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                          Friday 5 May 2023

            Debt limit deadline looms as Democrats, GOP spar on spending

            Continued from Front                                                                                                warned that the House bill
                                                                                                                                would  eventually  lead  to
            But  they  said  the  House                                                                                         dramatic  cuts  in  that  pro-
            action  was  necessary  to                                                                                          gram. He said his participa-
            get  Biden  to  the  negotiat-                                                                                      tion  in  Head  Start  allowed
            ing  table  with  Republican                                                                                        him  to  learn,  socialize  and
            Speaker  Kevin  McCarthy.                                                                                           receive healthy food while
            A  meeting  at  the  White                                                                                          his parents could stay in the
            House  with  congressional                                                                                          workplace.
            leaders of both parties is set                                                                                      “That  sounds  like  good
            for next week.                                                                                                      economic  policy  to  me,”
            Despite  the  legislation’s                                                                                         Lujan said.
            certain   demise,   Demo-                                                                                           Two other witnesses called
            crats  are  eager  to  tie  Re-                                                                                     on lawmakers to keep pro-
            publicans,  particularly  in                                                                                        visions passed into law last
            swing  districts  and  states,                                                                                      August  designed  to  curb
            to  various  provisions  in  the                                                                                    global warming and boost
            bill. Those include one that                                                                                        clean  energy  production.
            would  cap  next  year’s                                                                                            House  Republicans  pro-
            spending at 2022 levels and                                                                                         pose  rescinding  most  of
            allow it to rise only 1% annu-                                                                                      the energy tax credits and
            ally in ensuing years, much                                                                                         spending in that bill, reduc-
            below the rate of inflation.                                                                                        ing  deficits  by  more  than
            That  spending  limit,  which                                                                                       $500 billion over 10 years.
            would account for most of                                                                                           Those  tax  breaks  have
            the Republicans’ projected                                                                                          spurred billions of dollars in
            $4.8 trillion in savings, could                                                                                     private  investment  across
            have  severe  impacts  on    President Joe Biden walks with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as he departs the Capitol   the  country,  according  to
            programs  such  as  Head     following the annual St. Patrick’s Day gathering, in Washington, Friday, March 17, 2023.   Abigail  Ross  Hopper,  presi-
            Start and Meals on Wheels,                                                                                          dent and CEO of the Solar
            cancer  research  and  vet-                                                                        Associated Press   Energy  Industries  Associa-
            erans’ health care, Demo-    committee. “Now the ball is  gress  pass  a  clean  debt  said,   “Tomorrow,    they  tion. She said that some 40
            crats say.                   in the court of the president  ceiling,  versus  1.61%  if  the  could put a bill on the floor  new electric battery manu-
            “If Republicans won’t level  to  negotiate,  and  they  House  Republican  legisla-    to make sure we won’t de-    facturing  sites  are  coming
            with  the  American  people  want to distract from that.”  tion becomes law.           fault. I could probably write  to  states  such  as  Michi-
            about their terrible bill, Sen-  Grassley said it would be up  “We need to end this dra-  the bill for them in five min-  gan,  Arizona  and  South
            ate  Democrats  are  going  to Congress to decide how  ma as quickly as possible,”  utes. It’s pretty easy.”        Carolina.  Companies  are
            to  do  it  for  them,”  Senate  to meet the spending caps  Zandi said of the debt ceil-  But  that  logic  works  both  also  expanding  their  bat-
            Majority   Leader    Chuck  that  the  House  bill  would  ing  impasse.  “If  we  don’t,  ways,  some  witnesses  and  tery plants in states such as
            Schumer, D-N.Y., said.       put in place, and “nothing  we’re  going  to  go  into  re-  Republican   lawmakers  Oklahoma  and  Alabama,
            It’s  just  the  latest  jousting  in the legislation mandates  cession and our fiscal chal-  said.                 while  wind-power  manu-
            in  Congress  over  the  debt  cuts  to  defense,  veterans’  lenges  will  be  made  even  Brian  Riedl,  a  senior  fellow  facturing facilities are com-
            limit, a legal limit to govern-  health  care,  border  secu-  worse.”                 at  the  Manhattan  Institute  ing to Iowa, Georgia, Texas
            ment  borrowing  that  has  rity  or  other  activities  that  Republicans  have  argued  for  Policy  Research,  told  and others.
            been  raised  repeatedly  in  Republicans  have  already  that  reduced  spending  is  lawmakers  that  Congress  “Any threat to the IRA,” she
            recent years as the nation’s  prioritized.”               necessary to curb the infla-  has  a  long  history  of  at-  said,  referring  to  Demo-
            debt  has  swelled  past  $31  The House bill would reduce  tion that has increased the  taching  efforts  to  reduce  crats’  Inflation  Reduction
            trillion. Urgency around the  deficits  over  10  years  by,  cost of fuel, food and hous-  deficits to debt ceiling lifts.  Act,  “is  a  threat  to  these
            issue  intensified  this  week  among  other  things,  claw-  ing. They also say the House  He  said  the  nation’s  debt,  factories and these jobs.”
            as the Treasury Department  ing  back  unspent  COVID  bill would put the country’s  now more than $31 trillion,  Fred  Krupp,  president  of
            announced  that  the  “ex-   aid,  removing  the  clean  finances on a more sustain-   means  all  legislative  av-  the Environmental Defense
            traordinary  measures”  be-  energy  tax  credits  that  able path.                    enues  should  be  open  to  Fund, called on lawmakers
            ing used to avoid a devas-   Biden  signed  into  law  last  Sen.  Sheldon  Whitehouse,  addressing it.             to  maintain  a  charge  on
            tating  government  default  year  and  reversing Biden’s  the  Democratic  chairman  Excluding    defense   pro-   excessive  methane  emis-
            could run out on June 1 —  student  debt  forgiveness  of the Senate Budget Com-       grams and veterans’ health  sions  from  U.S.  oil  and  gas
            giving lawmakers just a few  and repayment plan.          mittee, mocked that ratio-   benefits from the cuts when  facilities that the House bill
            weeks to find a solution.    But  those  spending  reduc-  nale.  House  Republicans  enacting  future  spending  would repeal. He said swift
            Republicans described the  tions could come at a cost.  care about the debt “spo-      bills  would  put  more  pres-  cuts in methane could slow
            Democratic effort as a dis-  Moody’s    Analytics   esti-  radically,” he said, pointing  sure  on  other  non-defense  the rate of global warming
            traction that won’t change  mates  the  Republican  bill  to $7 trillion in debt that was  spending   approved   by  by  30%,  plus  provide  im-
            their  position:  Biden  must  would  cause  790,000  job  added   under    President  Congress  each  year.  Such  portant  health  benefits  to
            negotiate  on  spending  re-  losses next year.           Donald Trump and $3 trillion  spending  would  fall  to  2%  Americans  near  oil  or  gas
            ductions  in  exchange  for  Mark  Zandi,  chief  econo-  under President George W.  of GDP by 2033, the lowest  sites  because  other  pollut-
            increasing the debt ceiling.  mist  at  Moody’s  Analyt-  Bush.                        level since at least the early  ants, such as cancer-caus-
            “It’s  showboating  to  bad-  ics,  said  the  timing  of  the  “They  seek  to  cause  cha-  1960s.  Such  non-defense  ing  benzene,  are  emitted
            mouth  the  fact  that  the  spending  cuts  that  would  os,” he said.                spending does not include  alongside methane.
            only thing that’s been done  occur  through  the  House  Meanwhile,      the   White  mandatory funds for Medi-     “Congress was right to en-
            on the debt ceiling and on  bill  would  “meaningfully  House  insisted  anew  Thurs-  care and Social Security.    act (it), our health and the
            the budget is what Repub-    increase”  the  likelihood  day that the onus is on Re-   Sen.  Ben  Ray  Lujan,  D-   environment  will  benefit
            licans  have  done,”  said  of  a  recession.  Economic  publicans  in  Congress  to  N.M., said he is one of two  because of it, and it should
            Sen.  Chuck  Grassley,  the  growth, he projects will be  raise the debt limit. Budget  senators to have attended  be  left  in  place  to  do  its
            ranking Republican on the  about  2.23%  should  Con-     Director  Shalanda  Young  Head  Start  schooling,  and  job,” Krupp said.q
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