Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
Papillon: the butterfly effect
Thursday of magnificent food
December 8, 2022
T: 582-7800
Page 8
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
US Jews fear collision with expected Celebrating the 200th
Israeli government anniversary of the Protestant
Congregation of Aruba
Associated Press Page 7
By JOSEF FEDERMAN could have a ripple effect gious lawmakers. The three
Associated Press in Washington and further have made racist anti-Ar-
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s widen what has become ab statements, denigrated Leap of Faith presented
ties to the Jewish American a partisan divide over sup- the LGBTQ community, at-
community, one of its clos- port for Israel. tacked Israel’s legal system prototype of pier for persons with
est and most important al- “This is a very significant and demonized the liberal, disabilities
lies, are about to be put to crossroads,” said Jeremy non-Orthodox streams of
the test, with Israel’s emerg- Ben-Ami, president of J Judaism popular in the U.S.
ing far-right government on Street, a liberal, pro-Israel All vehemently oppose Pal-
a collision course with Jews group in Washington. “The estinian independence.
in the United States. potential for specific ac- “These are among the most
Major Jewish American or- tions that could be taken extreme voices in Israeli
ganizations, traditionally a by this government, these politics,” said Rabbi Rick
bedrock of support for Is- are the moments when the Jacobs, president of the
rael, have expressed alarm relationship between the Union for Reform Judaism,
over the far-right character bulk of American Jews and the largest Jewish move-
of the presumptive gov- the state of Israel begins ment in the U.S. “What will
ernment led by conserva- to really fray. So I’m very be the trajectory of a new
tive Israeli leader Benjamin afraid.” Israeli government with
Netanyahu. Given Ameri- Jewish-American leaders such voices in such key
can Jews’ predominantly appear especially worried leadership roles is of deep,
liberal political views and about the prominent role deep concern.”
affinity for the Democrat- expected to be played Page 11
ic Party, these misgivings by a trio of hard-line, reli- Continued on Page 2