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                    Friday 29 January 2021
            EXPLAINER: Why it’s hard to make vaccines and boost supplies

            By LAURAN NEERGAARD                                                                                                 is  sending  kits  that  include
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   the  special  syringes  with
            With demand for COVID-19                                                                                            each Pfizer shipment.
            vaccines  outpacing  the                                                                                            Pfizer  also  said  its  factory
            world’s  supplies,  a  frustrat-                                                                                    upgrade in Belgium is short-
            ed  public  and  policymak-                                                                                         term  pain  for  longer-term
            ers want to know: How can                                                                                           gain,  as  the  changes  will
            we  get  more?  A  lot  more.                                                                                       help  increase  worldwide
            Right away.                                                                                                         production to 2 billion dos-
            The  problem:  “It’s  not  like                                                                                     es  this  year  instead  of  the
            adding  more  water  to  the                                                                                        originally  anticipated  1.3
            soup,”  said  vaccine  spe-                                                                                         billion. Moderna likewise re-
            cialist  Maria  Elena  Bottazzi                                                                                     cently announced it will be
            of Baylor College of Medi-                                                                                          able  to  supply  600  million
            cine.                                                                                                               doses  of  vaccine  in  2021,
            Makers  of  COVID-19  vac-                                                                                          up  from  500  million,  and
            cines  need  everything  to                                                                                         that  it  was  expanding  ca-
            go  right  as  they  scale  up                                                                                      pacity  in  hopes  of  getting
            production  to  hundreds  of                                                                                        to 1 billion. But possibly the
            millions of doses — and any                                                                                         easiest  way  to  get  more
            little  hiccup  could  cause                                                                                        doses is if other vaccines in
            a  delay.  Some  of  their  in-                                                                                     the pipeline are proven to
            gredients  have  never  be-                                                                                         work. U.S. data on whether
            fore been produced at the    In this Friday, Jan. 22, 2021 file photo, empty vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are   Johnson  &  Johnson’s  one-
            sheer volume needed.         seen at a vaccination center at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in Las Vegas.      dose  shot  protects  is  ex-
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            And seemingly simple sug-                                                                                           pected soon, and another
            gestions  that  other  facto-  a little ball of fat.      with killed coronavirus.     than  expected  “yields,”  or  company, Novavax, also is
            ries switch to brewing new  Making  small  amounts  of  One  thing  all  vaccines  output,  at  some  European  in final-stage testing.
            kinds  of  vaccines  can’t  mRNA  in  a  research  lab  is  have  in  common:  They  manufacturing sites.           OTHER OPTIONS
            happen overnight. Just this  easy  but  “prior  to  this,  no-  must be made under strict  More  than  in  other  indus-  For  months,  the  chief  vac-
            week,  French  drugmaker  body made a billion doses  rules  that  require  specially  tries, when brewing with bi-  cine  companies  lined  up
            Sanofi  took  the  unusual  or 100 million or even a mil-  inspected facilities and fre-  ological ingredients, “there  “contract  manufacturers”
            step of announcing it would  lion  doses  of  mRNA,”  said  quent testing of each step,  are  things  that  can  go  in  the  U.S.  and  Europe  to
            help  bottle  and  package  Dr.  Drew  Weissman  of  the  a  time-consuming  neces-    wrong and will go wrong,”  help them crank out doses
            some  vaccine  produced  University  of  Pennsylvania,  sity  to  be  confident  in  the  said  Norman  Baylor,  a  for-  and then undergo the final
            by competitor Pfizer and its  who helped pioneer mRNA  quality of each batch.          mer Food and Drug Admin-     bottling steps. Moderna, for
            German partner BioNTech.  technology.                     WHAT  ABOUT  THE  SUPPLY  istration vaccine chief who  example,  is  working  with
            But those doses won’t start  Scaling  up  doesn’t  just  CHAIN?                        called yield variability com-  Switzerland’s Lonza.
            arriving until summer — and  mean  multiplying  ingre-    Production  depends  on  mon.                             Beyond  rich  nations,  the
            Sanofi  has  the  space  in  a  dients  to  fit  a  bigger  vat.  enough raw materials. Pfiz-  HOW MUCH IS ON THE WAY?  Serum Institute of India has
            factory  in  Germany  only  Creating  mRNA  involves  er and Moderna insist they  That  varies  by  country.  a  contract  to  manufac-
            because its own vaccine is  a  chemical  reaction  be-    have reliable suppliers.     Moderna  and  Pfizer  each  ture  a  billion  doses  of  As-
            delayed, bad news for the  tween  genetic  building  Even so, a U.S. government  are  on  track  to  deliver  traZeneca’s  vaccine.  It’s
            world’s overall supply.      blocks  and  enzymes,  and  spokesman  said  logistics  100  million  doses  to  the  the world’s largest vaccine
            “We  think,  ‘Well,  OK,  it’s  Weissman said the enzymes  experts are working directly  U.S.  by  the  end  of  March  maker  and  is  expected  to
            like  men’s  shirts,  right?  I’ll  don’t  work  as  efficiently  in  with vaccine makers to an-  and  another  100  million  in  be a key supplier for devel-
            just have another place to  larger volumes.               ticipate and solve any bot-  the  second  quarter  of  the  oping countries.
            make it,’” said Dr. Paul Of-  AstraZeneca’s vaccine, al-  tlenecks that arise.         year.  Looking  even  further  But  some  homegrown  ef-
            fit  of  Children’s  Hospital  of  ready  used  in  Britain  and  Moderna  CEO  Stephane  ahead, President Joe Biden  forts  to  boost  supplies  ap-
            Philadelphia,  a  vaccine  several     other   countries,  Bancel acknowledges that  has  announced  plans  to  pear  hobbled.  Two  Brazil-
            adviser  to  the  U.S.  gov-  and  one  expected  soon  challenges remain.             buy still more over the sum-  ian research institutes plan
            ernment.  “It’s  just  not  that  from  Johnson  &  Johnson,  With shifts running 24/7, if on  mer,  reaching  enough  to  to  make  millions  of  doses
            easy.”                       are made with a cold virus  any given day “there’s one  eventually  vaccinate  300  of  the  AstraZeneca  and
            DIFFERENT  VACCINES,  DIF-   that  sneaks  the  spike  pro-  raw  material  missing,  we  million Americans.        Sinovac vaccines but have
            FERENT RECIPES               tein  gene  into  the  body.  cannot  start  making  prod-  Pfizer  CEO  Albert  Bourla  been  set  back  by  unex-
            The multiple types of COV-   It’s a very different form of  ucts and that capacity will  told  a  Bloomberg  confer-  plained delays in shipments
            ID-19 vaccines being used  manufacturing:  living  cells  be lost forever because we  ence  this  week  that  his  of  key  ingredients  from
            in  different  countries  all  in  giant  bioreactors  grow  cannot make it up,” he re-  company will actually wind  China.  And  Bottazzi  said
            train the body to recognize  that cold virus, which is ex-  cently told investors.     up  providing  120  million  the  world  simultaneously
            the new coronavirus, most-   tracted and purified.        Pfizer   has   temporarily  doses by the end of March  has  to  keep  up  produc-
            ly  the  spike  protein  that  “If the cells get old or tired  slowed deliveries in Europe  — not by speedier produc-  tion  of  vaccines  against
            coats  it.  But  they  require  or  start  changing,  you  for  several  weeks,  so  it  tion  but  because  health  polio,  measles,  meningitis
            different technologies, raw  might  get  less,”  Weissman  could  upgrade  its  factory  workers now are allowed to  and other diseases that still
            materials,  equipment  and  said.  “There’s  a  lot  more  in Belgium to handle more  squeeze an extra dose out  threaten even in the midst
            expertise to do so.          variability  and  a  lot  more  production.               of every vial.               of the pandemic.
            The  two  vaccines  autho-   things you have to check.”   And sometimes the batch-     But  getting  six  doses  in-  Penn’s Weissman urged pa-
            rized in the U.S so far, from  An old-fashioned variety —  es  fall  short.  AstraZeneca  stead  of  five  requires  us-  tience, saying that as each
            Pfizer  and  Moderna,  are  “inactivated” vaccines like  told an outraged European  ing  specialized  syringes,  vaccine  maker  gets  more
            made  by  putting  a  piece  one made by China’s Sino-    Union  that  it,  too,  will  de-  and  there  are  questions  experience,  “I  think  every
            of  genetic  code  called  vac  —  require  even  more  liver fewer doses than origi-  about the global supply. A  month they’re going to be
            mRNA — the instructions for  steps  and  stiffer  biosecu-  nally  promised  right  away.  Health  and  Human  Servic-  making more vaccine than
            that spike protein — inside  rity because they’re made  The  reason  cited:  Lower  es spokesman said the U.S.  the prior month.”q
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