Page 18 - RDA
P. 18
Diahuebs, 22 Februari 2018 AWEMainta 9
Chauffeur y pasahero Presencia di Polis
haya cu marihuana sinti na beach
DIAMARS, pa mas of menos 1’or y 55 di marduga, duran- DIAMARS, entre 2’or y mey di merdia y 4’or
te patruya, riba e caminda na altura di Citgo Boulevard pa di atardi, strandpolitie a tene un control riba e
bay yena gasolin, polis a mira un Toyota Tercel color blanco, strip entre Eagle Beach y Bushiri, den cuadro cu
cu bentanan hopi preto getint, tabata coriendo na un manera hopi ladronicia cu ta tumando luga.
sospechoso. Na altura di Citgo Boulevard, polis a haci seña
pa e auto para. Den e prome contacto cu e ocupantenan di e Un rato prome nan a haya melding riba porto-
auto, polis a haya e holo sterki di marihuana. A base di esaki foon di un auto blauw chikito, cu dos persona
polis a rista tanto conductor como e pasahero. aden, un homber y un muhe, cu a purba di dren-
Den e saco di carson banda robes di un di e ocupantenan, ta den un auto na altura di Mangel halto.
polis a bin haya un sigaria parecido na esun di marihuana.
Tambe a controla e auto y polis a bin topa cu cuater sigaria Turistanan a gara nan na momento cu nan a bay
di marihuana y un saco di plastic cu marihuana aden den e para banda di nan auto. Nan a pasa e informa-
dashboard. Tur e resto di marihuana haya, polis a confisca y cion aki na Visibility Team pa asina mira si e
a pase pa e departamento di narcotica pa pisa y test. E con- auto aki, cual ta un Volkswagen color Shinishi,
ductor riba dje, no por a mustra ningun rijbewijs valido. Un ta den cercania di Eagle Beach, pa asina asocia
proces verbaal lo wordo duna pa coremento sin rijbewijs y nan cu e cantidad di ladronicia tas di turista. E
posesion di droga. auto no a wordo haya.
In 2016 CITGO launched the San Nicolas refinery refurbishment project with a firm vision and
steadfast commitment to work with the Aruban government to bring jobs to the local economy,
increase economic activity, and contribute to energy security in the region. While CITGO
remains committed to the project, the U.S. Government imposed sanctions related to shareholder
Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) do not allow additional required funding for the project
to continue as planned. CITGO has been actively working since August 2017 to obtain relief
from these sanctions, but since relief has yet to be granted we must slow down the project
immediately. We understand the hardship this situation has caused for employees and the
people of Aruba. We continue to actively work on a solution and hope to resume the full project
in the near future.