Page 14 - CMB
P. 14

Diaranson, 18 April 2018                                       AWEMainta                                                                     7

       Contribucion di Gobierno den AZV a baha di 60 pa 7%

       DEN e rapport  financiero anual  Den su relato financiero anual AZV  2017 tabata rond di 3%.

       2017 di AZV por lesa cu pa prome  ta bisa cu en comparacion cu 2016, e  Den e rapport ta wordo bisa cu e con-
       biaha desde existencia di AZV e con- gastonan a baha cu 0.7%. Esey ta un  tribucion di “landsbijdrage” den fi-

       tribucion di parti di Gobierno a baha  crecemento menos grandi di loke nan  nanciamento di AZV na 2017 atrobe
       y ta prome biaha, desde introduccion  a spera. Nan ta kere cu un di e moti- a baha. Den e periodo  desde intro-

       di  e  seguro  medico  general  aki  na  bonan ta e gastonan di e añanan an- duccion di AZV, e parti di contribu-

       2001, cu el a yega na un porcentahe  terior den exterior. Pero e crecemen- cion di Gobierno a baha for di 60%

       asina abou.                                      to averahe den e periodo di 2013 pa  (ora di su introduccion na 2001) pa
                                                                                                                          7% den 2017.

                                                                                                                           Despues di  e  cifranan

                                                                                                                           aki, AZV ta bisa cu no
                                                                                                                           por spera mesun  cos

         By means of this publication Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), manager and operator of Aeropuerto Internacional   den e proximo añanan.
         Reina Beatrix, would like to invite all who are interested in the purchase of the following vehicle to submit a bid there for.

                                                                                                                           Den 2018  y 2019  lo

                                                                                                                           tin  un  aumento  mas

                                                                                                                           grandi  di  e gastonan
                                                                                                                           a causa do e gastonan

                                                                                                                           mas halto di  HOH
                                                     Elgin Sweeper truck                                                   door di e edificio nobo
                                                        Model:  Crosswind
                                                            Year 1999                                                      entrega; door cu e sec-
                                                                                                                           cion di Cardiologia
         Interested parties can view the vehicle on April 30, 2018, at 09:00 hrs. meeting point “Main Gate”.
         Inquiries can be send to until May 4, 2018.                                         a bira operacional;  e
                                                                                                                           crecemento  door di
         The following conditions apply:
         1. AS IS WHERE IS.                                                                                                ampliacion di man-
         2. Minimum Bid:  Afl. 5,000.00
         3. Cash upon delivery.                                                                                            powerplanning di spe-
         4. All offers shall be final and unconditional and shall be valid for a period of two weeks after the final date to submit an offer.    cialistanan  nobo den
         5. AAA reserves the right to refuse the offer without any reason or take such other course of action, as AAA deems appropriate at
         AAA's sole and absolute discretion.                                                                               servicio;   gastonan di
         6. Without prejudice to article 5 the best offer will be honored.
                                                                                                                           cuido mas halto di IM-
         Interested parties can submit their bid ultimately on May 11, 2018, 15:00 hrs. local time at AAA’s offices at the   SAN door di aumento
         Reception of the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. on the first floor of the Airport Tower Building. Offers submitted after
         this date and hour will not be accepted.                                                                          di capacidad di OK na

         Interested parties should submit a proposal containing their name, copy of valid ID, email address, physical address and   2019;  aumento gas-
         telephone number.                                                                                                 tonan di  cuido  y en-

         All proposals should be submitted in a closed envelope prior to the deadline indicated above at the following direction:  fermeria door di inde-
         Attn: Airside Operations Unit                                                                                     pendisacion di PAAZ
         Elgin Sweeper truck
         Aruba Airport Authority N.V.                                                                                      cu a bira RESPALDO;
         Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix                                                                            gastonan mas halto di
         Sabana Berde 75, Aruba
                                                                                                                           operacion  di  IMSAN
         Aruba Airport Authority N.V.                                                                                      door     di     radiotera-
         April, 2018
                                                                                                                           pia  den  transcurso di
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