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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 5 May 2023

            Aruba Hi-Winds presents its 35th edition at The Fisherman’s Huts

            The  anticipation  is  high  for  making  Aruba  Hi-Winds  a from  the very
            the 35th edition of the Aru-  premier global sports event  beginning  until  the  closing
            ba Hi-Winds which will take  that  benefits  the  commu-  ceremony.
            place from May 17th – May  nity and  inspires the world.
            22nd  at  The  Fisherman’s                                Activities
            Huts. The Aruba Hi-Winds is  Registration                 Everybody is invited to en-
            the longest running event in  Athletes  that  wish  to  sign  joy  the  races  and  beach
            the Caribbean, with  an or-  up  for  the  Aruba  Hi-Winds  activities while cheering on
            ganization  that  provides  a  are  encouraged  to  do  so  their favorite local and  in-
            solid platform for local and  online.  The  organization  ternational athletes, with a
            international  athletes  to  has    made  it  very  easy  to  daily happy hour from 5 – 7
            compete, learn, and  con-    pre-register  on  arubahi-   PM,  a  food  court  and  live
            nect.               The official reg-  entertainment.  The    daily
                                         istration  will  take  place  on  schedule  and  more  infor-

            Throughout  the  years,  the  Wednesday, May 17th from  mation about the 35th edi-
            Aruba  Hi-Winds  has  grown  2 to 5 PM, followed by a fes-  tion of the Aruba Hi-Winds is
            from  a  small  windsurf-    tive opening celebration at  available on  arubahiwinds.
            ing  competition  into  a  full  the Fisherman’s Huts.    com.
            blown event with a festive
            Caribbean     environment  Categories & Prizes
            that celebrates sports, mu-  Young  and  mature  enthu-

            sic,  food,  and  culture.  The  siasts are welcome to par-
            organization  is  grateful  for  ticipate  in  the  adult  and
            the support of their partners  youth  races,  with  special
            Successfully    Caribbean,  consideration  for  begin-
            Amstel Bright, Aruba  Tour-  ners  and  kids.  Besides  the
            ism  Authority,  Vader  Piet  popular  windsurfing  and
            Wind Parks and CXPay.        kiteboarding   races,   this
                                         year    the  Aruba  Hi-Winds
            Mission                      presents  the  new  Kite  X
            Aruba  Hi-Winds  exists  to  (Kite  Cross)  category.  The
            promote Aruba as a world-    much-loved  Sunfish  sailing
            class   watersports   desti-  and the mountain bike cat-
            nation,  while  providing  a  egories are also part of the

            platform for local and inter-  35th  edition  of  the  Aruba
            national  athletes  to  com-  Hi-Winds.
            pete,  learn,  and  connect.
            The  five-day  event  serves  Live Stream

            windsurfers, kitesurfers, wing  Races  can  be  followed
            foilers, sailors, mountain bik-  from  the  shoreline  and  on
            ers,  and  sports  enthusiasts  the  screens  available  at
            of all ages, while  support-  The  Fisherman’s  Huts  to
            ing  local  foundations  that  catch    all  of  the  happen-
            work  for  the  youth  of  Aru-  ings further out on the wa-
            ba. The organization strives  ter,  including  the  Big  Air
            to adapt and improve the  eliminations  in  the  kitesurf
            event  to  meet  the  evolv-  category.    Viewers  from
            ing needs of its participants  around  the  world  are  in-
            and  sponsors.  All  energy  vited  to  follow  and  share
            and attention is focused on  the  live  stream  on  aruba-
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