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A4   U.S. NEWS
                          Friday 5 May 2023

             Proud Boys’ Tarrio guilty of Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy

            By  MICHAEL  KUNZELMAN,                                                                                             Congress’  certification  of
            LINDSAY  WHITEHURST  and                                                                                            Biden’s  win.  A  lawyer  for
            ALANNA DURKIN RICHER                                                                                                Tarrio  sought  to  push  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    blame  onto  Trump,  argu-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For-                                                                                           ing the former president in-
            mer Proud Boys leader En-                                                                                           cited the pro-Trump mob’s
            rique Tarrio and three other                                                                                        attack  when  he  urged
            members  of  the  far-right                                                                                         the  crowd  near  the  White
            extremist  group  were  con-                                                                                        House to “fight like hell.”
            victed  Thursday  of  a  plot                                                                                       “It  was  Donald  Trump’s
            to  attack  the  U.S.  Capitol                                                                                      words.  It  was  his  motiva-
            in a desperate bid to keep                                                                                          tion.  It  was  his  anger  that
            Donald Trump in power af-                                                                                           caused  what  occurred  on
            ter the Republican lost the                                                                                         January  6th  in  your  beau-
            2020 presidential election.                                                                                         tiful and amazing city,” at-
            A jury in Washington, D.C.,                                                                                         torney  Nayib  Hassan  said
            found Tarrio and three lieu-                                                                                        in his final appeal to jurors.
            tenants  guilty  of  seditious                                                                                      “It  was  not  Enrique  Tarrio.
            conspiracy  after  hearing                                                                                          They  want  to  use  Enrique
            from  dozens  of  witness-                                                                                          Tarrio  as  a  scapegoat  for
            es  over  more  than  three                                                                                         Donald J. Trump and those
            months in one of the most                                                                                           in power.”
            serious cases brought in the                                                                                        The  Justice  Department
            stunning  attack  that  un-                                                                                         hadn’t  tried  a  seditious
            folded  on  Jan.  6,  2021,  as                                                                                     conspiracy  case  in  a  de-
            the world watched on live                                                                                           cade before a jury convict-
            TV.                          In this Jan. 6, 2021 photo, Proud Boys members Ethan Nordean, left, Zachary Rehl and Joseph   ed another extremist group
            Jurors  cleared  a  fifth  de-  Biggs walk toward the U.S. Capitol in Washington, in support of President Donald Trump.   leader,   Oath   Keepers
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            fendant    Dominic  Pezzola                                                                                         founder  Stewart  Rhodes,
            of  the  sedition  charge,  The  verdict  comes  after  a  Biden.                      ment.                        of the Civil War-era charge
            though  he  was  convicted  trial  that  took  more  than  Tarrio wasn’t in Washington  Prosecutors  told  jurors  the  last year.
            of  other  serious  felonies.  twice  as  long  as  originally  on Jan. 6, because he had  group  viewed  itself  as  Over  the  course  of  two
            The judge excused the jury  expected, slowed by bick-     been  arrested  two  days  “Trump’s  army”  and  was  Oath Keepers trials, Rhodes
            without delivering a verdict  ering,  mistrial  motions  and  earlier  in  a  separate  case  prepared  for  “all-out  war”  and  five  other  members
            on  some  counts  includ-    revelations  of  government  and  ordered  out  of  the  to stop Biden from becom-     were convicted of seditious
            ing  another  conspiracy  informants  in  the  group.  capital city.                   ing president.               conspiracy  for  what  pros-
            charge for Pezzola  after ju-  Securing  the  conviction  of  But prosecutors said he or-  The Proud Boys were “lined  ecutors  said  was  a  sepa-
            rors failed to reach a unani-  Tarrio, a high-profile leader  ganized  and  directed  the  up  behind  Donald  Trump  rate  plot  to  forcibly  halt
            mous decision.               who  wasn’t  at  the  riot  it-  attack  by  Proud  Boys  who  and  willing  to  commit  vio-  the  transfer  of  presidential
            It’s  a  significant  milestone  self,  could  embolden  the  stormed  the  Capitol  that  lence  on  his  behalf,”  pros-  power from Trump to Biden.
            for the Justice Department,  Justice  Department  as  a  day.                          ecutor  Conor  Mulroe  said  Three  defendants  were
            which has now secured se-    special   counsel   investi-  In  addition  to  Tarrio,  a  Mi-  in his closing argument.  acquitted  of  the  sedition
            ditious  conspiracy  convic-  gates Trump, including key  ami  resident,  three  other  The backbone of the gov-    charge,  but  convicted  of
            tions against the leaders of  aspects of the Jan. 6 insur-  Proud  Boys  were  convict-  ernment’s  case  was  hun-  obstructing Congress’ certi-
            two major extremist groups  rection.                      ed of seditious conspiracy:  dreds  of  messages  ex-     fication of Biden’s electoral
            prosecutors say were intent  Special Counsel Jack Smith  Ethan  Nordean,  Joseph  changed by Proud Boys in  victory.
            on  keeping  Democratic  in recent weeks has sought  Biggs and Zachary Rehl.           the days leading up to Jan.  The Justice Department has
            President  Joe  Biden  out  of  the  testimony  of  many  Tarrio,  Nordean,  Biggs  and  6  that  show  the  far-right  yet  to  disclose  how  much
            the White House at all costs.  people  close  to  Trump.  Rehl were also convicted of  extremist  group  peddling  prison time it will seek when
            The charge carries a prison  They  include  former  Vice  obstructing Congress’ certi-  Trump’s  false  claims  of  a  the Oath Keepers are sen-
            sentence of up to 20 years.  President Mike Pence, who  fication of Biden’s electoral  stolen  election  and  trad-  tenced later this month.q
            “The  Justice  Department  testified  before  a  grand  victory and obstructing law  ing  fears  over  what  would
            will  never  stop  working  to  jury  last  week,  likely  giving  enforcement as well as two  happen  when  Biden  took
            defend  the  democracy  to  prosecutors  a  key  first-per-  other  conspiracy  charges.  office.
            which  all  Americans  are  son account about certain  The four were cleared of an  As  Proud  Boys  swarmed
            entitled,” Attorney General  conversations  and  events  assault  charge  stemming  the Capitol, Tarrio cheered
            Merrick  Garland  told  re-  in the weeks preceding the  from Pezzola, who stole an  them  on  from  afar,  writing
            porters after the verdict.   riot.                        officer’s riot shield.       on social media: “Do what
            Tarrio, behind bars since his  Tarrio  was  a  top  target  of  The  judge  told  jurors  to  must be done.” In a Proud
            March  2022  arrest,  didn’t  what has become the larg-   keep deliberating on a few  Boys encrypted group chat
            appear to show any emo-      est   Justice   Department  remaining  counts  where  later  that  day  someone
            tion  as  the  verdict  was  investigation  in  American  they   haven’t    reached  asked what they should do
            read.  He  hugged  one  of  history.                      agreement.                   next. Tarrio responded: “Do
            his  lawyers  and  shook  the  He  led  the  neo-fascist  Rehl’s  attorney,  Carmen  it again.”
            hand  of  the  other  before  group    known  for  street  Hernandez,  said  her  client  “Make  no  mistake,”  Tarrio
            leaving  the  courtroom.  A  fights  with  left-wing  activ-  “continues  to  maintain  his  wrote in another message.
            few  of  the  people  sitting  ists  when Trump infamous-  innocence.”  Lawyers  for  “We did this.”
            among  the  defendants’  ly  told  the  Proud  Boys  to  Biggs and Pezzola declined  Defense  lawyers  denied
            relatives wiped away tears  “stand back and stand by”  to  comment.  An  attorney  there  was  any  plot  to  at-
            as the verdict was read.     during  his  first  debate  with  for Tarrio declined to com-  tack  the  Capitol  or  stop
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