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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 8 december 2022
            Hope for Paws Christmas Drive

                                                                      for  Paws  Drive  Facebook
                                                                      page,  this  project  started
                                                                      back  in  2018  when  they
                                                                      decided  as  a  family  to  in-
                                                                      stead of buying each other
                                                                      gifts for Christmas we would
                                                                      make a donation and col-
                                                                      lect as many donations as
                                                                      we can for the Animal Shel-
                                                                      ter  and  the  animal  rescue

                                                                      They  also  hope  to  inspire
                                                                      others to also change their
                                                                      tradition  and  teach  the
                                                                      upcoming  generation  that  fling a very special prize be-  come pick it up
                                                                      Christmas  isn't  only  about  tween those who donate.    *Feel  good  about  giving
                                                                      the gifts, but it's about fam-  So  get  your  "Santa  Paw"  back!
            ORANJESTAD  –  Hope  for  are organizing a Christmas  ily, love and helping those  hatand  let's  help  our  furry
            Paws  Christmas  Drive  is  Drive  to  collect  donations  who need it the most.       babies. All you have to do  You  can  also  WhatsApp
            back  and  celebrating  its  to help Aruba’s animals.                                  is:                          Hope  for  Paws  Drive  at
            5th  year  anniversary!  And                              To celebrate their 5th year  *Buy your donation           (+297) 593-0661.q
            this  year  once  again  they  According  to  the  Hope  anniversary  they  are  raf-  *Direct  message  us  to

            Leap of Faith presented prototype of pier for persons with disabilities

            ORANJESTAD  –  This  week  ginning.” He explained that  ly  lying  down  on  a  bed,
            during  a  press  confer-    the  pier  comes  with  eight  and four thousand people
            ence,  Terrance  Ras  of  the  pieces  of  equipment  that  who  are  sadly  forgotten.
            Leap  of  Faith  Foundation  can  be  connected  to  the  Right  now  I  want  to  give
            presented  a  prototype  for  pier  to  do  different  types  them the chance to come
            his  project  Leap  of  Faith,  of exercise. This way, thera-  back out”, he said.
            which consists of a pier for  pists who want to make use
            people  with  disabilities  to  of the pier for therapy can  He explained that the pier
            go into the sea and receive  help their clients with thera-  has  its  own  management
            therapy to help them heal –  py in the water.             team and he has the plans
            and in some cases, recover                                for functioning already. The
            their ability to walk.       In the beginning, Ras came  pier  works  in  a  way  that  it
                                         up  with  the  idea  for  this  can  be  completely  dis-
            “I  want  to  tell  people  that  project  under  the  belief  mantled and carried easily
            I delivered. I promised that  that in Aruba there are less  to place it in the water. The
            we would start the project,  than  100  wheelchair  users,  pier presented was specifi-
            and today I am presenting  however,  after  research,  cally made to be placed in
            it to you. My wish is for peo-  he found out that there are  the sea at Baby Beach.
            ple with disabilities to expe-  more  than  four  thousand
            rience  what  I  have  expe-  wheelchair  users  in  Aruba,  Ras said that the pier is not
            rienced.  I  can  walk  again  all  with  some  type  of  dis-  only  for  locals  to  use,  but
            after  going  in  the  water  ability.                    also  to  create  a  boost  for
            constantly”, Ras said.                                    Aruba  as  well,  because
            Ras, based on his own per-   “We  need  to  understand  Aruba will be the first place
            sonal  experience,  empha-   that  these  are  four  thou-  in the region to offer some-
            sized  that  when  the  water  sand  people  who  do  not  thing for people with limita-
            goes  above  the  stomach  leave home, four thousand  tions to receive the therapy
            area,  it  gives  peace  of  people who know all televi-  they  need  to  maybe  walk
            mind  and  removes  the  sion programs in existence,  again.  “I  am  proof  of  this
            fear to take those first steps  four thousand people with  myself”, he emphasized.
            again. “And that is the be-  back injuries from constant-
                                                                      His idea is to make the pier
                                                                      available  every  day,  and
                                                                      weekly  it  is  taken  out  of
                                                                      the  water  once  for  clean-  Department   of   Public  beach”, he added.
                                                                      ing, after which it would be  Works (DIP) is still pending.
                                                                      placed back in the sea. He                                He finalized saying that by
                                                                      highlighted that this doesn’t  Leap  of  Faith’s  main  goal  the beginning of next year
                                                                      cause any damage to the  is to install piers in different  the  pier  will  be  ready  to
                                                                      environment,  since  it’s  just  areas.  “This  specific  pier  is  enter the water. It is made
                                                                      about  pulling  out,  rinsing,  made  with  the  measures  from  aluminum  and  not
                                                                      and putting it back in.      for Baby Beach, but when  iron,  so  it  will  not  oxidize,
                                                                                                   I  go  to  another  beach  I  doesn’t  need  to  be  paint-
                                                                      However,  Ras  indicated  can do the research again  ed, and it is light enough to
                                                                      that  the  permit  from  the  and  make  a  pier  for  that  be carried into the water.q
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