Page 11 - MIN.SOC 2 APRIL,2016
P. 11


BUSINESSSaturday 2 April 2016

Wall Street jumps after solid March jobs report 

MARLEY JAY                      Trader William McInerney, left, and specialist Jay Woods work on the floor of the New York Stock                                 riott chain. The consortium
AP Markets Writer               Exchange. U.S. stocks climbed Friday after the government said job growth continued at a strong                                  said it withdrew its offer
NEW YORK (AP) — U.S.            clip in March.                                                                                                                   because of market condi-
stocks climbed Friday af-                                                                                                                                        tions. Starwood had ac-
ter the government said                                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  cepted a $14 billion offer
job growth continued at a                                                                                                                                        from Marriott but said Mon-
strong clip in March. Mak-      steady in spite of all the     ed gradually higher.           plies, which has hurt prices.                                      day that Anbang’s bid was
ers of consumer goods and       stock market turmoil this      Consumer companies rose.       U.S. crude fell $1.55, or 4                                        probably better.
household products rose,        year. “That means more         Procter & Gamble, which        percent, to $36.79 a barrel                                        Starwood fell $4.05, or 4.9
and health care com-            spending on everything         makes Pampers diapers,         in New York. Brent crude,                                          percent, to $79.38 and
panies rebounded. The           from housing to McDon-         Tide detergent and Olay        the benchmark for pricing                                          Marriott lost $4.04, or 5.7
solid employment report         ald’s,” she said. “It’s one    beauty products, gained        international oils, gave up                                        percent, to $67.14. Star-
helped U.S. stocks stay out     more confirmation that the     $1.22, or 1.5 percent, to      $1.66, or 4.1 percent, to                                          wood and Marriott would
of a steep global decline.      worries from earlier in the    $83.53. Drugstore chain        $38.67 a barrel in London.                                         become the biggest ho-
Early in the day stocks tum-    year really weren’t war-       Walgreens rose $2.46, or 2.9   Marathon Oil retreated 70                                          tel chain in the world, and
bled along with the prices      ranted.”                       percent, to $86.70. Mon-       cents, or 6.3 percent, to                                          competing hotel compa-
of oil and precious metals,     The Dow Jones industrial       delez, the maker of Oreo       $10.44 and Diamond Off-                                            nies also fell. Hilton shed
but they recovered in the       average rose 107.66 points,    cookies and Trident gum,       shore Drilling lost 76 cents,                                      51 cents, or 2.3 percent, to
afternoon and finished at       or 0.6 percent, to 17,792.75.  added $1.12, or 2.8 per-       or 3.5 percent, to $20.97.                                         $22.01.
their highest levels of the     The Standard & Poor’s 500      cent, to $41.24.               In an abrupt reversal, a                                           Regeneron Pharmaceuti-
day. The Labor Depart-          index added 13.04 points,      Energy prices dropped as       consortium led by Anbang                                           cals made its biggest gain
ment’s monthly jobs report      or 0.6 percent, to 2,072.78.   investors became more          Insurance Group ended its                                          in four years after an ec-
showed that employers           The Nasdaq composite in-       pessimistic about the fate     effort to buy Starwood Ho-                                         zema drug it is developing
added 215,000 jobs last         dex gained 44.69 points,       of a proposed deal for ma-     tels & Resorts. The group                                          with Sanofi met its goals in
month, a sign the econo-        or 0.9 percent, to 4,914.54.   jor oil-producing nations to   had offered to buy Star-                                           a late-stage clinical trial.
my isn’t slowing down. En-      Stocks haven’t made            reduce production. That        wood for $15 billion, which                                        The stock surged $44.81, or
ergy companies took big         many sharp moves in re-        would help address a gi-       surpassed a $14 billion offer                                      12.4 percent, to $405.25,
losses. Hotel companies         cent weeks, but have drift-    gantic glut in global sup-     from the competing Mar-                                            leading a recovery in drug-
and airlines both tumbled.                                                                                                                                       making stocks. Biotechnol-
The jobs report was a bit                                                                                                                                        ogy companies including
stronger than investors ex-                                                                                                                                      Amgen and Gilead Sci-
pected but was consistent                                                                                                                                        ences also traded higher.
with hiring over the last few                                                                                                                                    Tesla Motors gained $7.82,
years. That shows employ-                                                                                                                                        or 3.4 percent, to $237.59
ers are confident enough                                                                                                                                         after the electric car com-
to add staff even though                                                                                                                                         pany said it received a
overall economic growth                                                                                                                                          flood of orders for Model
has slowed down. More                                                                                                                                            3, the new, lower-priced
people also looked for                                                                                                                                           vehicle it announced on
work and wages edged                                                                                                                                             Thursday. On Twitter, CEO
higher.                                                                                                                                                          Elon Musk said the compa-
Kate Warne, investment                                                                                                                                           ny has booked 198,000 or-
strategist for Edward Jones,                                                                                                                                     ders. Other automakers fell
said the report shows the                                                                                                                                        even though most com-
U.S. economy is staying on                                                                                                                                       panies reported strong
track and growth remains                                                                                                                                         monthly sales.q

Investor Derby: Gold won first quarter, stocks win long term 

AP Business Writer              track record over the last                                                                                                       than half their value and
                                decade is far from glitter-                                                                                                      terrified retirement savers.
NEW YORK (AP) — Another         ing, though. Last quarter’s                                                                                                      Someone who put in $500
                                jump allowed the gold                                                                                                            every month into a broad
quarter, another lesson in      fund to cut only a bit into                                                                                                      U.S. stock fund over the
                                the long string of losses                                                                                                        last decade would have
long-term investing.            it has turned in for years.                                                                                                      $101,181 today, a gain of
                                Over the last five years, an                                                                                                     $41,181 on the $60,000 they
Economic  uncertainty           investor who had faithfully                                                                                                      invested over that time.
                                put in $500 a month into                                                                                                         A small subset of the U.S.
around the world and a          that gold fund lost money                                                                                                        stock market, real-estate
                                on the investment.                                                                                                               investment trusts, has per-
brutal start to the year for    Investors who did the same                                                                                                       formed even better, a
                                over the last 10 years are                                                                                                       surprise considering the
stocks helped send the          only slightly in the black.                                                                                                      real-estate bubble is what
                                And they have only about                                                                                                         got the economy into its
price of gold surging to its    two-thirds what they would                                                                                                       mess. But REITs rebounded
                                if they had simply invested                                                                                                      strongly following the fi-
best quarter in 30 years.       in a broad U.S. stock market                                                                                                     nancial crisis because they
                                fund. The AP analysis, using                                                                                                     tend to pay relatively big
But an analysis of 10 com-      data from FactSet, shows                                                                                                         dividends, and investors
                                that the top-performer                                                                                                           were hungry for income in
mon investments by the As-      over the past 10 years for                                                                                                       a low-interest rate world.q

sociated Press shows that                                      10-gram gold bars lie on display in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
                                                               Gold was one of the best investments to own in the first quarter
regular investors who put a                                    of 2016, but that follows a string of disappointing returns. The best
                                                               investments that diligent savers have owned over the last de-
steady amount of money                                         cade are those that focus on U.S. stocks.

every month into an ac-                                                                                            (AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili)

count like a 401(k) would

have been far better off in

stocks or bonds.

In just the first three months                                 regular investors — those      has been U.S. stocks. That
                                                               who invest a portion of their  period includes the entire
of 2016 the biggest gold                                       income every month and         Great Recession, which
                                                               hold for the long term —       caused stocks to lose more
exchange traded fund

soared 16 percent. Gold’s
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