            —  After  finishing  a  tour                                                                                        Alaska,  was  formed  to  “get
            in  Afghanistan  in  2013,                                                                                          the kids out of the barracks,
            Dionne  Williamson  felt                                                                                            get them off the base for the
            emotionally  numb.  More                                                                                            day and get them out of their
            warning  signs  appeared                                                                                            heads,” said co-founder Keith
            during  several  years  of                                                                                          Manternach.
            subsequent overseas post-
            ings.                                                                                                               The tournament, which was
                                                                                                                                begun  in  2007  and  now  in-
            “It’s  like  I  lost  me  some-                                                                                     volves more than 300 service
            where,”  said  Williamson,  a                                                                                       members,  includes  a  day  of
            Navy lieutenant commander                                                                                           deep-water  fishing  followed
            who  experienced  disorien-                                                                                         by a celebratory banquet with
            tation,  depression,  memory                                                                                        prizes  for  the  largest  catch,
            loss and chronic exhaustion.                                                                                        smallest catch and the person
            “I  went  to  my  captain  and                                                                                      who gets the sickest.
            said, ‘Sir, I need help. Some-
            thing’s wrong.’”                                                                                                    Despite  the  on-base  pres-
                                                                                                                                ence  of  “tons  of  briefings
            As the Pentagon seeks to con-                                                                                       and  brochures  on  suicide
            front  spiraling  suicide  rates                                                                                    and PTSD,” Williamson said
            in  the  military  ranks,  Wil-                                                                                     she  found  herself  fighting
            liamson’s experiences shine a                                                                                       for years to get time off and
            light on the realities for ser-                                                                                     therapy.
            vice members seeking mental
            health help. For most, simply                                                                                       Eventually,  she  entered  a
            acknowledging their difficul-                                                                                       monthlong  in-patient  pro-
            ties can be intimidating. And                                                                                       gram  in  Arizona.  When  she
            what comes next can be frus-                                                                                        returned,  a  therapist  rec-
            trating and dispiriting.                                                                                            ommended  equine-assisted
                                         A 2021 study by the Cost of  ing  a  Defense  Suicide  Pre-  insecurity  in  military  fami-  therapy, which proved to be a
            In March, Defense Secretary   War  Project  concluded  that  vention Office established in  lies,  a  network  of  military-  breakthrough.
            Lloyd Austin announced the   since  9/11,  four  times  as  2011 — have proven insuffi-  adjacent  charitable  organiza-
            creation  of  an  independent   many  service  members  and  cient.                    tions has tried to fill the gaps   Now  Williamson  is  a  regu-
            committee  to  review  the   veterans have died by suicide                             with  a  variety  of  programs   lar  at  the  Cloverleaf  Equine
            military’s  mental  health  and   as  have  perished  in  combat.  Last  year  the  Army  issued  and outreach efforts.  Center  in  Clifton,  Virginia,
            suicide prevention programs.  The study detailed stress fac-  fresh  guidelines  to  its  com-                      where riding sessions can be
                                         tors particular to military life:  manders  on  how  to  handle  Some  are  purely  recreation-  combined  with  a  variety  of
            According  to  Defense  De-  “high exposure to trauma —  mental  health  issues  in  the  al, such as an annual fishing   therapeutic practices and ex-
            partment    data,   suicides   mental,  physical,  moral,  and  ranks, complete with briefing  tournament  in  Alaska  de-  ercises. Working with horses
            among  active-duty  service   sexual — stress and burnout,  slides and a script. But daunt-  signed  to  provide  fresh  air   has long been used as a form
            members increased by more    the  influence  of  the  mili-  ing long-term challenges re-  and  socialization  for  service   for  therapy  for  people  with
            than 40% between 2015 and    tary’s  hegemonic  masculine  main. Many soldiers fear the  members.  Others  are  more   physical or mental disabilities
            2020.  The  numbers  jumped   culture,  continued  access  to  stigma of admitting to men-  focused  on  self-care,  like  an   and children diagnosed with
            by  15%  in  2020  alone.  In   guns, and the difficulty of re-  tal  health  issues  within  the  Armed Services YMCA pro-  autism. But in recent years, it
            longtime  suicide  hotspot   integrating into civilian life.”  internal  military  culture  of  gram  that  offers  free  child-  has been embraced for help-
            postings such as Alaska – ser-                            self-sufficiency.  And  those  care  so  that  military  parents   ing  service  members  with
            vice members and their fami-  The  Pentagon  did  not  re-  who seek help often find that  can attend therapy sessions.  anxiety and PTSD.
            lies  contend  with  extreme   spond  to  repeated  requests  stigma  is  not  only  real,  but
            isolation and a harsh climate   for comment. But Austin has  compounded by bureaucratic  The situation in Alaska is par-  Military  clients,  Morrison
            – the rate has doubled.      publicly  acknowledged  that  obstacles.                  ticularly dire. In January, after   said, come with “a lot of anxi-
                                         the Pentagon’s current men-                               a  string  of  suicides,  Com-  ety, depression, PTSD. … We
                                         tal health offerings — includ-  Much like the issue of food  mand  Sgt.  Maj.  Phil  Blais-  use the horse to get them out
                                                                                                   dell  addressed  his  soldiers   of their triggers.”
                                                                                                   in  an  emotional  Instagram
                                                                                                   post.  “When  did  suicide  be-  For  Williamson,  the  regular
                                                                                                   come the answer,” he asked.   riding  sessions  have  helped
                                                                                                   “Please send me a DM if you   stabilize  her.  She  still  strug-
                                                                                                   need something. Please …”    gles,  and  she  said  her  long
                                                                                                                                campaign  for  treatment  has
                                                                                                   The  stresses  of  an  Alaska   damaged  her  relationship
                                                                                                   posting  are  compounded  by   with  multiple  superior  offi-
                                                                                                   a shortage of on-the-ground   cers. She’s currently on limit-
                                                                                                   therapists.  During  a  visit  to   ed duty and isn’t sure if she’ll
                                                                                                   Joint  Base  Elmendorf-Rich-  retire when she hits her 20-
                                                                                                   ardson  in  Alaska  earlier  this   year anniversary in March.
                                                                                                   year,  Army  Secretary  Chris-
                                                                                                   tine  Wormuth  heard  from   Nevertheless,  she  says,  the
                                                                                                   base health care workers who   equine  therapy  has  helped
                                                                                                   say  they  are  understaffed,   her  feel  optimistic  for  the
                                                                                                   burned out and can’t see pa-  first time in recent memory.
                                                                                                   tients  on  a  timely  basis.  If  a
                                                                                                   soldier seeks help, they often   “Now even if I can’t get out
                                                                                                   have to wait weeks for an ap-  of bed, I make sure to come
                                                                                                   pointment.                   here,”  she  said.  “If  I  didn’t
                                                                                                                                come  here,  I  don’t  know
                                                                                                   The  annual  Combat  Fish-   where I would even be.”
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