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                                                                                         world news Diamars 11 OctOber 2022

                              German expert panel proposes 2-stage gas price subsidy

                                         said, telling reporters in Ber-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  A  gov-     lin that the plan aims to in-
            ernment-appointed       ex-  troduce a “new normal” but
            pert panel on Monday pro-    prevent  price  rises  beyond
            posed  a  two-stage  system  that. “It’s not going to be the
            for  distributing  some  of  case that the price goes back
            the up to 200 billion euros  down to 7 cents in the future
            ($195 billion) in subsidies  — we won’t receive Russian
            Germany  has  announced  gas for a long time.”
            to  ease  the  strain  of  high
            energy prices, a plan that  Co-chair  Siegfried  Russ-
            the group said would still  wurm, the head of the Feder-
            encourage  people  to  save  ation  of  German  Industries,
            gas.                         said  the  proposal  foresees
                                         businesses paying 0.07 euros
            The panel suggested that the  per kilowatt hour for 70% of
            state take on the cost of natu-  their 2021 gas use, starting at
            ral  gas  customers’  monthly  the beginning of January.
            bill  in  December,  followed
            by a price subsidy for part of  Russwurm said that gas price
            their  consumption  starting  rises  are  posing  an  “existen-
            next spring.                 tial”  threat  to  an  increasing
                                         number of companies.
            That  “gas  and  heating  price
            brake”  would  kick  in  next  The  panel,  which  included
            March and apply until April  representatives  of  industry
            2024, panel co-chair Veronika  and  labor  unions,  scientists   have  proposed  similar  sub-  Scholz  argues  that  the  criti-  The  government  will  “work
                                                                                                                                very  quickly  on  implement-
                                                                      sidies  on  fossil  fuels,  prices  cism is based on a misunder-
            Grimm said. Private gas cus-  and lawmakers, earlier Mon-
            tomers would pay 0.12 euros  day presented its conclusions   for  which  have  increased  standing of his government’s  ing  the  proposals”  by  the
                                                                      sharply  worldwide  in  the  plans  and  says  Germany’s  panel,  Scholz  spokesman
            per kilowatt hour for the first  to  Chancellor  Olaf  Scholz
            80% of the amount they used  and  the  country’s  economy   wake  of  Russia’s  attack  on  subsidy will prevent a short-  Steffen  Hebestreit  said.  He
                                                                                                   age  of  gas  that  might  occur  noted that a check on whether
                                                                      Ukraine.  But  some  of  Ger-
            in 2021.                     and finance ministers. It put
                                         the cost of the proposed gas   many’s neighbors have criti-  under  a  system  of  enforced  they  comply  with  European
            That  “corresponds  roughly  price  subsidies  at  about  90   cized the huge sum Berlin is  price caps proposed by other  Union law will be necessary,
            to  the  price  level  that  is  ex-  billion euros.      setting  aside,  arguing  that  it  countries. He also has noted  and said that Germany “will
                                                                      will  price  others  out  of  the  that  it  applies  to  a  relatively  act in European solidarity.”
            pected in the future,” Grimm  Many  European  countries
                                                                      market.                      long period.
                         Japan eager to welcome tourists from abroad amid cheap yen

            TOKYO (AP) — It’s hard  and  making  Japan  nearly  ir-   of  visiting  crowded  destina-
            to  tell  from  his  serious  resistible to bargain hunters.  tions,  said  Katsunori  Tsuji
            demeanor,  but  Akky  In-                                 of Nara Prefecture’s tourism
            ternational  Corp.  Chief  Abe employs about 50 people  promotion division.
            Executive  Hideyuki  Abe  and  had  resorted  to  layoffs
            can barely contain his ex-   after the pandemic struck in  “There are aspects of life that
            citement.                    2020. Some Akihabara shops  Japanese have preserved over
                                         have closed down since then,  the years in Nara that you can
            Foreign  tourists  are  com-  but he bided his time.      truly  sense  and  enjoy,  that
            ing back, those big-spending                              spiritual element,” he said.
            visitors  from  abroad  who  “Hanging on is where power
            used to flock into his colorful  lies,” Abe said. “Now, I am a  About  10  years  ago,  Chi-
            store  in  Tokyo’s  Akihabara  bit worried about a shortage  nese tourists, visiting in huge   “The  impact  incoming  visi-  more than a dozen languages
            electronics district, its color-  of workers.”            groups  to  snag  European   tors  have  on  the  Japanese  among them.
            ful shelves filled with watch-                            luxury brands and even high-  economy  is  said  to  be  some
            es and souvenirs like samurai  Retailers  in  Akihabara  and  tech  toilet  seats,  bought  so   5  trillion  yen  ($35  billion),  He has endured various cri-
            swords and toy cats with bob-  other  businesses  in  Japan  much  their  purchases  were   so we have great hopes about  ses,  including  the  nuclear
            bing heads.                  that  relied  heavily  on  visi-  known  as  “baku-gai,”  com-  what  we  can  expect,”  ANA  disaster  in  Fukushima  in
                                         tors  from  all  over  have  had  bining the Japanese words for
            Individual  travelers  will  be  a  tough  couple  years.  Major  “explosive” and “purchase.”  Chief Executive Shinichi In-  March 2011, at a time when
                                                                                                   oue recently told reporters.
                                                                                                                                the yen was stronger against
            able  to  visit  Japan  without  retail chain Laox shuttered its                                                    the  dollar,  making  Japan  an
            visas  beginning  on  Tuesday,  Akihabara store, keeping only  Some  32  million  foreign   Flights  resuming  in  the  ultra-expensive destination.
            just  like  in  pre-COVID-19  its  outlets  at  Narita  airport  tourists visited Japan in 2019,   months ahead include routes
            times, and electronics stores,  and in the ancient capital of  before  the  pandemic.  The   to and from places like Ho-  In 2011, the U.S. dollar cost
            airlines  and  various  tourists  Kyoto open.             travel  and  tourism  sector   nolulu, Frankfurt, New York,  about  80  yen.  Last  year,  the
            spots have big hopes for a re-                            then  contributed  more  than   Seoul  and  Paris.  They  are  dollar  cost  about  111  yen.
            vival of their businesses.   The city of Nara, famous for  7%  to  Japan’s  economy,  ac-  meant  to  appeal  not  only  to  Now,  it’s  at  a  nearly  three-
                                         its temples, shrines and sake  cording  to  the  World  Travel   incoming  tourists  but  also  decade high of about 145 yen,
            Japan kept its borders closed  breweries, is banking on the  & Tourism Council.        to  Japanese  planning  dream  and the pandemic restrictions
            to most foreign travelers dur-  return  of  tourists  from  oth-                       vacations over the Christmas  are waning. The tourists will
            ing  much  of  the  pandemic.  er  parts  of  Japan  along  with  Japan’s  major  carriers  All   and New Year’s holidays.  be back.
            Only  packaged  tours  have  those  from  abroad.  A  pasto-  Nippon  Airways  and  Japan
            been  allowed  since  June.  ral getaway with deer roam-  Airlines are increasing flights   To  cater  to  shoppers  from  “This time, it’s a perfect op-
            Meanwhile,  the  yen  has  ing free in parks and glorious  in response to expected high-  various  countries,  including  portunity,” Abe said.
            weakened sharply against the  autumn  foliage,  it’s  a  des-  er demand. Both sharply re-  places  like  Vietnam,  Europe
            dollar,  giving  some  visitors  tination  recommended  for  duced flights during the pan-  and  the  Americas,  the  staff
            much  heftier  buying  power  people  worried  about  risks  demic.
                                                                                                   in  Abe’s  three  stores  speak
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